Dandelion Organizations

1 Summary

ConsenSys Diligence conducted a security audit of 1Hive’s Dandelion org template and supporting apps. Dandelion orgs are a DAO template that function similarly to MolochDAO, and are comprised of a suite of modular Aragon apps that can be used in any DAO.

2 Audit Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File Name SHA-1 Hash
token-request-app/contracts/lib/AddressArrayLib.sol 56997c6cfa74369087731aedcc4e032b29d400c6
redemptions-app/contracts/lib/ArrayUtils.sol 6b184d37d5cca932da3d962a2fdc938389778a76
dandelion-org/contracts/DandelionOrg.sol bdfeab2a56304ce4bbbbd1a43cff49a2103732e0
dandelion-voting-app/contracts/DandelionVoting.sol 3d131eb7a72d4a44e3ae387b7f12a255f38f5d6a
delay-app/contracts/Delay.sol cbc8a9cdca4c7cb8a3afecb33d36d2ef2324c903
redemptions-app/contracts/Redemptions.sol a26ba97e9c71367955a2b34c735ba3b1559cda26
time-lock-app/contracts/TimeLock.sol b30260b66f876ea0462fc72ee108e085594b1123
token-oracle/contracts/TokenBalanceOracle.sol 0e16f0bbe4870234b264f824d943e08d50c9bc59
token-request-app/contracts/TokenRequest.sol 2fa54ed301858564806416823d5539624a8418c8
token-request-app/contracts/lib/UintArrayLib.sol 1226ee39e2eaca8320647bbaa0fcf2d577665ef6

The audit activities can be grouped into the following three broad categories:

  1. Security: Identifying security related issues within the contract.
  2. Architecture: Evaluating the system architecture through the lens of established smart contract best practices.
  3. Code quality: A full review of the contract source code. The primary areas of focus include:
    • Correctness
    • Readability
    • Scalability
    • Code complexity
    • Quality of test coverage

3 Key Observations/Recommendations

  • A Dandelion organization functions similarly to MolochDAO:

    • The org has a native asset which represents “shares”. Holders of the asset are conferred voting power within the org.
      • Shares are implemented via MiniMeToken, which tracks historical balances.
      • Shares are non-transferrable
      • Shares are minted when new members are accepted to the org
      • Shares are burned when redeemed for a proportion of the org’s assets
    • Members can vote to accept new members into the organization
    • Votes are executed in order of their creation, and between a vote’s passing and execution is a grace period during which members of the org can exit their shares (according to a few requirements)
  • Noteable differences:

    • Dandelion orgs are much more configurable
    • Dandelion proposals execute aragonOS EVMScripts, which are batches of arbitrary calls to any destination. As such, Dandelion orgs can execute a much wider range of actions through votes:
      • Modifying voting-specific parameters, like support required, minimum quorum, number of blocks between votes, and vote execution delay period
      • Notably, vote duration (durationBlocks) cannot be changed
      • Managing permissions within the organization’s ACL
      • Managing registered applications within the organization
      • Modifying execution methods for executed proposals (via the EVMScriptRegistry)
      • Modifying which assets are redeemable when burning shares
      • Modifying which assets are accepted by TokenRequest requests for entry into the org
      • … and more.
    • MolochDAO is very minimalist. Dandelion’s complexity is much higher due to its wider range of actions and configurations, as well as its highly modular design.
      • The wider range of actions allowed in Dandelion orgs allow the organization to pass votes that radically change the structure and function of the organization. It is possible to execute votes that do almost anything, including dissolving the organization. Members of Dandelion orgs will need to fully understand proposals, and carefully consider the entire range of actions executed by a successful vote.
    • Dandelion orgs do not require an existing member to submit a proposal for a new member to join. Instead, a new member can create a request to join (via TokenRequest.createTokenRequest).
      • Requests offer a deposit of tokens in exchange for the minting of new org tokens
      • The requesting user can cancel their request at any point before its finalization. Cancelled requests involve a refund of the deposited tokens.
      • Requests can be finalized through the passing of a vote in DandelionVoting. On finalization, the requestor’s deposited tokens are transferred to the org’s Vault, and the TokenManager mints shares for the requestor.
    • Discouraging spam in MolochDAO is implemented by requiring a 10 ETH deposit from the member sponsoring a request to join. In Dandelion, spam is discouraged via the TimeLock app, which requires anyone creating a vote to lock up a specified token for a configurable amount of time. The more votes created by a single address before their timelocked tokens are released, the higher the spam penalty is for each vote. The increase in spam penalty is calculated using the configurable spamPenaltyFactor.
    • DandelionVoting introduces a configurable voting quorum and support threshhold, while MolochDAO requires only a simple majority to pass a vote.

4 Security Specification

This section describes, from a security perspective, some of the expected behavior of the system under audit. It is not a substitute for documentation. The purpose of this section is to identify specific security properties that were investigated by the audit team.

4.1 Actors

The relevant actors are as follows:

  • Deployer: Responsible for instantiating the organization with its base settings via DandelionOrg.
  • Organization Member: Holds non-transferrable org tokens, which represent a redeemable portion of the org’s assets. Responsible for voting on new proposals to carry out a wide range of actions within the org.
  • Requesting Member: Creates a request to be minted org tokens via TokenRequest. Can cancel request before finalization. On finalization, deposit tokens are moved to the org’s vault and the requesting member is minted an amount of org tokens.

4.2 Trust Model

In any smart contract system, it’s important to identify what trust is expected/required between various actors. For this audit, we established the following trust model:

  • The parameters set up during instantiation (newTokenAndBaseInstance and installDandelionApps) are important to the behavior of many critical systems in the org:
    • _redemptionsRedeemableTokens describes the redeemable assets held by the organization. The Deployer should ensure that this is a list of valid ERC20 tokens (optionally including “ETH” by using address(0x00))
    • _tokenRequestAcceptedDepositTokens describes the tokens accepted for deposit by requesting members. The Deployer should ensure that this is a list of valid ERC20 tokens (optionally including “ETH” by using address(0x00))
      • The Deployer should be careful when including tokens in this list that are not included in _redemptionsRedeemableTokens. If tokens are deposited that are not directly redeemable, they must first be added to Redemptions by way of a vote.
      • Additionally, TokenRequest.acceptedDepositTokens and Redemptions.redeemableTokens have different maximum allowed sizes. The Deployer should note that a token must be redeemable in order for org members to withdraw it.
    • _timelockToken is the address of the token users will lock when creating votes via TimeLock.forward. It is configured with an array of settings (uint[3] _timelockSettings), which corresponds to the duration of the lock, the base amount of tokens to lock, and the factor by which the successive lock penalty increases. It is crucial that each org choose reasonable settings for TimeLock, as successful spamming of DandelionVoting.newVote has the potential to halt progress in an org due to longer and longer delays between relevant votes.
      • Additionally, the token chosen for TimeLock should be non-transferrable for maximum spam penalty efficacy.
    • uint64[5] _votingSettings corresponds to settings in DandelionVoting. It is crucial that the Deployer choose reasonable values for their org’s purpose:
      • supportRequiredPct is the percent of yeas in all casted votes required to pass a vote (expressed as a proportion of 10**18)
      • minAcceptQuorumPct is the percent of yeas in the total possible votes required to pass a vote (expressed as a proportion of 10**18)
      • durationBlocks is the number of blocks a vote will be open for voters. Deployers should note that of all org settings, this value is not changeable. Therefore, it is very important to choose a reasonable value.
      • bufferBlocks is the number of blocks between the start of each subsequent vote.
      • executionDelayBlocks is the number of blocks that consist of the delay period between a vote’s passing and its actual execution.
  • The relative security of an organization’s assets depends heavily on the careful consideration of the ramifications of each vote by the org’s members. With great power comes great responsibility; batched administrative actions within an org are able to fundamentally change the behavior of many aspects of the org and demand careful attention before being ratified.
  • Orgs can be extended through votes by the addition of new apps. These new apps will undoutedly have their own set of permissions and security properties and should be carefully reviewed by voters to ensure maximum compatibility with the goals of the existing org.
  • Dandelion orgs and their supporting apps make heavy use of aragonOS. While aragonOS has been audited, a full review of the system is not in scope for this audit.

5 Issues

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

5.1 TimeLock spam prevention can be bypassed Critical ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit aa6fc49fbf3230d7f02956b33a3150c6885ee93f by parsing the input evm script and ensuring only a single external call is made. Additionally, commit 453179e98159413d38196b6a5373cdd729483567 added TimeLock and token to the script runner blacklist.


The TimeLock app is a forwarder that requires users to lock some token before forwarding an EVM callscript. Its purpose is to introduce a “spam penalty” to hamper repeat actions within an Aragon org. In the context of a Dandelion org, this spam penalty is meant to stop users from repeatedly creating votes in DandelionVoting, as subsequent votes are buffered by a configurable number of blocks (DandelionVoting.bufferBlocks). Spam prevention is important, as the more votes are buffered, the longer it takes before “non-spam” votes are able to be executed.

By allowing arbitrary calls to be executed, the TimeLock app opens several potential vectors for bypassing spam prevention.


  • Using a callscript to transfer locked tokens to the sender

By constructing a callscript that executes a call to the lock token address, the sender execute calls to the lock token on behalf of TimeLock. Any function can be executed, making it possible to not only transfer “locked” tokens back to the sender, but also steal other users’ locked tokens by way of transfer.

  • Using a batched callscript to call DandelionVoting.newVote repeatedly

Callscripts can be batched, meaning they can execute multiple calls before finishing. Within a Dandelion org, the spam prevention mechanism is used for the DandelionVoting.newVote function. A callscript that batches multiple calls to this function can execute newVote several times per call to TimeLock.forward. Although multiple new votes are created, only one spam penalty is incurred, making it trivial to extend the buffer imposed on “non-spam” votes.

  • Using a callscript to re-enter TimeLock and forward or withdrawAllTokens to itself

A callscript can be used to re-enter TimeLock.forward, as well as any other TimeLock functions. Although this may not be directly exploitable, it does seem unintentional that many of the TimeLock contract functions are accessible to itself in this manner.


  1. Add the TimeLock contract’s own address to the evmscript blacklist
  2. Add the TimeLock lock token address to the evmscript blacklist
  3. To fix spamming through batched callscripts, one option is to have users pass in a destination and calldata, and manually perform a call. Alternatively, CallsScript can be forked and altered to only execute a single external call to a single destination.

5.2 Passing duplicate tokens to Redemptions and TokenRequest may have unintended consequences Medium ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in Redemptions commit 2b0034206a5b9cdf239da7a51900e89d9931554f by checking redeemableTokenAdded[token] == false for each subsequent token added during initialization. Note that ordering is not enforced.

Additionally, the issue in TokenRequest was addressed in commit eb4181961093439f142f2e74eb706b7f501eb5c0 by requiring that each subsequent token added during initialization has a value strictly greater than the previous token added.


Both Redemptions and TokenRequest are initialized with a list of acceptable tokens to use with each app. For Redemptions, the list of tokens corresponds to an organization’s treasury assets. For TokenRequest, the list of tokens corresponds to tokens accepted for payment to join an organization. Neither contract makes a uniqueness check on input tokens during initialization, which can lead to unintended behavior.


  • In Redemptions, each of an organization’s assets are redeemed according to the sender’s proportional ownership in the org. The redemption process iterates over the redeemableTokens list, paying out the sender their proportion of each token listed:


for (uint256 i = 0; i < redeemableTokens.length; i++) {
    vaultTokenBalance = vault.balance(redeemableTokens[i]);

    redemptionAmount = _burnableAmount.mul(vaultTokenBalance).div(burnableTokenTotalSupply);
    totalRedemptionAmount = totalRedemptionAmount.add(redemptionAmount);

    if (redemptionAmount > 0) {
        vault.transfer(redeemableTokens[i], msg.sender, redemptionAmount);

If a token address is included more than once, the sender will be paid out more than once, potentially earning many times more than their proportional share of the token.

  • In TokenRequest, this behavior does not allow for any significant deviation from expected behavior. It was included because the initialization process is similar to that of Redemptions.


During initialization in both apps, check that input token addresses are unique. One simple method is to require that token addresses are submitted in ascending order, and that each subsequent address added is greater than the one before.

5.3 The Delay app allows scripts to be paused even after execution time has elapsed Medium ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit 46d8fa414cc3e68c68a5d9bc1174be5f32970611 by requiring that the current timestamp is before the delayed script’s execution time.


The Delay app is used to configure a delay between when an evm script is created and when it is executed. The entry point for this process is Delay.delayExecution, which stores the input script with a future execution date:


function _delayExecution(bytes _evmCallScript) internal returns (uint256) {
    uint256 delayedScriptIndex = delayedScriptsNewIndex;

    delayedScripts[delayedScriptIndex] = DelayedScript(getTimestamp64().add(executionDelay), 0, _evmCallScript);

    emit DelayedScriptStored(delayedScriptIndex);

    return delayedScriptIndex;

An auxiliary capability of the Delay app is the ability to “pause” the delayed script, which sets the script’s pausedAt value to the current block timestamp:


function pauseExecution(uint256 _delayedScriptId) external auth(PAUSE_EXECUTION_ROLE) {
    require(!_isExecutionPaused(_delayedScriptId), ERROR_CAN_NOT_PAUSE);
    delayedScripts[_delayedScriptId].pausedAt = getTimestamp64();

    emit ExecutionPaused(_delayedScriptId);

A paused script cannot be executed until resumeExecution is called, which extends the script’s executionTime by the amount of time paused. Essentially, the delay itself is paused:


function resumeExecution(uint256 _delayedScriptId) external auth(RESUME_EXECUTION_ROLE) {
    require(_isExecutionPaused(_delayedScriptId), ERROR_CAN_NOT_RESUME);
    DelayedScript storage delayedScript = delayedScripts[_delayedScriptId];

    uint64 timePaused = getTimestamp64().sub(delayedScript.pausedAt);
    delayedScript.executionTime = delayedScript.executionTime.add(timePaused);
    delayedScript.pausedAt = 0;

    emit ExecutionResumed(_delayedScriptId);

A delayed script whose execution time has passed and is not currently paused should be able to be executed via the execute function. However, the pauseExecution function still allows the aforementioned script to be paused, halting execution.


Add a check to pauseExecution to ensure that execution is not paused if the script’s execution delay has already transpired.

5.4 Misleading intentional misconfiguration possible through misuse of newToken and newBaseInstance Medium ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit b68d89ab0deb22161987e19d1ff0bb9d7303f0a9 by making newToken and newBaseInstance internal. A later commit addressed an invalid DandelionVoting import statement.


The instantiation process for a Dandelion organization requires two separate external calls to DandelionOrg. There are two primary functions: installDandelionApps, and newTokenAndBaseInstance.

installDandelionApps relies on cached results from prior calls to newTokenAndBaseInstance and completes the initialization step for a Dandelion org.

newTokenAndBaseInstance is a wrapper around two publicly accessible functions: newToken and newBaseInstance. Called together, the functions:

  • Deploy a new MiniMeToken used to represent shares in an organization, and cache the address of the created token:


* @dev Create a new MiniMe token and save it for the user
* @param _name String with the name for the token used by share holders in the organization
* @param _symbol String with the symbol for the token used by share holders in the organization
function newToken(string memory _name, string memory _symbol) public returns (MiniMeToken) {
    MiniMeToken token = _createToken(_name, _symbol, TOKEN_DECIMALS);
    return token;
  • Create a new dao instance using Aragon’s BaseTemplate contract:


* @dev Deploy a Dandelion Org DAO using a previously saved MiniMe token
* @param _id String with the name for org, will assign `[id].aragonid.eth`
* @param _holders Array of token holder addresses
* @param _stakes Array of token stakes for holders (token has 18 decimals, multiply token amount `* 10^18`)
* @param _useAgentAsVault Boolean to tell whether to use an Agent app as a more advanced form of Vault app
function newBaseInstance(
    string memory _id,
    address[] memory _holders,
    uint256[] memory _stakes,
    uint64 _financePeriod,
    bool _useAgentAsVault
    _ensureBaseSettings(_holders, _stakes);

    (Kernel dao, ACL acl) = _createDAO();
    _setupBaseApps(dao, acl, _holders, _stakes, _financePeriod, _useAgentAsVault);
  • Set up prepackaged Aragon apps, like Vault, TokenManager, and Finance:


function _setupBaseApps(
    Kernel _dao,
    ACL _acl,
    address[] memory _holders,
    uint256[] memory _stakes,
    uint64 _financePeriod,
    bool _useAgentAsVault
    MiniMeToken token = _getToken();
    Vault agentOrVault = _useAgentAsVault ? _installDefaultAgentApp(_dao) : _installVaultApp(_dao);
    TokenManager tokenManager = _installTokenManagerApp(_dao, token, TOKEN_TRANSFERABLE, TOKEN_MAX_PER_ACCOUNT);
    Finance finance = _installFinanceApp(_dao, agentOrVault, _financePeriod == 0 ? DEFAULT_FINANCE_PERIOD : _financePeriod);

    _mintTokens(_acl, tokenManager, _holders, _stakes);
    _saveBaseApps(_dao, finance, tokenManager, agentOrVault);
    _saveAgentAsVault(_dao, _useAgentAsVault);


Note that newToken and newBaseInstance can be called separately. The token created in newToken is cached in _saveToken, which overwrites any previously-cached value:


function _saveToken(MiniMeToken _token) internal {
    DeployedContracts storage senderDeployedContracts = deployedContracts[msg.sender];

    senderDeployedContracts.token = address(_token);

Cached tokens are retrieved in _getToken:


function _getToken() internal returns (MiniMeToken) {
    DeployedContracts storage senderDeployedContracts = deployedContracts[msg.sender];
    require(senderDeployedContracts.token != address(0), ERROR_MISSING_TOKEN_CONTRACT);

    MiniMeToken token = MiniMeToken(senderDeployedContracts.token);
    return token;

By exploiting the overwriteable caching mechanism, it is possible to intentionally misconfigure Dandelion orgs.


installDandelionApps uses _getToken to associate a token with the DandelionVoting app. The value returned from _getToken depends on the sender’s previous call to newToken, which overwrites any previously-cached value. The steps for intentional misconfiguration are as follows:

  1. Sender calls newTokenAndBaseInstance, creating token m0 and DAO A.
  • The TokenManager app in A is automatically configured to be the controller of m0.
  • m0 is cached using _saveToken.
  • DAO A apps are cached for future use using _saveBaseApps and _saveAgentAsVault.
  1. Sender calls newToken, creating token m1, and overwriting the cache of m0.
  • Future calls to _getToken will retrieve m1.
  • The DandelionOrg contract is the controller of m1.
  1. Sender calls installDandelionApps, which installs Dandelion apps in DAO A
  • The DandelionVoting app is configured to use the current cached token, m1, rather than the token associated with A.TokenManager, m0

Further calls to newBaseInstance and installDandelionApps create DAO B, populate it with Dandelion apps, and assign B.TokenManager as the controller of the earlier DandelionVoting app token, m0.

Many different misconfigurations are possible, and some may be underhandedly abusable.


Make newToken and newBaseInstance internal so they are only callable via newTokenAndBaseInstance.

5.5 Delay.execute can re-enter and re-execute the same script twice Minor ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit f049e978f93765e27783a3ecac4830498bb779ba by deleting the delayed script before it is run. 1Hive elected to keep an empty script blacklist in order to allow delayed actions to be taken on the Delay app.


Delay.execute does not follow the “checks-effects-interactions” pattern, and deletes a delayed script only after the script is run. Because the script being run executes arbitrary external calls, a script can be created that re-enters Delay and executes itself multiple times before being deleted:


* @notice Execute the script with ID `_delayedScriptId`
* @param _delayedScriptId The ID of the script to execute
function execute(uint256 _delayedScriptId) external {
    require(canExecute(_delayedScriptId), ERROR_CAN_NOT_EXECUTE);
    runScript(delayedScripts[_delayedScriptId].evmCallScript, new bytes(0), new address[](0));

    delete delayedScripts[_delayedScriptId];

    emit ExecutedScript(_delayedScriptId);


Add the Delay contract address to the runScript blacklist, or delete the delayed script from storage before it is run.

5.6 Delay.cancelExecution should revert on a non-existent script id Minor ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit d99c94f5138a9af1fd5f0cd6990c140b46a55925 by adding the scriptExists(_delayedScriptId) modifier to cancelExecution.


cancelExecution makes no existence check on the passed-in script ID, clearing its storage slot and emitting an event:


* @notice Cancel script execution with ID `_delayedScriptId`
* @param _delayedScriptId The ID of the script execution to cancel
function cancelExecution(uint256 _delayedScriptId) external auth(CANCEL_EXECUTION_ROLE) {
    delete delayedScripts[_delayedScriptId];

    emit ExecutionCancelled(_delayedScriptId);


Add a check that the passed-in script exists.

5.7 ID validation check missing for installDandelionApps Minor ✓ Addressed


This was addressed in commit 8d1ecb1bc892d6ea1d34c7234e35de031db2bebd by removing the _id parameter from newTokenAndBaseInstance and newBaseInstance, and adding a validation check to installDandelionApps.


DandelionOrg allows users to kickstart an Aragon organization by using a dao template. There are two primary functions to instantiate an org: newTokenAndBaseInstance, and installDandelionApps. Both functions accept a parameter, string _id, meant to represent an ENS subdomain that will be assigned to the new org during the instantiation process. The two functions are called independently, but depend on each other.

In newTokenAndBaseInstance, a sanity check is performed on the _id parameter, which ensures the _id length is nonzero:



Note that the value of _id is otherwise unused in newTokenAndBaseInstance.

In installDandelionApps, this check is missing. The check is only important in this function, since it is in installDandelionApps that the ENS subdomain registration is actually performed.


Use _validateId in installDandelionApps rather than newTokenAndBaseInstance. Since the _id parameter is otherwise unused in newTokenAndBaseInstance, it can be removed.

Alternatively, the value of the submitted _id could be cached between calls and validated in newTokenAndBaseInstance, similarly to newToken.

6 Tool-Based Analysis

Several tools were used to perform automated analysis of the reviewed contracts. These issues were reviewed by the audit team, and relevant issues are listed in the Issue Details section.

6.1 Ethlint


Ethlint is an open source project for linting Solidity code. Only security-related issues were reviewed by the audit team.

Below is the raw output of the Ethlint vulnerability scan:

$ solium -V
Solium version 1.2.5
$ solium -d .

  86:1     warning    Line contains trailing whitespace           no-trailing-whitespace
  226:8    warning    Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters    max-len

  272:8    warning    Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters    max-len

  62:4      warning    Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters                 max-len
  104:1     warning    Line contains trailing whitespace                        no-trailing-whitespace

  6:3    error    Only use indent of 4 spaces.    indentation

✖ 1 error, 5 warnings found.

6.2 Surya

Surya is a utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.

Below is a complete list of functions with their visibility and modifiers:

Contracts Description Table

Contract Type Bases
Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
AddressArrayLib Library
deleteItem Internal 🔒 🛑
contains Internal 🔒 🛑
ArrayUtils Library
deleteItem Internal 🔒 🛑
DandelionOrg Implementation BaseTemplate
<Constructor> Public ❗️ 🛑 BaseTemplate
newTokenAndBaseInstance External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
installDandelionApps External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
newToken Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
newBaseInstance Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
_setupBaseApps Internal 🔒 🛑
_installDandelionApps Internal 🔒 🛑
_installDandelionVotingApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_installDandelionVotingApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_createDandelionVotingPermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_installRedemptionsApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_createRedemptionsPermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_installTokenRequestApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_createTokenRequestPermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_installTimeLockApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_installTimeLockApp Internal 🔒 🛑
_createTimeLockPermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_installTokenBalanceOracle Internal 🔒 🛑
_createTokenBalanceOraclePermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_setupBasePermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_setupDandelionPermissions Internal 🔒 🛑
_saveToken Internal 🔒 🛑
_saveBaseApps Internal 🔒 🛑
_saveAgentAsVault Internal 🔒 🛑
_getDao Internal 🔒 🛑
_getToken Internal 🔒 🛑
_getBaseApps Internal 🔒 🛑
_getAgentAsVault Internal 🔒 🛑
_clearDeployedContracts Internal 🔒 🛑
_ensureBaseAppsDeployed Internal 🔒 🛑
_ensureBaseSettings Private 🔐
_ensureDandelionSettings Private 🔐 🛑
_registerApp Private 🔐 🛑
_setOracle Private 🔐 🛑
_paramsTo256 Private 🔐 🛑
DandelionVoting Implementation IForwarder, IACLOracle, AragonApp
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
changeSupportRequiredPct External ❗️ 🛑 authP
changeMinAcceptQuorumPct External ❗️ 🛑 authP
changeBufferBlocks External ❗️ 🛑 auth
changeExecutionDelayBlocks External ❗️ 🛑 auth
newVote External ❗️ 🛑 auth
vote External ❗️ 🛑 voteExists
executeVote External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
isForwarder External ❗️ NO❗️
forward Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
canForward Public ❗️ NO❗️
canPerform External ❗️ NO❗️
canExecute Public ❗️ NO❗️
canVote Public ❗️ voteExists
getVote Public ❗️ voteExists
getVoterState Public ❗️ voteExists
_newVote Internal 🔒 🛑
_vote Internal 🔒 🛑
_canExecute Internal 🔒 voteExists
_votePassed Internal 🔒
_canVote Internal 🔒
_voterStake Internal 🔒
_isVoteOpen Internal 🔒
_isValuePct Internal 🔒
Delay Implementation AragonApp, IForwarder
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
setExecutionDelay External ❗️ 🛑 auth
delayExecution External ❗️ 🛑 auth
isForwarder External ❗️ NO❗️
pauseExecution External ❗️ 🛑 auth
resumeExecution External ❗️ 🛑 auth
cancelExecution External ❗️ 🛑 auth
execute External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
canExecute Public ❗️ NO❗️
canForward Public ❗️ NO❗️
forward Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
_isExecutionPaused Internal 🔒 scriptExists
_delayExecution Internal 🔒 🛑
Redemptions Implementation AragonApp
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
addRedeemableToken External ❗️ 🛑 auth
removeRedeemableToken External ❗️ 🛑 auth
redeem External ❗️ 🛑 authP
getRedeemableTokens External ❗️ NO❗️
getToken External ❗️ NO❗️
getETHAddress External ❗️ NO❗️
TimeLock Implementation AragonApp, IForwarder, IForwarderFee
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
changeLockDuration External ❗️ 🛑 auth
changeLockAmount External ❗️ 🛑 auth
changeSpamPenaltyFactor External ❗️ 🛑 auth
withdrawAllTokens External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
withdrawTokens External ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
forwardFee External ❗️ NO❗️
isForwarder External ❗️ NO❗️
canForward Public ❗️ NO❗️
forward Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
getWithdrawLocksCount Public ❗️ NO❗️
getSpamPenalty Public ❗️ NO❗️
_withdrawTokens Internal 🔒 🛑
TokenBalanceOracle Implementation AragonApp, IACLOracle
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
setToken External ❗️ 🛑 auth
setMinBalance External ❗️ 🛑 auth
canPerform External ❗️ NO❗️
TokenRequest Implementation AragonApp
initialize External ❗️ 🛑 onlyInit
setTokenManager External ❗️ 🛑 auth
setVault External ❗️ 🛑 auth
addToken External ❗️ 🛑 auth
removeToken External ❗️ 🛑 auth
createTokenRequest External ❗️ 💵 NO❗️
refundTokenRequest External ❗️ 🛑 nonReentrant tokenRequestExists
finaliseTokenRequest External ❗️ 🛑 nonReentrant tokenRequestExists auth
getAcceptedDepositTokens Public ❗️ NO❗️
getTokenRequest Public ❗️ NO❗️
getToken Public ❗️ 🛑 NO❗️
UintArrayLib Library
deleteItem Internal 🔒 🛑


Symbol Meaning
🛑 Function can modify state
💵 Function is payable

Appendix 1 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.