MCDEX Mai Protocol V2

1 Executive Summary

In May 2020, MCDEX asked us to conduct a security assessment of Mai Protocol V2, an extension of the Monte Carlo Decentralized Exchange platform (mcdex.io)

We performed this assessment over three calendar weeks: from May 18 to June 05, 2020.

1.1 Scope

Our review focused on the commit hash 4b198083ec4ae2d6851e101fc44ea333eaa3cd92. A complete list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix.

1.2 Activity log

During the first week, our efforts were directed towards understanding the Mai Protocol V2 contract system, its interfaces, and how the various contracts and other entities interact with the system.

A kickoff meeting was held on May 18, 2020, after which a common communication channel was established. The assessment team used this channel to ask the client questions, as well as to communicate to the client any security-relevant issues as soon as they were found. The assessment team reviewed the provided documentation and began exploring the source code.

The assessment team noted to the client that:

  • Inline code documentation is sparse
  • The provided documentation was lacking a description about several interfaces and entities in the system

The mcdex.io team provided updates to the documentation during the assessment.

During the end-of-week progress meeting, the assessment team informed the client on the main focal points of the week and provided preliminary information about issues under investigation. Together with the client, it was established to set the assessment team’s focus on AMM, Perpetual, and Exchange for the next week.

As the contract system in question was deployed on the mainnet and appeared to be live on the client’s website, the assessment team reminded the client of the risks associated with making an unaudited system available to their users on mainnet and noted that the Perpetual contract held about 1300 ETH at the time. The client accepted this risk and stated that the risk is outlined with a banner on their website, stating:

ATTENTION:Audit is undergoing and this is Beta version. Trade at your own risk. The cap of collateral is $500k for Beta.

During the second week, we continued diving deeper into AMM, Perpetual, and Exchange. To understand the system and its risks, we produced several ancillary visualizations (that can be seen throughout this report).

A high-level interface and actors diagram was shared with the client, and we requested they examine and verify that its layout was generally correct. We mainly requested this due to the sparse specification documents available at that time. The specification documents were updated or newly created during the assessment. The assessment team notified the client of several gaps and inconsistencies in the specification documents (e.g., general principles were not described like FundingLoss/SocialLoss).

During the third week, the assessment team focused on reviewing issues raised so far, grouping issues by general themes and providing recommendations, revisiting the specification flagging any inconsistencies, and preparing the report for the delivery on Friday.

1.3 Mitigation Review

The client provided a document with statements and an updated code-revision to verify fixes. The following code-revision was provided to the assessment team:

The assessment team reviewed the changes provides by the client (PDF Document/Commit# of updated code-base) only in terms of whether they are addressing the previously raised issues. Issues are closed if they are obsolete (removed code), fully resolved (fixed), or acknowledged by the client. Unaddressed issues show up as pending or open. Remediation notes were added to every issue that has been reviewed.

We would like to note that we only received feedback for recommendation 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.10, 5.12, and 5.13.

2 Action Items

2.1 Reduce overall complexity

Complexity comes at the cost of security. Complex systems are harder to understand, harder to test, and harder to maintain.

For smart contract systems, the fault-intolerant environment of the EVM necessarily demands that security is the highest priority. Therefore, it should be a design goal of all smart contract systems to reduce complexity and make logic explicit wherever possible.

Mai V2 is a highly complex system:

  • The contracts are continuously measuring the difference between the “mark price” of the Perpetual contract and Chainlink’s ETH/USD index price. The percentage difference between these two values defines the “funding rate,” which impacts the payouts of short and long positions in the contract.

  • As explained in the MCDEX docs, the calculation of accumulated funding payment per position is calculated using a 25-branch statement:

  • In order to calculate the Acc, consider that the funding rate will cross up to 4 special boundary values (-GovMarkPremiumLimit, -GovFundingDampener, +GovFundingDampener, +GovMarkPremiumLimit). 4 points segment the curve into 5 parts, so that the calculation can be arranged into 5 * 5 = 25 cases. In order to reduce the amount of calculation, the code is expanded into 25 branches.

  • This calculation does not translate well into Solidity, requiring some ~200 lines of signed math operations to express the full range of options. (See AMM.getAccumulatedFunding).

  • Note, too, that AMM.funding, which can branch into AMM.getAccumulatedFunding, is called almost every time any of the Mai V2 contracts is interacted with. Many functions call AMM.funding multiple times. For example, Exchange.matchOrders can call AMM.funding up to 2 + (3 * makerOrderParams.length) times.

  • One contract, Perpetual, is split into two deployed instances: Perpetual itself, and PerpetualProxy, which routes all calls directly to Perpetual (using CALL, not DELEGATECALL). Perpetual has several functions that are access-restricted via the onlyWhitelisted modifier. Our understanding of the system is that two contracts should be whitelisted: Exchange and PerpetualProxy. PerpetualProxy implements its own access-control modifier, onlyAMM. The net result is that AMM calls Perpetual through PerpetualProxy, the Exchange calls Perpetual directly, and two separate access control mechanisms must function correctly for this to work as expected.

  • Throughout the contracts, a common theme is the use of both signed and unsigned math, as well as math dealing with “wad”-denominated values versus “raw” values. Because variables are not named in a way that suggests they are either “signed” or “unsigned,” “wad” or “raw,” reading the Mai V2 contracts often requires a lot of backtracking to variable declarations.

  • Several inconsistencies in method and variable naming add to the confusion. For example, the modifier AMM.onlyBroker seems to suggest that the caller should be the “broker.” However, the modifier actually checks that perpetualProxy.currentBroker(msg.sender) == authorizedBroker(), which is another way of saying that “PerpetualProxy needs to be the caller’s broker.”


Reducing overall complexity is no simple task, and addressing this system’s complexity will require careful thought and consideration outside of the scope of this review. In general, prioritize the following concepts:

  • Optimize for readability. Ensure that code is as easy to understand as possible. Implement clear and consistent naming conventions, group similar functions within the same file, and generally attempt to structure and organize the code so that humans can read and understand it best.

  • Reduce function side effects. Rather than include funding (or its Perpetual counterpart, markPrice) as an implicit call in every function, refactor the code to have each public or external function call funding only once.

  • Additionally, calls to funding should be explicit. As an example, consider Perpetual.isSafe. The name implies that the function is a “getter,” which should make some simple check and return a value. Instead, isSafe is a state-changing function that can possibly branch into the impossible-to-follow math of funding: Perpetual.isSafe -> Perpetual.markPrice -> AMM.currentMarkPrice -> AMM.funding. As a result, even simple concepts like isSafe become incredibly difficult to understand.

Recommendations Priority
Implement clear, consistent naming conventions for all contracts High
Clarify confusing use of signed integers High
Refactor PerpetualProxy High
Use individually typed setter methods instead of a combined set*Prameter method Medium
Prefix variables that are expected to denominated in “wads” to make them distinguishable from integers Medium
Import 3rd party libraries from their original source and keep them unchanged instead of copying their content into a new library Low
Avoid redefining the same structs Low
Methods should be declared external Low
Issues Severity
Perpetual - Variable shadowing in constructor Minor
Where possible, a specific contract type should be used rather than address Minor

2.2 Increase the overall quality and quantity of testing

Several findings of this assessment suggest that Mai V2 is inadequately tested:

  • Issue 6.1 showed that a critical feature, order cancellation, did not function whatsoever.

  • The function in question (cancelOrder) seems to behave as expected: an order’s “trader” or “broker” can call Exchange.cancelOrder, adding the hash of the order in question to the Exchange.cancelled mapping. However, none of Exchange’s trading functions check that submitted orders are in this mapping, so cancelled orders can be processed all the same.

  • Although 2 unit tests check the behavior of the function in question (cancelOrder), no tests check whether a “cancelled” order can still be traded in the Exchange. This suggests that more care should be taken to test behavior across multiple functions, rather than merely testing functions in isolation.

  • Issue 6.5 describes an incorrectly-set function visibility. The function (liquidateFrom) was marked public, rather than internal. This oversight allows anyone to force liquidated positions on other users and attempt liquidations at improper times.

  • While it would be strange to test whether a function had a correctly-set visibility, the mistake implies that insufficient consideration has been given to liquidate’s internal behavior. Proper testing requires careful consideration of the various branches execution can take and requires a familiarity with the code that should have spotted this.


Implementing a robust, complete test suite requires careful consideration outside of the scope of this review. In general, prioritize the following concepts:

  • Write tests that encapsulate the specification. Tests should address each of a system’s requirements. A system’s requirements should be clearly defined within the system design specification. Ensure that the Mai V2 test suite accurately reflects the most up-to-date specification and includes checks for all of the requirements mentioned therein.

  • Perform extensive fuzz-testing on mathematical functions. Mai V2’s monolithic funding rate calculation (and other formulas) introduce severe dependencies on the mathematical approximations present in LibMath, the proper use of these approximations, and a staggeringly-wide range of values that can be assigned to global parameters via admin functions. To ensure these work together under any condition, the system should be tested using a wide range of invalid, unexpected, or random data.

Issues Severity
Exchange - CancelOrder has no effect Critical
Perpetual - liquidateFrom should not have public visibility Major
Perpetual - withdrawFromInsuranceFund should check wadAmount instead of rawAmount Major
Perpetual - withdraw should only be available in NORMAL state Major
AMM - funding can be called in emergency mode Major
LibMathSigned - wpowi returns an invalid result for a negative exponent Medium

2.3 Address codebase fragility

Software is considered “fragile” when issues or changes in one part of the system can have side-effects in conceptually unrelated parts of the codebase. Fragile software tends to break easily and may be challenging to maintain.

Our assessment uncovered several indicators of software fragility in Mai V2:

  • Issue 6.8 describes that liquidity providers can never be sure of the result of calls to addLiquidity and removeLiquidity. The amount of collateral received for burned shares, and the number of shares received for provided collateral is based on the system’s current price and total shares in circulation. These values can fluctuate significantly for many reasons:

  • Oracle price updates may introduce a new price to the system. Significant deviations from expected values may result in unexpected gains or losses for users.

  • Frontrunning by other users (whether on purpose or not) will affect the current price and total share amount.

  • Adjustments to global variable configuration by the system admin do not come with a delay, so changes will directly impact users’ subsequent actions.

  • System configuration by administrators primarily occurs in Perpetual (via inherited PerpetualGovernance) and AMM (via inherited AMMGovernance). Both configuration features are accessed through monolithic setGovernanceParameter functions, where an input bytes32 key is compared against all existing parameter names for a match. If a match is found, the parameter is set to the input int256 value.

  • If future development adds or removes configurable parameters, the change will have a broad impact on the entire configuration system.

  • int256 value is not a sufficiently-descriptive value for many configurable parameters. Many parameters must first convert this to a uint via LibMathSigned.toUint256, which rejects negative input values. As a result, if a parameter is introduced that requires a high enough uint value, these functions will not work as the positive values of int256 do not go higher than 2 ** 255 - 1.

  • By using a multipurpose function like setGovernanceParameter, configurable parameters are not afforded the type safety checks Solidity would provide if standard, single-purpose setter methods were used.


Building an anti-fragile system requires careful thought and consideration outside of the scope of this review. In general, prioritize the following concepts:

  • Follow the single-responsibility principle of functions. This principle states that functions should have responsibility for a single part of the system’s functionality and that their purpose should be narrowly-aligned with that responsibility. Avoid functions that “do everything” (like setGovernanceParameter), and avoid functions that touch every other function (like funding and markPrice).

  • Reduce reliance on external systems. Whether the “external system” refers to the Chainlink oracle or admin control, the contracts should avoid blindly and immediately consuming and conforming to the arbitrary inputs of external systems. External systems can introduce significant change at a moment’s notice: the oracle may wildly impact the index price, and admins may suddenly make large adjustments to fee rates, lot sizes, premiums, and other critically-important values. When reducing reliance on external systems, make sure users can interact with the system in a consistent, expected manner.

Recommendations Priority
Use individually typed setter methods instead of a combined set*Prameter method Medium
Avoid redefining the same structs Low
Issues Severity
Unpredictable behavior due to front running or general bad timing Major
Exchange - validateOrderParam does not check against SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION Medium
Signed data may be usable cross-chain Medium
Oracle - Unchecked oracle response timestamp and integer over/underflow Medium
AMM - Liquidity provider may lose up to lotSize when removing liquidity Medium
Exchange - insufficient input validation in matchOrders Medium
AMM - Amount of collateral spent or shares received may be unpredictable for liquidity provider Medium
AMM - Unchecked return value in ShareToken.mint Minor

2.4 Improve documentation and create a complete technical specification

A system’s design specification and supporting documentation should be almost as important as the system’s implementation itself.

Security assessments depend on a complete technical specification to understand how a system is supposed to function. When a behavior is not specified (or is specified incorrectly), security assessments must base their knowledge in assumptions, leading to less effective review.

Maintaining and updating code relies on proper supporting documentation to know why the system is implemented in a specific way. If code maintainers cannot reference documentation, they must rely on memory or assistance to make high-quality changes.

Our assessment notes several problems with Mai V2 documentation:

  • Inline commenting is sparse to non-existent.

  • Provided documentation lacks a description of some interfaces and entities in the system.

  • Some documentation is out-of-date and refers to outdated concepts and terms.

Recommendations Priority
Improve documentation and provide a complete specification High
LibTypes.Status.SETTLING should be renamed to LibTypes.Status.EMERGENCY Medium
Issues Severity
Unpredictable behavior due to front running or general bad timing Major

2.5 Ensure system states, roles, and permissions are sufficiently restrictive

Smart contract code should strive to be strict. Strict code behaves predictably, is easier to maintain, and increases a system’s ability to handle nonideal conditions.

Our assessment of the Mai V2 protocol found that many of its states, roles, and permissions are loosely defined:

  • Mai V2’s administrator role assigns complete control over most elements of the protocol to a single account. This control includes setting individual account balances, draining the system’s insurance fund, changing system addresses and permissions, and more (See Actors for a more detailed description).

  • The extent to which administrator permissions can impact the contracts suggests that future plans to transition the administrator role to a DAO model have not been well thought through. In its current configuration, it would be incredibly difficult to transition the management of the administrator’s extensive permissions to a smart contract.

  • If the administrator key is compromised, an attacker will have complete and instant access to the underlying assets held within the contracts.

  • If the administrator key is somehow destroyed or lost, the contracts will be unable to enter the global “EMERGENCY” mode.

  • Both AMM and Perpetual make use of OpenZeppelin’s WhitelistedRole module, which includes two roles: “Whitelisted” and “WhitelistAdmin.” In AMM, the Whitelisted role is assumed to be the Exchange contract only. In Perpetual, the Whitelisted role is assumed to be both PerpetualProxy and Exchange. As described in “Refactor PerpetualProxy,” the use of WhitelistedRole in Perpetual has significant downsides:

  • From the perspective of a user or external reviewer, it is much harder to determine which entities should be able to perform which actions.

  • Because PerpetualProxy and Exchange are both Whitelisted, they have equivalent permissions in Perpetual. If vulnerabilities are discovered in either contract that allow arbitrary calls to Perpetual, the Whitelisted role’s permissions will allow the Exchange to act like PerpetualProxy, and vice versa. Additionally, the method WhitelistedRole.renounceWhitelisted would enable such a vulnerability to completely break large portions of the system.

  • Future updates to the system may introduce additional contracts to the Whitelisted role. It may be challenging to ensure that new contracts do not introduce vulnerabilities due to their Whitelisted permission. Additionally, if old contracts are no longer used, the Whitelisted role necessitates that the WhitelistAdmin remember to remove their permissions.

  • Mai V2 has three primary states: NORMAL, SETTLING (aka EMERGENCY), and SETTLED.

  • Issue 6.13 describes that there is no restriction on the duration of the SETTLING stage. Once activated, the admin can choose whether the stage lasts minutes, days, or years.

  • Issue 6.22 describes that the SETTLING stage can be entered multiple times before the SETTLED stage is reached. In effect, this allows the system settlementPrice to be set multiple times, making it difficult for users to count on any specific outcome for the liquidation process.

  • Some functions can be called during improper contract states, as described in issue 6.2 and issue 6.3.


  • Follow the Principle of Least Privilege. Ensure that each role within the system is given only the bare minimum permissions to perform their responsibilities.

  • Document the use of administrator permissions. For users to know what they can expect from Mai V2, the administrator’s roles and responsibilities should be clearly and completely documented and communicated.

  • Monitor the usage of administrator permissions. To ensure the administrator key’s potential compromise is detected, monitor transactions and events in Mai V2 for administrator action.

Recommendations Priority
Refactor PerpetualProxy High
Issues Severity
AMM - funding can be called in emergency mode Major
Perpetual - withdraw should only be available in NORMAL state Major
Perpetual - liquidateFrom should not have public visibility Major
Unpredictable behavior due to front running or general bad timing Major
Perpetual - Administrators can put the system into emergency mode indefinitely Medium
Perpetual - beginGlobalSettlement can be called multiple times Minor

3 System Overview

The mcdex.io Mai Protocol V2 aims to create decentralized Perpetual contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can either trade with the on-chain automated market maker (AMM) or the off-chain order book (Exchange). The system accepts ETH or any ERC20 compliant token (with at max. 18 decimals) as collateral.

The system under review (documentation) consists of the following components, with the main parts being the Exchange, AMM, and Perpetual. It is initially deployed in NORMAL operating mode and can be set to EMERGENCY or SETTLED state by an administrative account at any time.


Provides interfaces for off-chain order book trading. Brokers can match signed orders from traders. A taker can only match with either Exchange or AMM.




Holds assets owned by users and provides interfaces to manipulate balance and position. One perpetual contract is serving one trading pair. Traders have to deposit collateral in ETH or the configured ERC20 token before interacting with the Exchange or AMM. Balances are only updated in the margin accounts when executing trades. Collateral token/ETH transfers are only executed when withdrawing or depositing funds. The collateral token or ETH is specified when deploying the token and cannot be changed. Special care should be taken when deploying a token with zero decimals as its calculations might be subject to rounding errors.

Perpetual is the main contract of the system that - for example - specifies the current AMM, GlobalConfig addresses being used as well as allows an administrator to put the contract into emergency mode.




The automated market maker provides functionality for trading, funding rate calculation, and liquidity management that burns and mints ShareToken that represent a liquidity providers’ share of the pool.

Perpetual defines the current AMM contract address that is being used and, therefore, Perpetual can upgrade to a new AMM by setting a new AMM contract address.



Global Config

Stores global system parameters. Currently only used to store and set the block delay for withdrawal and broker updates.



Perpetual Proxy

This contract is a workaround to be able to upgrade the AMM and ensure it has a constant address.



Contract Reader

An auxiliary contract to read state and data from the system. This contract is not used by any other contract in the system.



ERC20 Token (Customized): ShareToken

A customized ERC20 token initially owned by the deployer that allows MinterRole to burn and mint tokens. The ShareToken is minted to liquidity providers according to their share of the pool.



ERC20 Token (Standard): Collateral

An ERC20 standard token following the @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol interface description used as collateral for the perpetual contract.

Oracle (External): Reversed/-ChainlinkAdapter

Chainlink oracle adapter used by AMM to retrieve the index price.

ChainlinkAdapter.sol and InverseChainlinkAdapter.sol

ChainlinkAdapter.sol and InverseChainlinkAdapter.sol

4 Security Specification

This section describes, from a security perspective, the expected behavior of the system under review. It is not a substitute for documentation. The purpose of this section is to outline trust relationships and describe specific security properties that were identified by the assessment team.

The contract system can be in one of three states:

  • NORMAL (default)
  • SETTLING hereby also referred to as EMERGENCY mode
Contract System Actors, Interfaces and Access Control

Contract System Actors, Interfaces and Access Control

4.1 Actors

Actors are listed below with a general description of their role in the system followed by more details on their respective abilities for specific components:

  • deployer
    • deploys a contract in the system
    • may take the role of an administrator
  • administrator
    • may change system or global parameters
    • may switch-out components (upgrading)
    • may put the contract into EMERGENCY or SETTLED mode
    • may perform the global settlement in case the contract is put into EMERGENCY mode
    • may choose to keep the system in EMERGENCY mode without settling
    • may manipulate balances of users in EMERGENCY mode
    • may withdraw from the insurance fund at any time
    • may hold special permissions in system tokens (Sharetoken: mint, burn)
  • trader
    • must first deposit collateral
    • signs orders for the off-chain Exchange
    • delegates to a broker for matching off-chain orders with Exchange
    • delegates to a broker for the on-chain AMM
  • broker
    • set by a trader
    • matches orders on behalf of the trader
  • oracle
    • an external ChainLink price feed
    • oracle answers must be trusted by the system
    • price slippage may occur
    • oracle may fail to provide recent prices or there may be a gap to the real price (DoS, targeted attacks, exploited trust to oracle owner)
    • oracle may provide wrong prices
    • oracle may cease to exist
  • liquidity provider
    • provides liquidity in the form of collateral to the AMM
    • Gets ShareToken minted in return
  • ShareToken Holder
    • an account with a non-zero balance of ShareToken aka. an active liquidity provider
  • Collateral Token Holder
    • an account with a non-zero balance of the configured collateral token (ERC20 or ETH)
  • anyone
    • any other account on the blockchain may interact with the contract system without taking a specific role

4.2 Trust Model


  • owner: none, standalone contract
  • Tracks filled and canceled orders
  • Verifies order signatures.
    • Defines allowed signed order version
  • Typically called by a trader’s broker
  • Caller provides the address of the perpetual contract used when matching
    • Exchange retrieves system parameters (e.g. lotsize) and performs trades
  • Order signature includes perpetual’s address, trader, broker, and trading data
  • anyone
    • can see canceled/filled orders
  • trader
    • submits order to off-line order book
    • must set broker for trades
    • can specify positive or negative fee’s (either broker or trader pays)
    • can cancel orders
  • broker
    • main actor for the contract. matches orders on behalf of traders
      • orders can only be matched if msg.sender is set as broker for affected orders
    • trader can also be broker
    • can cancel orders


  • owner: deployer, administrator
  • accepts ETH
  • explicitly rejects ETH via fallback function
  • governed by one or more administrators with initial administrator being the deployer
  • defines critical perpetual parameters that immediately affect all users
    • the address of the AMM
    • the address of GlobalConfig
    • the system status (e.g. NORMAL, EMERGENCY, SETTLED)
    • the settlement price
    • margin rate, liquidation penalty, fee rates, lot sizes, socia loss
  • uses openzeppelin WhitelistedRole
  • only minimal initial configuration is enforced in the constructor (globalConfig), there is a risk that variables might stay uninitialized and therefore operating out of specification
  • users must verify configuration before interacting with the system
    • administrators can set parameters or “switch-out” components (AMM) at any time (admin front-running opportunity)
    • administrators might add more administrators
  • deployer
    • is administrator
    • deploying address (individual) may choose not to renounce the administrative role
  • administrator
    • can change perpetual parameters at any time (front-running opportunity)
    • can “switch-out” AMM and GlobalConfig at any time (front-running opportunity)
    • can add other WhitelistAdmin’s
    • can renounce administrator role
    • can add more whitelisted addresses (typically PerpetualProxy and Exchange)
    • may choose to front-run own or other transactions changing perpetual system parameters
    • can withdraw from insurance fund at any time
    • can put contract into EMERGENCY mode at any time
    • may choose to stay in EMERGENCY mode indefinitely
    • may put contract into EMERGENCY mode even when in EMERGENCY mode
    • can manipulate cash balances of any account in EMERGENCY mode
    • can set social loss
  • account holder (trader, broker)
    • can apply for withdrawal (delayed by configurable amount of blocks)
    • can withdraw from account (when not in EMERGENCY mode)
    • can change their own broker
    • liquidate their own account
    • can call settle after EMERGENCY mode has ended
  • whitelisted (typically perpetual proxy for AMM or Exchange directly)
    • can do anything anyone can
    • can trade positions for any account
    • can transfer cash balances for any account
    • can withdraw for any account (when in NORMAL mode)
    • can deposit for any account
    • can set broker for any account
  • anyone
    • can deposit to open an account
    • can set their own broker
    • liquidate any account (see issue)
    • can mark price
    • deposit to insurance fund
    • check if an account is safe
    • read account information


  • owner: deployer, administrator
  • accepts ETH and forwards it to PerpetualProxy which in turn forwards it to Perpetual
  • governed by one or more administrators with initial administrator being the deployer
  • defines critical AMM parameters that immediately affect all users
    • mathematical factors (funding dampener)
    • premium size and limits
    • fee rates
  • reads configuration from perpetual via perpetualProxy
  • uses openzeppelin WhitelistedRole
  • only minimal initial configuration is enforced in the constructor (perpetual proxy, pricefeed, and ShareToken address)
    • there is a risk that variables might stay uninitialized and therefore operating out of specification
    • perpetual proxy, pricefeed, and ShareToken address cannot be changed
  • users must verify configuration before interacting with the system
    • administrators can set parameters at any time (admin front-running opportunity)
    • administrators might add more administrators
  • trading operations are only allowed in NORMAL state
  • deployer
    • is administrator
    • deploying address (individual) may choose not to renounce administrative role
  • administrator
    • can change AMM parameters at any time (front-running opportunity)
    • can add other WhitelistAdmin’s
    • can renounce administrator role
    • can add more whitelisted addresses (typically Exchange)
    • may choose to front-run own or other transactions changing AMM system parameters
  • account holder (trader)
    • can deposit collateral
    • can withdraw collateral
    • can implicitly set their broker to PerpetualProxy when using compound functions like depositAndBuy
  • trader with broker set to PerpetualProxy
    • can buy/sell
    • can create a pool (only one pool)
    • can add liquidity to pool (only if pool has been created)
    • can buy/sell
  • liquidity provider is a trader with broker set to PerpetualProxy
    • remove liquidity
    • settleShare after EMERGENCY mode has ended
  • whitelisted (typically Exchange)
    • can sell from any account
    • can buy for any account
  • anyone
    • can deposit to open an account (which also sets broker to PerpetualProxy)
    • update the index price
    • read current contract information


  • owner: deployer, administrator
  • governed by one or more administrators with initial administrator being the deployer
  • defines critical global parameters
  • uses openzeppelin WhitelistedRole but only makes use of WhitelistAdmin
    • may consider using Ownable instead
  • can set withdrawalLockBlockCount and brokerLockBlockCount to arbitrary values
    • can disable the block delays completely due to missing input validation
    • values are initially set to zero which is unsafe
  • initial configuration is not enforced in the constructor, there is a risk that variables might stay uninitialized and therefore operating out of specification
  • users must verify configuration before interacting with the system
    • administrators can set parameters at any time (admin front-running opportunity)
  • deployer
    • is administrator
    • deploying address (individual) may choose not to renounce administrative role
  • administrator
    • can change global parameters at any time (front-running opportunity)
    • can add other WhitelistAdmin’s
    • can renounce administrator role
    • may choose to front-run own or other transactions changing global system parameters
  • anyone
    • can read the settings


  • owner: none, standalone contract
  • serves as constant account address of AMM to perpetual
  • does not store state by itself
  • retrieves AMM address from perpetual configuration
  • restricts most access to AMM address
  • deployer
    • provides address of Perpetual on deployment (cannot be changed)
  • AMM configured in Perpetual
    • can transfer balances
    • can trade
    • can set broker for any accounts
    • can deposit for any account
    • can withdraw for any account
  • anyone
    • can mark price if AMM is set in Perpetual
    • can read contract information like availableMargin
    • can check if account is safe


  • owner: none, standalone contract
  • view only, does not store any state
  • external interface, not used by any other contract in the system
  • caller to method provides address to Perpetual
  • anyone
    • can interface with the contract to read GovParams, PerpetualStorage, and AccountStorage

ShareToken (Custom ERC20 Token)

  • owner: deployer, minter (administrator)
  • minter role is in full control of the token
  • there can be multiple minter accounts
  • deployer
    • is minter (administrator)
    • deploying address (individual) may choose not to renounce administrative role
  • minter (administrator)
    • can mint an arbitrary amount of tokens to any address
    • can burn an arbitrary amount of tokens without the holders approval
    • can nominate other minter’s
    • can renounce own minter role
    • cannot renounce other minter’s role
  • ShareToken Holder
    • can interact with the token interface in accordance with the ERC20 specification (transfer)
    • can transfer token to an account that is unknown to the AMM
  • anyone
    • can interact with the token interface in accordance with the ERC20 specification

Collateral (Standard ERC20 Token)

  • external ERC20 Token
  • external token must be audited before accepting it as collateral for the system
  • external token might be broken (wrong interfaces, implementation)
  • external token might call back into Perpetual directly (re-entrancy)
  • external token might implement callbacks and allow affected accounts (from, to addresses) to re-enter Perpetual before and after token transfers (beware of ERC777) (re-entrancy)
  • external token is configured when deploying Perpetual. Make sure token decimals of the token reflect the decimals configured when deploying Perpetual.
  • ShareToken Holder
    • can interact with the token interface in accordance with the ERC20 specification
    • can provide token as liquidity to AMM to be liquidity provider
  • anyone
    • can interact with the token interface in accordance with the ERC20 specification

Oracle (*ChainlinkAdapter)

  • owner: none, standalone contract
  • used by AMM to fetch the index price
  • Users must understand the inherent risks of oracles
  • anyone
    • can retrieve price information from the oracle

5 Recommendations

5.1 Refactor PerpetualProxy


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: The perpetual proxy is now replaced by a generic call proxy. As we discussed in telegram, the PerpetualProxy is a address holder for AMM margin account. It simplify the upgrade of AMM contract which we may upgrade relatively frequent, so we decide not to remove it.

PerpetualProxy is a forwarding contract that mirrors the Perpetual interface and provides a few wrappers for Perpetual functions. While the inclusion of the word Proxy implies that PerpetualProxy is a standard delegatecall proxy, its operations all use call. This means that Perpetual holds the state used by PerpetualProxy, with PerpetualProxy’s only state being a single address pointing to Perpetual.

While there is evidence within MCDEX’s docs that PerpetualProxy originally held additional state, this is no longer the case. However, PerpetualProxy does still implement additional access-control logic that may be a holdover from a previous version. Namely, it includes the onlyAMM modifier, which restricts function call access to the AMM contract. Because PerpetualProxy does not hold state, this modifier must query Perpetual:


IPerpetual perpetual;

modifier onlyAMM() {
    require(msg.sender == address(perpetual.amm()), "invalid caller");

Note that PerpetualProxy is not an abstract calldata forwarder; it does not include a fallback function that forwards msg.data to Perpetual. Rather, each of the functions PerpetualProxy needs to call are a part of its own interface. Many of these functions are restricted to the amm contract, by use of the onlyAMM modifier:


function setBrokerFor(address guy, address broker) public onlyAMM {
    perpetual.setBrokerFor(guy, broker);

function depositFor(address guy, uint256 amount) public onlyAMM {
    perpetual.depositFor(guy, amount);

function depositEtherFor(address guy) public payable onlyAMM {

function withdrawFor(address payable guy, uint256 amount) public onlyAMM {
    perpetual.withdrawFor(guy, amount);

Of course, Perpetual and PerpetualProxy do not share state, and Perpetual’s functions can be called directly. This separation of logic and state has resulted in two separate access control implementations: the onlyAMM modifier in PerpetualProxy, and an onlyWhitelisted modifier in Perpetual. In order to successfully restrict a function’s access to the AMM contract only, both modifiers must be employed:

  • PerpetualProxy ensures the caller is the AMM contract via onlyAMM, then forwards the call to Perpetual:


function setBrokerFor(address guy, address broker) public onlyAMM {
    perpetual.setBrokerFor(guy, broker);
  • Perpetual then needs to check that the caller (PerpetualProxy) is whitelisted via onlyWhitelisted:


function setBrokerFor(address guy, address broker) public onlyWhitelisted {
    setBroker(guy, broker, globalConfig.brokerLockBlockCount());

The onlyWhitelisted modifier, which is pulled from OpenZeppelin’s WhitelistedRole contract, allows multiple whitelisted addresses. In the case of Perpetual, PerpetualProxy is not the only whitelisted address: the Exchange contract is also whitelisted. Additionally, the whitelist admin role in OpenZeppelin’s WhitelistAdminRole contract allows additional whitelisted addresses to be added, each of which would have the same permissions as Exchange and PerpetualProxy.


The two-contract system is complicated, which is compounded by the use of the whitelist access control system. Technically, Exchange has the same access to Perpetual as the AMM contract, and vice-versa. Should issues be found or introduced in either Exchange or AMM that allow for arbitrary external calls, several components of the system may break or be tampered with. Further additions to the list of whitelisted addresses or whitelisted admins may have similar consequences.


  • Remove PerpetualProxy entirely, as it no longer serves a purpose

  • Implement the onlyAMM modifier within Perpetual, and replace onlyWhitelisted in Perpetual with onlyAMM where applicable

  • Remove onlyWhitelisted in Perpetual, and implement an onlyExchange modifier where applicable

  • Review system roles and permissions, and ensure that each contract is only given the minimum level of access needed to function effectively

5.2 Clarify confusing use of signed integers


One factor that significantly introduces complexity to the smart contract system is the excessive use of signed integers for convenience and to encode implicit logic.

In practice, this degrades code readability, auditability, and security as it breaks assumptions humans might have formed based on the variable’s use or name.


  • variables declared as signed int that must not be negative: e.g., insuranceFundBalance

The variable is declared as a signed integer. However, the value of the insurance fund should never be allowed to be negative. In fact, it cannot be negative unless someone withdraws more funds than available. Since it is a signed integer it can theoretically be negative (permanently or for a short amount of time potentially during reentrant calls). To counter that, special care must be taken and explicit checks are added while simply falling back to declaring the variable uint would have avoided the necessity of adding more complexity.


int256 public insuranceFundBalance;


function depositEtherToInsuranceFund() public payable {
    require(!isTokenizedCollateral(), "ether not acceptable");
    require(msg.value > 0, "invalid amount");

    int256 wadAmount = depositToProtocol(msg.sender, msg.value);
    insuranceFundBalance = insuranceFundBalance.add(wadAmount);

    require(insuranceFundBalance >= 0, "negtive insurance fund");

    emit UpdateInsuranceFund(insuranceFundBalance);
  • multiple declarations of the same const for different signedness


uint256 private constant ONE_WAD_U = 10**18;
int256 private constant ONE_WAD_S = 10**18;
  • implicit logic based on the signedness of an integer: fee

If the fee is positive, the amount is sent from guy -> devAddress. If the fee is negative, the amount is sent from devAddress -> guy.

Let alone, that this mechanism shifts responsibility to verify the sanity of system and order parameters to the entity matching orders (usually the broker) as the signed integer order fee rate defines if the broker or the trader pays fees.


int256 hard = price.wmul(openedAmount).toInt256().wmul(feeRate);
int256 soft = price.wmul(closedAmount).toInt256().wmul(feeRate);
int256 fee = hard.add(soft);
address devAddress = perpetual.devAddress();
if (fee > 0) {
    int256 available = perpetual.availableMargin(guy);
    require(available >= hard, "dev margin");
    fee = fee.min(available);
    perpetual.transferCashBalance(guy, devAddress, fee.toUint256());
} else if (fee < 0) {
    perpetual.transferCashBalance(devAddress, guy, fee.neg().toUint256());
    require(perpetual.isSafe(devAddress), "dev unsafe");


// trading fee
int256 takerTradingFee = amount.wmul(price).toInt256().wmul(takerOrderParam.takerFeeRate());
claimTradingFee(perpetual, takerOrderParam.trader, takerTradingFee);
  • transferBalance can never be called with a negative value but wadAmount is signed int.


function transferBalance(address from, address to, int256 wadAmount) internal {
    if (wadAmount == 0) {
    require(wadAmount > 0, "bug: invalid transfer amount");

that’s also why explicit conversions to int256 are required:


function transferCashBalance(address from, address to, uint256 amount) public onlyWhitelisted {
    require(status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLING, "wrong perpetual status");
    transferBalance(from, to, amount.toInt256());


Rework the smart contract system design and declare signed integers only where they are absolutely needed. Refrain from declaring signed integers out of convenience when used with arithmetical operations. Refrain from encoding logic - like the direction of funds flow - into the signedness of the value and make it explicit instead. Clearly explain why variables are signed and reflect the type of arguments and statevars used in the method’s docstring. The more explicit the code is and the less complex it is, the easier it is to verify security assumptions.

5.3 Improve documentation and provide a complete specification


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: Document strings added.

Mai V2 lacks inline code documentation describing the purpose and relationships of source-units, their contracts, methods, and variables. Additionally, supporting documentation is frequently out-of-date, and many interfaces, roles, states, and permissions are missing entirely.


  • Rather than duplicating function description in external documentation, provide inline documentation using Solidity’s natspec format, as this will be easier to maintain.

  • Provide supporting inline comments for critical functionality:

    • Outline why certain values are used and what purpose they serve.
    • Describe acceptable ranges for inputs, outputs, and intermediary calculations.
    • Elaborate on security concerns for critical methods and make your developers or external reviewers aware of any functions that require special attention due to their risk profile in the system.
  • Improve, update, and complete the Mai V2 specification:

    • Ensure it is up-to-date at all times and implement the logic as specified without any deviations (e.g. deviation between Solidity math implementation and specification pseudocode).
    • Include a security discussion in the specification and inform users, developers, and reviewers of the risks attached to the system or components that require special attention.


The following non-exhaustive list provides an overview of various inconsistencies encountered during review. We highly recommend reviewing all documentation for accuracy and completeness as additional issues are likely to exist.

Inconsistent, unclear or insufficient explanation
  • Perpetual Wrong state requirements that have since been corrected


  • Perpetual Wrong state requirement NORMAL for withdraw while the code checks for !SETTLING which resolves to NORMAL and SETTLED


  • Perpetual inaccurate function signature

totalSize(Side side) should be totalSize(LibTypes.Side side) (and multiple other occurrences). Keep the function signature and types as accurately updated with the codebase.


  • AMM internal specification inconsistencies

    • Missing sources for mathematical calculations
    • Most of the Variable and Method names do not reflect actual names in code: GovPoolFeeRate, PoolAvailableMargin, and others.
    • createPool does not mention that it can only be called once otherwise initFunding bails
    • createPool does not mention the state requirement NORMAL
    • buyFromPool does not exist and should be buyFrom. It is also missing the state requirement NORMAL.
    • buyFromPool inconsistent requirement BlockTime < DeadLine which actually is require(getBlockTimestamp() <= deadline, "deadline exceeded"); in code.
    • buyFromPool does not specify a minimum amount.
    • buyFromPool states The trader buy/long. Can be called by anyone. while it can only be called if the caller set the broker to perpetualProxy (which is mentioned as a confusing requirement broker == LiquidityPool).
    • buyFromPool does not mention the lotsize
    • sellFromPool similar inconsistencies to buyFromPool
    • AddLiquidity does not mention he state NORMAL as a requirement.
    • AddLiquidity unclear statement The unit of "Amount" is contract.
    • RemoveLiqudity does not mention that up to a lotsize of balance might be lost
    • UpdateIndex does not mention that the caller might be awarded a premium
    • funding states isEmergency as a requirement which is not state.
    • funding does not check the state requirement and can be called at any time.
    • funding steps are inconsistent with the code. E.g. when lastFundingTime==0 forceFunding() just returns and does not set the LastFundingTime to BlockTime.
    • funding duplicate definition and deviating specification of formulas (even though they are the same): v0 = LastEMAPremium; vt = (LastEMAPremium - LastPremium) * Pow(GovEMAAlpha2, n) + LastPremium vs. - v0 = LastEMAPremium; vt = (LastEMAPremium - LastPremium) * Pow(1 - GovEMAAlpha, n) + LastPremium (here)


  • depositToInsuranceFund unclear who would deposit to an insurance fund that can be drained by admins at any time.

  • LibTypes.Side should add a description for when and how FLAT is used.


  • Exchange vague requirement for amounts array

Length of parameter ‘amounts’ should equal to the length of ‘makerOrderParams’.


  • Perpetual admin functionality vague state requirements

Perpetual.beginGlobalSettlement: Enter the “Emergency” status with a “settlement price”. In this status, all trades and withdrawals will be disabled until “endGlobalSettlement”

Unclear specification. SETTLING is referred to as EMERGENCY mode but it is not mentioned here. Stick to one distinct state description and use it throughout the specification and in code.

Perpetual.setCashBalance: Modify account.cashBalance. Can only be called in the “global settlement” status

Inconsistent and unclear use of state name global settlement. This should state that this method can only be used in EMERGENCY or SETTLING mode. Stick to one name and use it throughout the specification and in code.

Perpetual.endGlobalSettlement: Enter the “global settlement” status. In this status, all traders can withdraw their MarginBalance

Unclear what state is being entered right now. This should state that SETTLED mode is entered.

Perpetual.withdrawFromInsuranceFund: Withdraw collateral from insurance fund. Typically happen in the “global settlement” status

Vague description of when this is allowed to be used when it basically can be called by an admin at any time as there is no state requirement.


  • Unclear if it is by design that parameters can be changed by an admin at any time (including upgrading the system)


  • GlobalConfig specification does not mention that there can be multiple admins, admins can add other admins, and whitelist accounts. Whitelisted accounts are not used with this contract.


  • Contracts that provide admin functionality should clearly state who is assigned admin powers initially (deployed), whether the deployed keeps its admin role or renounces it, what other accounts get roles assigned (admin and whitelisted) to allow uses to audit a specific setup of the system. Note that processes need to be in place to manage privileged accounts (e.g. remove admins when they are compromised, remove privileges when they are no longer used or components are being upgraded)


  • AMM describe the liquidity provider user journey.

Create pool must be called first and can only be called once. A pool cannot be created for an empty amount. A pool must exist for others to provide liquidity. A pool is not created automatically if none exists. Liquidity providers cannot provide zero amount.

The function descriptions should outline the requirements to call these methods more clearly. E.g. buy, sell, addLiquidity, removeLiquidity can only be called if the caller set the broker to PerpetualProxy.

  • Clearly define and explain the operating values and boundaries for configuration parameters


  • Perpetual outlines three states Normal, Emergency and GlobalSettled but the implementation refers to these states as Normal, Settling and Settled.


  • Perpetual methods state requirement isEmergency==FALSE while the implementation checks status==NORMAL.


  • Perpetual implements no method buy/sell (AMM does)


  • Perpetual.liquidate does not state that method can only be called in status.NORMAL or status.SETTLING


Initially Missing but since then updated
  • A description for socialLoss and fundingLoss was not present and was added towards the 2nd half of the audit.


5.4 Use individually typed setter methods instead of a combined set*Prameter method


Combined setter methods degrade readability and code maintainability and are prone to errors, especially when one setter method is used to store different types of values.


  • GlobalConfig


function setGlobalParameter(bytes32 key, uint256 value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    if (key == "withdrawalLockBlockCount") {
        withdrawalLockBlockCount = value;
    } else if (key == "brokerLockBlockCount") {
        brokerLockBlockCount = value;
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGlobalParameter(key, value);
  • AMMGovernance


function setGovernanceParameter(bytes32 key, int256 value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    if (key == "poolFeeRate") {
        governance.poolFeeRate = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "poolDevFeeRate") {
        governance.poolDevFeeRate = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "emaAlpha") {
        require(value > 0, "alpha should be > 0");
        governance.emaAlpha = value;
        emaAlpha2 = 10**18 - governance.emaAlpha;
        emaAlpha2Ln = emaAlpha2.wln();
    } else if (key == "updatePremiumPrize") {
        governance.updatePremiumPrize = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "markPremiumLimit") {
        governance.markPremiumLimit = value;
    } else if (key == "fundingDampener") {
        governance.fundingDampener = value;
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGovernanceParameter(key, value);


Implement individual setter methods for different values, especially when setting different value types.

With the current architecture multiple calls to set*Parameter are needed to initialize the contract. Consider adding a constructor or method that allows to initially set all the value with one call to save gas.

5.5 LibTypes.Status.SETTLING should be renamed to LibTypes.Status.EMERGENCY


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: Fixed. NOTE: The assessment team would like to note that the status names still do not match the names used in the specification (e.g. GlobalSettled)

Consider renaming LibTypes.Status.SETTLING to LibTypes.Status.EMERGENCY to accurately reflect what it is being used for. The status names currently do not match the status mentioned in the specification.


params.isEmergency = perpetual.status() == LibTypes.Status.SETTLING;
params.isGlobalSettled = perpetual.status() == LibTypes.Status.SETTLED;

5.6 Implement clear, consistent naming conventions for all contracts


The Mai V2 contracts do not adhere to consistent naming conventions. Because of the intricate mathematical operations and accounting inherent to the protocol, this has resulted in a significant increase in code complexity.

Addressing the underlying problem will require careful thought and consideration. Generally, the goal should be to make the contracts as readable as possible. The following list of recommendations should serve as a basis for more a more clear, consistent naming scheme within the Mai V2 contracts:


  • Signed and unsigned variables should be distinguished: uint uVarName vs int iVarName

  • Wad-denominated values should be distinguished: uint wadVarName vs uint rawVarName

  • Signed and unsigned math libraries should have different names for the operations they support: uVarName.add(...) vs iVarName.iAdd(...)

  • internal and private functions should be distinguished: function _helperMethod() internal;

  • Functions that change state should never be prefixed with “get”.

  • For example: AMM.getBuyPrice and AMM.getSellPrice

  • Many functions act as a wrapper for calls to either AMM.funding or Perpetual.markPrice (which calls AMM.funding eventually). This makes it very difficult to determine where state changes occur in the contracts. Instead of using wrapper functions, ensure that each call to funding is explicit.

  • For example, avoid using methods like AMM.currentFairPrice, which calls funding() (a state changing function) then lastFairPrice() (a view getter).

5.7 Prefix variables that are expected to denominated in “wads” to make them distinguishable from integers


The contract system mixes raw values with values denominated in wads. Reading the code, it is not always immediately clear if a method requires or processes a wad value, or a raw value.

It is therefore recommended to prefix/suffix variables with their respective or expected type to increase code readability and maintainability and reduce the risk of variables being used in the wrong numerical context.

As one example, it is not immediately clear from calling the method wpow that x is a wad value, and n is a raw value. By renaming x to x_wad, its context would be much more visible.


// x ^ n
// NOTE: n is a normal integer, do not shift 18 decimals
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-assign-params
function wpowi(int256 x, int256 n) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
    z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : _WAD;

    for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
        x = wmul(x, x);

        if (n % 2 != 0) {
            z = wmul(z, x);

5.8 Introduce a system setup phase and provide sane parameters on deployment


According to the specification, the contract system can be in one of three states:

  • Normal (default)
  • Emergency
  • GlobalSettled.

By default, after deployment, the system is in state Normal indicating normal operation even though the contract may not yet be fully set up for use as none of the governance settings are initialized. Uninitialized settings can lead to the system being operated in an unspecified setting and may cause all sorts of issues and side-effects.

For example, PerpetualGovernance is part of Perpetual. It allows a whitelisted admin to set critical system parameters like the initialMarginRate or lotSize which is not allowed to be zero. However, right after deployment it is uninitialized and is, therefore, going to return a zero value which is not within specification. Since an admin is actively required to set critical parameters on a one-by-one basis it may happen that initialiMarginRate is never set and stays at a zero rate. This is just an example and should be easily detectable if the required processes are in place but it should be noted that there is no requirement to initialize the system with a sane configuration before it is set to Normal state.


governance.initialMarginRate = value.toUint256();
require(governance.initialMarginRate > 0, "require im > 0");
require(governance.initialMarginRate < 10**18, "require im < 1");
require(governance.maintenanceMarginRate < governance.initialMarginRate, "require mm < im");

The general recommendation for reasonably complex systems that require parameterization before they can be set to normal operation mode is to

  • provide sane (according to the specification) default values as part of the deployment process when executing the contract’s constructor.
  • introduce a one-way Setup phase. Make this the first phase that is active by default when deploying the contract (e.g. the first phase in the enum). Provide an interface for others to poll the status of the system to indicate that the system is not yet ready for normal use. In many cases it can make sense to disable certain functionality or pause the complete contract during the setup phase to reject any unwanted user interaction and minimize the risk of losses. Configure and parameterize the system as needed, perform testing to verify that it is set up according to the system deployment plan, and safely transfer it to Normal state indicating that it is now safe for use by others.
  • do not allow to configure critical system parameters while the contract is actively being used as this can introduce unforeseeable side-effect.

5.9 Import 3rd party libraries from their original source and keep them unchanged instead of copying their content into a new library


LibMath.sol provides two libraries LibMathSigned and LibMathUnsigned. The source unit does not contain any hints or references to the original source from where the code was taken from.

Make sure to use only security audited versions of third-party libraries with your codebase. If possible declare third-party libraries with the project’s dependencies instead of copying them into your project or copying methods into new libraries. Copies of general-purpose libraries or methods may easily get outdated and often end up not being updated. This might leave the project vulnerable to security issues that are fixed in the upstream version already. Add comments for code that was taken else-where and install a process that checks 3rd party dependencies for security updates.

LibMath.sol contains source code from:

5.10 Consider removing unnecessary events


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: Just for explanation. Some of the events are serving for our off-chain detector, so we’ll leave it asis.

Consider removing unnecessary events like the one in GlobalConfig that just indicates that the contract has been deployed.


constructor() public {
    emit CreateGlobalConfig();

5.11 Unnecessary ABIEncoderV2 declarations


It should be noted that ABIEncoderV2 is an experimental feature in Solidity 0.5.x. With 0.6.0 the ABIEncoderV2 is not considered experimental anymore (see solidity changelog). However, even the more recent versions of solidity list bug-fixes for the encoder and it should, therefore, be tested very thoroughly with the contract system.

To improve readability it is recommended to only specify ABIEncoderV2 for source units that actually make use of it. For example, the following files unnecessarily declare the feature:


pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; // to enable structure-type parameter


pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; // to enable structure-type parameter

5.12 Avoid redefining the same structs


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: Fixed.

Multiple definitions of types can be difficult to maintain and lead to security issues if the type is undergoing changes but change is not made for all definitions. Defining the same struct should, therefore, be avoided. Import the type from the respective source (e.g. LibTypes).


library LibSignature {
    enum SignatureMethod {ETH_SIGN, EIP712}

    struct OrderSignature {
        bytes32 config;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;


library LibEIP712 {
    string internal constant DOMAIN_NAME = "Mai Protocol";

    struct OrderSignature {
        bytes32 config;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;

5.13 Methods should be declared external


UPDATE: The client provided the following statement: Fixed. NOTE: The assessment team would like to note that function visibility could still be refined (e.g. ContractReader, ChainlinkAdapter, Exchange, *Governance, …)

Review function attributes of functions that are never called from the current contract. These methods can be declared as external instead of public in order to safe gas and make the reader aware, that the method is only called by an external entity.

For example, public methods in contractReader, PerpetualProxy, GlobalConfig, Exchange, Governance functionality in Perpetual, AMM and other exposed API in the contract system may be declared external.

5.14 Gas Optimization static hashed values


Pre-compute static hashed values that are known at compile-time to save some gas and add a comment describing the hashed value.


bytes32 private constant EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("EIP712Domain(string name)"));

6 Issues

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

6.1 Exchange - CancelOrder has no effect Critical  Pending


This issue has been addressed with mai-protocol-v2/2fcbf4b44f4595e5879ff5efea4e42c529ef0ce1 by verifying that an order has not been cancelled in method validateOrderParam.

cancelOrder still does not verify the order signature.


The exchange provides means for the trader or broker to cancel the order. The cancelOrder method, however, only stores the hash of the canceled order in mapping but the mapping is never checked. It is therefore effectively impossible for a trader to cancel an order.



function cancelOrder(LibOrder.Order memory order) public {
    require(msg.sender == order.trader || msg.sender == order.broker, "invalid caller");

    bytes32 orderHash = order.getOrderHash();
    cancelled[orderHash] = true;

    emit Cancel(orderHash);


  • matchOrders* or validateOrderParam should check if cancelled[orderHash] == true and abort fulfilling the order.
  • Verify the order params (Signature) before accepting it as canceled.

6.2 AMM - funding can be called in emergency mode Major  Pending


This issue was addressed by silently skipping funding() if the status is not NORMAL.


The specification for AMM.funding() states isEmergency==FALSE as a requirement. However, the state isEmergency does not exist (we assume EMERGENCY aka. SETTLING) and the implementation does not perform any state checks. This method is called by many other functions in AMM.


According to the specification, forceFunding should not be allowed in EMERGENCY mode. However, it is assumed that this method should only be callable in NORMAL mode.

The assessment team would like to note that the specification appears to be inconsistent and dated (method names, variable names, …).

6.3 Perpetual - withdraw should only be available in NORMAL state Major  Pending


This issue was resolved by requiring status == LibTypes.Status.NORMAL.


According to the specification withdraw can only be called in NORMAL state. However, the implementation allows it to be called in NORMAL and SETTLED mode.


Withdraw only checks for !SETTLING state which resolves to NORMAL and SETTLED.


function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
    withdrawFromAccount(msg.sender, amount);


function withdrawFromAccount(address payable guy, uint256 amount) private {
    require(guy != address(0), "invalid guy");
    require(status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLING, "wrong perpetual status");

    uint256 currentMarkPrice = markPrice();
    require(isSafeWithPrice(guy, currentMarkPrice), "unsafe before withdraw");
    remargin(guy, currentMarkPrice);
    address broker = currentBroker(guy);
    bool forced = broker == address(amm.perpetualProxy()) || broker == address(0);
    withdraw(guy, amount, forced);

    require(isSafeWithPrice(guy, currentMarkPrice), "unsafe after withdraw");
    require(availableMarginWithPrice(guy, currentMarkPrice) >= 0, "withdraw margin");

In contrast, withdrawFor requires the state to be NORMAL:


function withdrawFor(address payable guy, uint256 amount) public onlyWhitelisted {
    require(status == LibTypes.Status.NORMAL, "wrong perpetual status");
    withdrawFromAccount(guy, amount);


withdraw should only be available in the NORMAL operation mode.

6.4 Perpetual - withdrawFromInsuranceFund should check wadAmount instead of rawAmount Major  Pending


This issue was addressed by checking wadBalance instead of the rawAmount against insuranceFundBalance. withdrawFromProtocol was renamed to pushCollateral which now forwards all gas to the recipient and does not check for amount==0 by itself anymore (which may be fine because the callers in the current code revision do). It should be noted that the unit-test cases still attempt to provide a WAD value instead of the raw token amount.


withdrawFromInsurance checks that enough funds are in the insurance fund before allowing withdrawal by an admin by checking the provided rawAmount <= insuranceFundBalance.toUint256(). rawAmount is the ETH (18 digit precision) or collateral token amount (can be less than 18 digit precision) to be withdrawn while insuranceFundBalance is a WAD-denominated value (18 digit precision).

The check does not hold if the configured collateral has different precision and may have unwanted consequences, e.g. the withdrawal of more funds than expected.

Note: there is another check for insuranceFundBalance staying positive after the potential external call to collateral.



function withdrawFromInsuranceFund(uint256 rawAmount) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    require(rawAmount > 0, "invalid amount");
    require(insuranceFundBalance > 0, "insufficient funds");
    require(rawAmount <= insuranceFundBalance.toUint256(), "insufficient funds");

    int256 wadAmount = toWad(rawAmount);
    insuranceFundBalance = insuranceFundBalance.sub(wadAmount);
    withdrawFromProtocol(msg.sender, rawAmount);

    require(insuranceFundBalance >= 0, "negtive insurance fund");

    emit UpdateInsuranceFund(insuranceFundBalance);

When looking at the test-cases there seems to be a misconception about what unit of amount withdrawFromInsuranceFund is taking. For example, the insurance fund withdrawal and deposit are not tested for collateral that specifies a precision that is not 18. The test-cases falsely assume that the input to withdrawFromInsuranceFund is a WAD value, while it is taking the collateral’s rawAmount which is then converted to a WAD number.


await perpetual.withdrawFromInsuranceFund(toWad(10.111));
fund = await perpetual.insuranceFundBalance();
assert.equal(fund.toString(), 0);


Check that require(wadAmount <= insuranceFundBalance.toUint256(), "insufficient funds");, add a test-suite testing the insurance fund with collaterals with different precision and update existing tests that properly provide the expected input to withdraFromInsurance.

6.5 Perpetual - liquidateFrom should not have public visibility Major  Pending


This issue has been resolved by removing the liquidateFrom method entirely and refactoring liquidate. The method now enforces that status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLED. Additionally, the method now checks that msg.sender!=trader.


Perpetual.liquidate is used to liquidate an account that is “unsafe,” determined by the relative sizes of marginBalanceWithPrice and maintenanceMarginWithPrice:


// safe for liquidation
function isSafeWithPrice(address guy, uint256 currentMarkPrice) public returns (bool) {
        marginBalanceWithPrice(guy, currentMarkPrice) >=
        maintenanceMarginWithPrice(guy, currentMarkPrice).toInt256();

Perpetual.liquidate allows the caller to assume the liquidated account’s position, as well as a small amount of “penalty collateral.” The steps to liquidate are, roughly:

  1. Close the liquidated account’s position
  2. Perform a trade on the liquidated assets with the liquidator acting as counter-party
  3. Grant the liquidator a portion of the liquidated assets as a reward. An additional portion is added to the insurance fund.
  4. Handle any losses

We found several issues in Perpetual.liquidate:


liquidateFrom has public visibility:


function liquidateFrom(address from, address guy, uint256 maxAmount) public returns (uint256, uint256) {

Given that liquidate only calls liquidateFrom after checking the current contract’s status, this oversight allows anyone to call liquidateFrom during the SETTLED stage:


function liquidate(address guy, uint256 maxAmount) public returns (uint256, uint256) {
    require(status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLED, "wrong perpetual status");
    return liquidateFrom(msg.sender, guy, maxAmount);

Additionally, directly calling liquidateFrom allows anyone to liquidate on behalf of other users, forcing other accounts to assume liquidated positions.

Finally, neither liquidate nor liquidateFrom check that the liquidated account and liquidator are the same. Though the liquidation accounting process is hard to follow, we believe this is unintended and could lead to large errors in internal contract accounting.


  • Make liquidateFrom an internal function

  • In liquidate or liquidateFrom, check that msg.sender != guy

6.6 Unpredictable behavior due to front running or general bad timing Major  Pending


This issue was addressed by the client providing the following statement:

Not fixed in the perpetual. But later a voting system will take over the administration key. We intent to add a waiting period before voted changes applying.


In a number of cases, administrators of contracts can update or upgrade things in the system without warning. This has the potential to violate a security goal of the system.

Specifically, privileged roles could use front running to make malicious changes just ahead of incoming transactions, or purely accidental negative effects could occur due to unfortunate timing of changes.

Some instances of this are more important than others, but in general users of the system should have assurances about the behavior of the action they’re about to take.


The deployer of the PerpetualGovernance, AMMGovernance, and GlobalConfig contracts are set as administrators for the contracts through WhitelistedRole. The WhitelistedAdminRole can whitelist other accounts at any time and allow them to perform actions protected by the onlyWhitelisted decorator.

Updating governance and global configuration parameters are not protected by a time-lock and take effect immediately. This, therefore, creates an opportunity for administrators to front-run users on the exchange by changing parameters for orders. It may also allow an administrator to temporarily lift restrictions for themselves (e.g. withdrawalLockBlockCount).

  • GlobalConfig
    • withdrawalLockBlockCount is queried when applying for withdrawal. This value can be set zero enabling allowing immediate withdrawal.
    • brokerLockBlockCount is queried when setting a new broker. This value can e set to zero effectively enabling immediate broker changes.


function setGlobalParameter(bytes32 key, uint256 value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    if (key == "withdrawalLockBlockCount") {
        withdrawalLockBlockCount = value;
    } else if (key == "brokerLockBlockCount") {
        brokerLockBlockCount = value;
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGlobalParameter(key, value);
  • PerpetualGovernance
    • e.g. Admin can front-run specific matchOrder calls and set arbitrary dev fees or curve parameters…


function setGovernanceParameter(bytes32 key, int256 value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    if (key == "initialMarginRate") {
        governance.initialMarginRate = value.toUint256();
        require(governance.initialMarginRate > 0, "require im > 0");
        require(governance.initialMarginRate < 10**18, "require im < 1");
        require(governance.maintenanceMarginRate < governance.initialMarginRate, "require mm < im");
    } else if (key == "maintenanceMarginRate") {
        governance.maintenanceMarginRate = value.toUint256();
        require(governance.maintenanceMarginRate > 0, "require mm > 0");
        require(governance.maintenanceMarginRate < governance.initialMarginRate, "require mm < im");
        require(governance.liquidationPenaltyRate < governance.maintenanceMarginRate, "require lpr < mm");
        require(governance.penaltyFundRate < governance.maintenanceMarginRate, "require pfr < mm");
    } else if (key == "liquidationPenaltyRate") {
        governance.liquidationPenaltyRate = value.toUint256();
        require(governance.liquidationPenaltyRate < governance.maintenanceMarginRate, "require lpr < mm");
    } else if (key == "penaltyFundRate") {
        governance.penaltyFundRate = value.toUint256();
        require(governance.penaltyFundRate < governance.maintenanceMarginRate, "require pfr < mm");
    } else if (key == "takerDevFeeRate") {
        governance.takerDevFeeRate = value;
    } else if (key == "makerDevFeeRate") {
        governance.makerDevFeeRate = value;
    } else if (key == "lotSize") {
            governance.tradingLotSize == 0 || governance.tradingLotSize.mod(value.toUint256()) == 0,
            "require tls % ls == 0"
        governance.lotSize = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "tradingLotSize") {
        require(governance.lotSize == 0 || value.toUint256().mod(governance.lotSize) == 0, "require tls % ls == 0");
        governance.tradingLotSize = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "longSocialLossPerContracts") {
        require(status == LibTypes.Status.SETTLING, "wrong perpetual status");
        socialLossPerContracts[uint256(LibTypes.Side.LONG)] = value;
    } else if (key == "shortSocialLossPerContracts") {
        require(status == LibTypes.Status.SETTLING, "wrong perpetual status");
        socialLossPerContracts[uint256(LibTypes.Side.SHORT)] = value;
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGovernanceParameter(key, value);
  • Admin can set devAddress or even update to a new amm and globalConfig


function setGovernanceAddress(bytes32 key, address value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    require(value != address(0x0), "invalid address");
    if (key == "dev") {
        devAddress = value;
    } else if (key == "amm") {
        amm = IAMM(value);
    } else if (key == "globalConfig") {
        globalConfig = IGlobalConfig(value);
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGovernanceAddress(key, value);
  • AMMGovernance


function setGovernanceParameter(bytes32 key, int256 value) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    if (key == "poolFeeRate") {
        governance.poolFeeRate = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "poolDevFeeRate") {
        governance.poolDevFeeRate = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "emaAlpha") {
        require(value > 0, "alpha should be > 0");
        governance.emaAlpha = value;
        emaAlpha2 = 10**18 - governance.emaAlpha;
        emaAlpha2Ln = emaAlpha2.wln();
    } else if (key == "updatePremiumPrize") {
        governance.updatePremiumPrize = value.toUint256();
    } else if (key == "markPremiumLimit") {
        governance.markPremiumLimit = value;
    } else if (key == "fundingDampener") {
        governance.fundingDampener = value;
    } else {
        revert("key not exists");
    emit UpdateGovernanceParameter(key, value);


The underlying issue is that users of the system can’t be sure what the behavior of a function call will be, and this is because the behavior can change at any time.

We recommend giving the user advance notice of changes with a time lock. For example, make all updates to system parameters or upgrades require two steps with a mandatory time window between them. The first step merely broadcasts to users that a particular change is coming, and the second step commits that change after a suitable waiting period.

Additionally, users should verify the whitelist setup before using the contract system and monitor it for new additions to the whitelist. Documentation should clearly outline what roles are owned by whom to support suitability. Sane parameter bounds should be enforced (e.g. min. disallow block delay of zero )

6.7 AMM - Governance is able to set an invalid alpha value Medium  Pending


This issue was addressed by checking that the provided emaAlpha <= 1 WAD. This would allow a data smoothing factor of 1 which causes emaAlpha2 and emaAlpha2Ln to go zero which should not be allowed. As outlined in the recommendation, check 0 < α < 1 instead.


According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average

The coefficient α represents the degree of weighting decrease, a constant smoothing factor between 0 and 1. A higher α discounts older observations faster.

However, the code does not check upper bounds. An admin may, therefore, set an invalid alpha that puts emaAlpha2 out of bounds or negative.



} else if (key == "emaAlpha") {
    require(value > 0, "alpha should be > 0");
    governance.emaAlpha = value;
    emaAlpha2 = 10**18 - governance.emaAlpha;
    emaAlpha2Ln = emaAlpha2.wln();


Ensure that the system configuration is always within safe bounds. Document expected system variable types and their safe operating ranges. Enforce that bounds are checked every time a value is set. Enforce safe defaults when deploying contracts.

Ensure emaAlpha is 0 < value < 1 WAD

6.8 AMM - Amount of collateral spent or shares received may be unpredictable for liquidity provider Medium  Acknowledged


The client acknowledges this issue without providing further information or implementing the recommended fixes.


When providing liquidity with addLiquidity(), the amount of collateral required is based on the current price and the amount of shares received depends on the total amount of shares in circulation. This price can fluctuate at a moment’s notice, making the behavior of the function unpredictable for the user.

The same is true when removing liquidity via removeLiquidity().


Unpredictability can be introduced by someone front-running the transaction, or simply by poor timing. For example, adjustments to global variable configuration by the system admin will directly impact subsequent actions by the user. In order to ensure users know what to expect:

  • Allow the caller to specify a price limit or maximum amount of collateral to be spent

  • Allow the caller to specify the minimum amount of shares expected to be received

6.9 Exchange - insufficient input validation in matchOrders Medium  Pending


This issue was addressed by following the recommendation to verify that amounts.length > 0 && makerOrderParams.length == amounts.length. However, the code does not abort if one of the amounts is zero which should never happen and therefore raise an exception due to it likely being an erroneous call. Additionally, the method now enforces that only a broker can interact with the interface.


matchOrders does not check that that the sender has provided the same number of amounts as makerOrderParams. When fewer amounts exist than makerOrderParams, the method will revert because of an out-of-bounds array access. When fewer makerOrderParams exist than amounts, the method will succeed, and the additional values in amounts will be ignored.

Additionally, the method allows the sender to provide no makerOrderParams at all, resulting in no state changes.

matchOrders also does not reject trades with an amount set to zero. Such orders should be rejected because they do not comply with the minimum tradingLotSize configured for the system. As a side-effect, events may be emitted for zero-amount trades and unexpected state changes may occur.



function matchOrders(
    LibOrder.OrderParam memory takerOrderParam,
    LibOrder.OrderParam[] memory makerOrderParams,
    address _perpetual,
    uint256[] memory amounts
) public {


function matchOrderWithAMM(LibOrder.OrderParam memory takerOrderParam, address _perpetual, uint256 amount) public {


  • Require makerOrderParams.length > 0 && amounts.length == makerOrderParams.length
  • Require that amount or any of the amounts[i] provided to matchOrders is >=tradingLotSize.

6.10 AMM - Liquidity provider may lose up to lotSize when removing liquidity Medium  Acknowledged


The client acknowledges this issue without providing further information.


When removing liquidity, the amount of collateral received is calculated from the shareAmount (ShareToken) of the liquidity provider. The liquidity removal process registers a trade on the amount, with the liquidity provider and AMM taking opposite sides. Because trading only accepts multiple of the lotSize, the leftover is discarded. The amount discarded may be up to lotSize - 1.

The expectation is that this value should not be too high, but as lotSize can be set to arbitrary values by an admin, it is possible that this step discards significant value. Additionally, see issue 6.6 for how this can be exploited by an admin.

Note that similar behavior is present in Perpetual.liquidateFrom, where the liquidatableAmount calculated undergoes a similar modulo operation:


uint256 liquidatableAmount = totalPositionSize.sub(totalPositionSize.mod(governance.lotSize));
liquidationAmount = liquidationAmount.ceil(governance.lotSize).min(maxAmount).min(liquidatableAmount);


  • lotSize can arbitrarily be set up to pos_int256_max as long as tradingLotSize % lotSize == 0


} else if (key == "lotSize") {
        governance.tradingLotSize == 0 || governance.tradingLotSize.mod(value.toUint256()) == 0,
        "require tls % ls == 0"
    governance.lotSize = value.toUint256();
} else if (key == "tradingLotSize") {
    require(governance.lotSize == 0 || value.toUint256().mod(governance.lotSize) == 0, "require tls % ls == 0");
    governance.tradingLotSize = value.toUint256();
  • amount is derived from shareAmount rounded down to the next multiple of the lotSize. The leftover is discarded.


uint256 amount = shareAmount.wmul(oldPoolPositionSize).wdiv(shareToken.totalSupply());
amount = amount.sub(amount.mod(perpetualProxy.lotSize()));

perpetualProxy.transferBalanceOut(trader, price.wmul(amount).mul(2));
burnShareTokenFrom(trader, shareAmount);
uint256 opened = perpetualProxy.trade(trader, LibTypes.Side.LONG, price, amount);


  • Ensure that documentation makes users aware of the fact that they may lose up to lotsize-1 in value.

  • Alternatively, track accrued value and permit trades on values that exceed lotSize. Note that this may add significant complexity.

  • Ensure that similar system behavior, like the liquidatableAmount calculated in Perpetual.liquidateFrom, is also documented and communicated clearly to users.

6.11 Oracle - Unchecked oracle response timestamp and integer over/underflow Medium ✓ Fixed


This issue was resolved by following the recommendations,

  • using LibMath for arithmetic operations to guard against over/underflows,
  • checking that newPrice != 0
  • verifying that the timestamp is within a configurable range,
  • duplicating the code and combining the reverse oracle into one contract

The assessment team would like to note that the acceptable time-frame for answers can vary, the price may be outdated, and it is totally up to the deployer to configure the acceptable timeout. The timeout can be changed by the account deploying the oracle feed without a delay allowing the price-feed owner to arbitrarily make calls to AMM.indexPrice fail (front-running). A timeout may be set to an arbitrarily high value to bypass the check. User’s of the system are advised to validate that they trust the account operating the feeder and that the timeout is set correctly.


The external Chainlink oracle, which provides index price information to the system, introduces risk inherent to any dependency on third-party data sources. For example, the oracle could fall behind or otherwise fail to be maintained, resulting in outdated data being fed to the index price calculations of the AMM. Oracle reliance has historically resulted in crippled on-chain systems, and complications that lead to these outcomes can arise from things as simple as network congestion.

Ensuring that unexpected oracle return values are properly handled will reduce reliance on off-chain components and increase the resiliency of the smart contract system that depends on them.


  1. The ChainlinkAdapter and InversedChainlinkAdapter take the oracle’s (int256) latestAnswer and convert the result using chainlinkDecimalsAdapter. This arithmetic operation can underflow/overflow if the Oracle provides a large enough answer:


int256 public constant chainlinkDecimalsAdapter = 10**10;

constructor(address _feeder) public {
    feeder = IChainlinkFeeder(_feeder);

function price() public view returns (uint256 newPrice, uint256 timestamp) {
    newPrice = (feeder.latestAnswer() * chainlinkDecimalsAdapter).toUint256();
    timestamp = feeder.latestTimestamp();


int256 public constant chainlinkDecimalsAdapter = 10**10;

constructor(address _feeder) public {
    feeder = IChainlinkFeeder(_feeder);

function price() public view returns (uint256 newPrice, uint256 timestamp) {
    newPrice = ONE.wdiv(feeder.latestAnswer() * chainlinkDecimalsAdapter).toUint256();
    timestamp = feeder.latestTimestamp();
  1. The oracle provides a timestamp for the latestAnswer that is not validated and may lead to old oracle timestamps being accepted (e.g. caused by congestion on the blockchain or a directed censorship attack).


    timestamp = feeder.latestTimestamp();


  • Use SafeMath for mathematical computations

  • Verify latestAnswer is within valid bounds (!=0)

  • Verify latestTimestamp is within accepted bounds (not in the future, was updated within a reasonable amount of time)

  • Deduplicate code by combining both Adapters into one as the only difference is that the InversedChainlinkAdapter returns ONE.wdiv(price).

6.12 AMM - Liquidity pools can be initialized with zero collateral Medium  Pending


This issue was addressed by checking that amount > 0. The assessment team would like to note that;

  • The client chose to verify that amount is non-zero when calling createPool instead of requiring a minimum of a lotSize.
  • The client did not address the issues about removeLiquidity and addLiquidity allowing to remove and add zero liquidity.


createPool can be initialized with amount == 0. Because a subsequent call to initFunding can only happen once, the contract is now initialized with a zero size pool that does not allow any liquidity to be added.

Trying to recover by calling createPool again fails as the funding state is already initialized. The specification also states the following about createPool:

Open asset pool by deposit to AMM. Only available when pool is empty.

This is inaccurate, as createPool can only be called once due to a check in initFunding, but this call may leave the pool empty.

Furthermore, the contract’s liquidity management functionality (addLiquidity and removeLiquidity) allows adding zero liquidity (amount == 0) and removing zero shares (shareAmount == 0). As these actions do not change the liquidity of the pool, they should be rejected.


  • Require a minimum amount lotSize to be provided when creating a Pool and adding liquidity via addLiquidity

  • Require a minimum amount of shares to be provided when removing liquidity via removeLiquidity

6.13 Perpetual - Administrators can put the system into emergency mode indefinitely Medium  Pending


The client provided the following statement addressing the issue:

It should be solved by voting. Moreover, we add two roles who is able to disable withdrawing /pause the system.

The duration of the emergency phase is still unrestricted.


There is no limitation on how long an administrator can put the Perpetual contract into emergency mode. Users cannot trade or withdraw funds in emergency mode and are effectively locked out until the admin chooses to put the contract in SETTLED mode.



function beginGlobalSettlement(uint256 price) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    require(status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLED, "already settled");
    settlementPrice = price;
    status = LibTypes.Status.SETTLING;
    emit BeginGlobalSettlement(price);


function endGlobalSettlement() public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    require(status == LibTypes.Status.SETTLING, "wrong perpetual status");

    address guy = address(amm.perpetualProxy());
    status = LibTypes.Status.SETTLED;

    emit EndGlobalSettlement();


  • Set a time-lock when entering emergency mode that allows anyone to set the system to SETTLED after a fixed amount of time.

6.14 Signed data may be usable cross-chain Medium ✓ Fixed


This issue was addressed by adding the chainId to the order data and verifying it as part of validateOrderParam. Additional checks were added to LibSignature to ensure s, v, and the result of ecrecover() are within valid bounds.


Signed order data may be re-usable cross-chain as the chain-id is not explicitly part of the signed data.

It is also recommended to further harden the signature verification and validate that v and s are within expected bounds. ecrecover() returns 0x0 to indicate an error condition, therefore, a signerAddress or recovered address of 0x0 should explicitly be disallowed.


The signed order data currently includes the EIP712 Domain Name Mai Protocol and the following information:


struct Order {
    address trader;
    address broker;
    address perpetual;
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 price;
     * Data contains the following values packed into 32 bytes
     * ╔════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
     * ║                    │ length(bytes)   desc                                      ║
     * ╟────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
     * ║ version            │ 1               order version                             ║
     * ║ side               │ 1               0: buy (long), 1: sell (short)            ║
     * ║ isMarketOrder      │ 1               0: limitOrder, 1: marketOrder             ║
     * ║ expiredAt          │ 5               order expiration time in seconds          ║
     * ║ asMakerFeeRate     │ 2               maker fee rate (base 100,000)             ║
     * ║ asTakerFeeRate     │ 2               taker fee rate (base 100,000)             ║
     * ║ (d) makerRebateRate│ 2               rebate rate for maker (base 100)          ║
     * ║ salt               │ 8               salt                                      ║
     * ║ isMakerOnly        │ 1               is maker only                             ║
     * ║ isInversed         │ 1               is inversed contract                      ║
     * ║                    │ 8               reserved                                  ║
     * ╚════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
    bytes32 data;

Signature verification:


function isValidSignature(OrderSignature memory signature, bytes32 hash, address signerAddress)
    returns (bool)
    uint8 method = uint8(signature.config[1]);
    address recovered;
    uint8 v = uint8(signature.config[0]);

    if (method == uint8(SignatureMethod.ETH_SIGN)) {
        recovered = ecrecover(
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash)),
    } else if (method == uint8(SignatureMethod.EIP712)) {
        recovered = ecrecover(hash, v, signature.r, signature.s);
    } else {
        revert("invalid sign method");

    return signerAddress == recovered;


  • Include the chain-id in the signature to avoid cross-chain validity of signatures
  • verify s is within valid bounds to avoid signature malleability
if (uint256(s) > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0) {
      revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 's' value");
  • verify v is within valid bounds
if (v != 27 && v != 28) {
     revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 'v' value");
  • return invalid if the result of ecrecover() is 0x0

6.15 Exchange - validateOrderParam does not check against SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION Medium ✓ Fixed


This issue was resolved by checking against SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION instead of the hardcoded value 2.


validateOrderParam verifies the signature and version of a provided order. Instead of checking against the contract constant SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION it, however, checks against a hardcoded version 2 in the method itself.

This might be a problem if SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION is seen as the configuration parameter for the allowed version. Changing it would not change the allowed order version for validateOrderParam as this constant literal is never used.

At the time of this audit, however, the SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION value equals the hardcoded value in the validateOrderParam method.



function validateOrderParam(IPerpetual perpetual, LibOrder.OrderParam memory orderParam)
    returns (bytes32)
    address broker = perpetual.currentBroker(orderParam.trader);
    require(broker == msg.sender, "invalid broker");
    require(orderParam.getOrderVersion() == 2, "unsupported version");
    require(orderParam.getExpiredAt() >= block.timestamp, "order expired");

    bytes32 orderHash = orderParam.getOrderHash(address(perpetual), broker);
    require(orderParam.signature.isValidSignature(orderHash, orderParam.trader), "invalid signature");
    require(filled[orderHash] < orderParam.amount, "fullfilled order");

    return orderHash;


Check against SUPPORTED_ORDER_VERSION instead of the hardcoded value 2.

6.16 LibMathSigned - wpowi returns an invalid result for a negative exponent Medium  Pending


This issue was addressed by requiring that n is a positive signed integer (here). The method is still lacking proper natspec documentation outlining expected argument types and valid ranges. The client chose not to implement a check to detect the case where a user accidentally provides n in WAD.


LibMathSigned.wpowi(x,n) calculates Wad value x (base) to the power of n (exponent). The exponent is declared as a signed int, however, the method returns wrong results when calculating x ^(-n).

The comment for the wpowi method suggests that n is a normal integer instead of a Wad-denominated value. This, however, is not being enforced.


  • LibMathSigned.wpowi(8000000000000000000, 2) = 64000000000000000000
  • (wrong) LibMathSigned.wpowi(8000000000000000000, -2) = 64000000000000000000


// x ^ n
// NOTE: n is a normal integer, do not shift 18 decimals
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-assign-params
function wpowi(int256 x, int256 n) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
    z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : _WAD;

    for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
        x = wmul(x, x);

        if (n % 2 != 0) {
            z = wmul(z, x);


Make wpowi support negative exponents or use the proper type for n (uint) and reject negative values.

Enforce that the exponent bounds are within sane ranges and less than a Wad to detect potential misuse where someone accidentally provides a Wad value as n.

Add positive and negative unit-tests to fully cover this functionality.

6.17 Outdated solidity version and floating pragma Medium  Pending


This issue was addressed by removing the floating pragma and fixing the compiler version to v0.5.15. The assessment team would like to note, that the latest 0.5.x release of solidity is 0.5.17 with 0.5.16 addressing an ABIEncoder issue.


Using an outdated compiler version can be problematic especially if there are publicly disclosed bugs and issues (see also https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/releases) that affect the current compiler version.

The codebase specifies a floating version of ^0.5.2 and makes use of the experimental feature ABIEncoderV2.

It should be noted, that ABIEncoderV2 was subject to multiple bug-fixes up until the latest 0.6.xversion and contracts compiled with earlier versions are - for example - susceptible to the following issues:

  • ImplicitConstructorCallvalueCheck
  • TupleAssignmentMultiStackSlotComponents
  • MemoryArrayCreationOverflow
  • privateCanBeOverridden
  • YulOptimizerRedundantAssignmentBreakContinue0.5
  • ABIEncoderV2CalldataStructsWithStaticallySizedAndDynamicallyEncodedMembers
  • SignedArrayStorageCopy
  • ABIEncoderV2StorageArrayWithMultiSlotElement
  • DynamicConstructorArgumentsClippedABIV2


Codebase declares compiler version ^0.5.2:


pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; // to enable structure-type parameters

According to etherscan.io, the currently deployed main-net AMM contract is compiled with solidity version 0.5.8:



It is recommended to settle on the latest stable 0.6.x or 0.5.x version of the Solidity compiler and lock the pragma version to a specifically tested compiler release.

6.18 AMM - ONE_WAD_U is never used Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue is resolved by removing ONE_WAD_U. The assessment team would like to note that the code-base still directly hardcodes one WAD as 10**18 in PerpetualGovernance and AMMGovernance.


The const ONE_WAD_U is declared but never used. Avoid re-declaring the same constants in multiple source-units (and unit-test cases) as this will be hard to maintain.



uint256 private constant ONE_WAD_U = 10**18;


Remove unused code. Import the value from a shared resource. E.g.ONE_WAD is declared multiple times in LibMathSigned, LibMathUnsigned, AMM, hardcoded in checks in PerpetualGovernance.setGovernanceParameter, AMMGovernance.setGovernanceParameter.

6.19 Perpetual - Variable shadowing in constructor Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was addressed by following the recommendation.


Perpetual inherits from PerpetualGovernance and Collateral, which declare state variables that are shadowed in the Perpetual constructor.


  • Local constructor argument shadows PerpetualGovernance.globalConfig, PerpetualGovernance.devAddress, Collateral.collateral

Note: Confusing name: Collateral is an inherited contract and a state variable.


constructor(address globalConfig, address devAddress, address collateral, uint256 collateralDecimals)
    Position(collateral, collateralDecimals)
    setGovernanceAddress("globalConfig", globalConfig);
    setGovernanceAddress("dev", devAddress);
    emit CreatePerpetual();


Rename the parameter or state variable.

6.20 Perpetual - The specified decimals for the collateral may not reflect the token’s actual decimals Minor  Acknowledged


The client acknowledges this issue without providing further information.


When initializing the Perpetual contract, the deployer can decide to use either ETH, or an ERC20-compliant collateral. In the latter case, the deployer must provide a nonzero address for the token, as well as the number of decimals used by the token:


constructor(address _collateral, uint256 decimals) public {
    require(decimals <= MAX_DECIMALS, "decimals out of range");
    require(_collateral != address(0x0) || (_collateral == address(0x0) && decimals == 18), "invalid decimals");

    collateral = _collateral;
    scaler = (decimals == MAX_DECIMALS ? 1 : 10**(MAX_DECIMALS - decimals)).toInt256();

The provided decimals value is not checked for validity and can differ from the actual token’s decimals.


Ensure to establish documentation that makes users aware of the fact that the decimals configured are not enforced to match the actual tokens decimals. This is to allow users to audit the system configuration and decide whether they want to participate in it.

6.21 AMM - Unchecked return value in ShareToken.mint Minor  Pending


This issue was addressed by adding checks to mintShareTokenTo verifying its return value. In addition, the signature for ShareToken.burn was changed to also return an error indicator. The assessment team would like to note that this deviates from the openzeppelin implementation which (a) does not return an error indication but throws instead, (b) burns the callers token on calls to burn while this implementation more behaves like a burnFrom.


ShareToken is an extension of the Openzeppelin ERC20Mintable pattern which exposes a method called mint() that allows accounts owning the minter role to mint new tokens. The return value of ShareToken.mint() is not checked.

Since the ERC20 standard does not define whether this method should return a value or revert it may be problematic to assume that all tokens revert. If, for example, an implementation is used that does not revert on error but returns a boolean error indicator instead the caller might falsely continue without the token minted.

We would like to note that the functionality is intended to be used with the provided ShareToken and therefore the contract is safe to use assuming ERC20Mintable.mint reverts on error. The issue arises if the system is used with a different ShareToken implementation that is not implemented in the same way.


  • Openzeppelin implementation
function mint(address account, uint256 amount) public onlyMinter returns (bool) {
    _mint(account, amount);
    return true;
  • Call with unchecked return value


function mintShareTokenTo(address guy, uint256 amount) internal {
    shareToken.mint(guy, amount);


Consider wrapping the mint statement in a require clause, however, this way only tokens that are returning a boolean error indicator are supported. Document the specification requirements for the ShareToken and clearly state if the token is expected to revert or return an error indicator.

It should also be documented that the Token exposes a burn method that does not adhere to the Openzeppelin ERC20Burnable implementation. The ERC20Burnable import is unused as noted in issue 6.23.

6.22 Perpetual - beginGlobalSettlement can be called multiple times Minor  Acknowledged


The client addressed this issue with the following statement:

Acknowledged. It sill can be call multiple times to correct the settlement price. Voting and pausemay improve the situation.When pause, no liquidation which may leading to losing position happens event in theemergency mode.

beginGlobalSettlement can still be called multiple times.


The system can be put into emergency mode by an admin calling beginGlobalSettlement and providing a fixed settlementPrice. The method can be invoked even when the contract is already in SETTLING (emergency) mode, allowing an admin to selectively adjust the settlement price again. This does not seem to be the intended behavior as calling the method again re-sets the status to SETTLING. Furthermore, it may affect users’ behavior during the SETTLING phase.



function beginGlobalSettlement(uint256 price) public onlyWhitelistAdmin {
    require(status != LibTypes.Status.SETTLED, "already settled");
    settlementPrice = price;
    status = LibTypes.Status.SETTLING;
    emit BeginGlobalSettlement(price);


  • Emergency mode should only be allowed to be set once

6.23 Unused Imports Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was addressed by removing the listed imports.


The following source units are imported but not referenced in the contract:



import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";


import "../interface/IPriceFeeder.sol";
import "../interface/IGlobalConfig.sol";


import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Burnable.sol";


import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";


Check all imports and remove all unused/unreferenced and unnecessary imports.

6.24 Exchange - OrderStatus is never used Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was resolved by removing the unused code.


The enum OrderStatus is declared but never used.





Remove unused code.

6.25 LibMath - Inaccurate declaration of _UINT256_MAX Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was addressed by renaming _UINT256_MAX to _POSITIVE_INT256_MAX.


LibMathUnsigned declares _UINT256_MAX as 2^255-1 while this value actually represents _INT256_MAX. This appears to just be a naming issue.


(UINT256_MAX/2-1 => pos INT256_MAX; 2**256/2-1==2**255-1)


library LibMathUnsigned {
    uint256 private constant _WAD = 10**18;
    uint256 private constant _UINT256_MAX = 2**255 - 1;


Rename _UINT256_MAX to _INT256MAX or _SIGNED_INT256MAX.

6.26 LibMath - inconsistent assertion text and improve representation of literals with many digits Minor  Acknowledged


The client acknowledges this issue without providing further information.


The assertion below states that logE only accepts v <= 1e22 * 1e18 while the argument name is x. In addition to that we suggest representing large literals in scientific notation.



function wln(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256) {
    require(x > 0, "logE of negative number");
    require(x <= 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000, "logE only accepts v <= 1e22 * 1e18"); // in order to prevent using safe-math
    int256 r = 0;
    uint8 extra_digits = longer_digits - fixed_digits;


Update the inconsistent assertion text v -> x and represent large literals in scientific notation as they are otherwise difficult to read and review.

6.27 LibMath - roundHalfUp returns unfinished result Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was addressed by adding the following comment to the function signature. Please note that the code documentation does not adhere to the natspec format.

// ROUND_HALF_UP rule helper. You have to call roundHalfUp(x, y) / y to finish the rounding operation

There is still the residual risk that someone might miss the comment and wrongly assume that the method finishes rounding. This is, however, accepted by the client.


The method LibMathSigned.roundHalfUp(int x, int y) returns the value x rounded up to the base y. The method suggests that the result is the rounded value while that’s not actually true. The result for a positive x is x + base/2 and x - base/2 for negative values. The rounding is not yet finished as this would require a final division by base y to manifest the rounding.

It is assumed that the final rounding step is not executed for performance reasons. However, this might easily introduce errors when the caller assumes the result is rounded for base while it is not.


  • roundHalfUp(-4700, 1000) = -4700 instead of 5000
  • roundHalfUp(4700, 1000) = 4700 instead of 5000


// ROUND_HALF_UP rule helper. 0.5 ≈ 1, 0.4 ≈ 0, -0.5 ≈ -1, -0.4 ≈ 0
function roundHalfUp(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256) {
    require(y > 0, "roundHalfUp only supports y > 0");
    if (x >= 0) {
        return add(x, y / 2);
    return sub(x, y / 2);


We have verified the current code-base and the callers for roundHalfUp are correctly finishing the rounding step. However, it is recommended to finish the rounding within the method or document this behavior to prevent errors caused by code that falsely assumes that the returned value finished rounding.

6.28 LibMath/LibOrder - unused named return value Minor ✓ Fixed


This issue was resolved by either returning a named value or using the return statement.


The following methods declare a named return value but explicitly return a value instead. The named return value is not used.

  • LibMathSigned.min()
  • LibMathSigned.max()
  • LibMathUnsigned.min()
  • LibMathUnsigned.max()
  • LibOrder.getOrderHash()
  • LibOrder.hashOrder()



function min(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
    return x <= y ? x : y;

function max(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
    return x >= y ? x : y;


function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
    return x <= y ? x : y;

function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
    return x >= y ? x : y;


function getOrderHash(Order memory order) internal pure returns (bytes32 orderHash) {
    orderHash = LibEIP712.hashEIP712Message(hashOrder(order));
    return orderHash;


function hashOrder(Order memory order) internal pure returns (bytes32 result) {
    bytes32 orderType = EIP712_ORDER_TYPE;
    // solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
    assembly {
        let start := sub(order, 32)
        let tmp := mload(start)
        mstore(start, orderType)
        result := keccak256(start, 224)
        mstore(start, tmp)
    return result;


Remove the named return value and explicitly return the value.

6.29 Where possible, a specific contract type should be used rather than address Minor  Pending


This issue was partially addressed by changing some state variable declarations from address to the specific contract type. For example, methods in Exchange still take address parameters instead of concrete Perpetual types.


Rather than storing addresses and then casting to the known contract type, it’s better to use the best type available so the compiler can check for type safety.


Collateral. collateral is of type address, but it could be type IERC20 instead. Not only would this give a little more type safety when deploying new modules, but it would avoid repeated casts throughout the codebase of the form IERC20(collateral), IPerpetual(_perpetual) and others. The following is an incomplete list of examples:

  • declare collateral as IERC20


address public collateral;


IERC20(collateral).safeTransferFrom(guy, address(this), rawAmount);
  • declare argument perpetual as IPerpetual


function matchOrders(
    LibOrder.OrderParam memory takerOrderParam,
    LibOrder.OrderParam[] memory makerOrderParams,
    address _perpetual,
    uint256[] memory amounts
) public {
    require(!takerOrderParam.isMakerOnly(), "taker order is maker only");

    IPerpetual perpetual = IPerpetual(_perpetual);
  • declare argument feeder as IChainlinkFeeder


constructor(address _feeder) public {
    feeder = IChainlinkFeeder(_feeder);


Where possible, use more specific types instead of address. This goes for parameter types as well as state variable types.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files of the mcdexio/mai-protocol-v2 source code repository:

File Name SHA-1 Hash
contracts/token/ShareToken.sol 381ad1be612285ad2396bf157377721e285ed2fc
contracts/reader/ContractReader.sol 6177fd113dc02f6865bc1670e060a048c1ccccbd
contracts/perpetual/Brokerage.sol cb5096494e9069652c8734065d24eb94fc0bff6a
contracts/perpetual/Position.sol 5591403e58a6275423e775e0ba0bd791a9e984de
contracts/perpetual/PerpetualGovernance.sol 814c9d9968fcc6c9ee277b2c6dd7ed7fceb0e579
contracts/perpetual/Collateral.sol 22a68f571f18ea64ed13abf7890ecc1142915319
contracts/perpetual/Perpetual.sol 1a21792905c2b539250eac8dff23d26f41b8857e
contracts/interface/IPerpetual.sol 1e01454b6d0ba5b87b6c04f49603ea7707493df0
contracts/interface/IPerpetualProxy.sol d299c3517f5ebbea7084e7164132fd8dbafdd4e0
contracts/interface/IPriceFeeder.sol b3bda1d692e4ed8695645fcae9c477912b589d55
contracts/interface/IGlobalConfig.sol 3c0938eddfa01b89441711abe96e6ae526447449
contracts/interface/IChainlinkFeeder.sol ddcb0abf1ee1340a0f17efe759a51735325a5994
contracts/interface/IAMM.sol 1868a2ecaee45cc12bda6008a0b3d75e2bdc9630
contracts/exchange/Exchange.sol 997aac71ecce4cdb5d41e55a4dd3e96f1a2aa36a
contracts/proxy/PerpetualProxy.sol a210d447cfb54001d1038d42b1114baf021e4cb2
contracts/oracle/InversedChainlinkAdapter.sol 0e2dbd0a887083c2908136437dea938d0d4c4df2
contracts/oracle/ChainlinkAdapter.sol a8df0adf24497f4310fd8beab999b7750c599261
contracts/lib/LibSignature.sol d172e939094fe391a7f1854719791d352f56e63f
contracts/lib/LibOrder.sol 606607a62692cc6067177d605b3bba0215211bd7
contracts/lib/LibEIP712.sol 6cb47eb26501eb52fbb83d1cd8d3b7e8425d5e0d
contracts/lib/LibTypes.sol bc18a1473b87daa954aeb89fa5fb6c39aa673c40
contracts/lib/LibMath.sol f81580d413630756486ac49f8de85320e93183d3
contracts/global/GlobalConfig.sol 8450d1c86e45a03d8b761086274af0ce00ac38b2
contracts/liquidity/AMM.sol bc103b3b4079014b706f7e1c926e46ad60c4c824
contracts/liquidity/AMMGovernance.sol 88c156db493915ec2749eaf68832bfc2d21f5164
Excluded Source Units

Appendix 2 - Artifacts

This section contains some of the artifacts generated during our review by automated tools, the test suite, etc. If any issues or recommendations were identified by the output presented here, they have been addressed in the appropriate section above.

A.2.1 Solidity Code Metrics

A.2.2 MythX

MythX is a security analysis API for Ethereum smart contracts. It performs multiple types of analysis, including fuzzing and symbolic execution, to detect many common vulnerability types. The tool was used for automated vulnerability discovery for all audited contracts and libraries. More details on MythX can be found at mythx.io.

Below is the raw output of the MythX vulnerability scan:

A.2.3 Surya

Surya is a utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.

Below is a complete list of functions with their visibility and modifiers:

A.2.4 Tests Suite

Below is the output generated by running the test suite:

Appendix 3 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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