Aave Balancer and Uniswap v2 Price Providers

1 Document Change Log

Version Date Description
1.0 2020-08-17 Initial report
1.1 2020-08-28 Updated with remediation

2 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our assessment of Aave’s Balancer and Uniswap v2 Price Providers, both of which are an extension to the existing Aave protocol. Both price providers act as an oracle that returns the price in ETH per liquidity token.

The assessment was conducted from Aug 10 to Aug 14, 2020 as part of an ongoing engagement between Aave and ConsenSys Diligence. The objective of this collaboration is a more agile and iterative approach to smart contract security vs. the ‘security last’ approach currently dominating in the industry.

3 Scope

Our review focused on the Balancer Price Provider Adapter (BalancerSharedPoolPriceProvider.sol) and the Uniswap v2 Price Provider Adapter (UniswapV2PriceProvider.sol).

3.1 Objectives

We focused on the following objectives for our review:

  1. Ensure the absence of known security vulnerabilities

  2. Ensure the contract satisfies the critical requirements of an oracle:

    1. Availability: it returns a value when requested.
    2. Integrity/Authenticity: it returns the correct value.

4 Discussion

In the recent audit of the Aave CPM Price Provider we outlined a price manipulation vector which was mitigated by implementing means of detecting price manipulation.

Both contracts under audit implement similar means to detect manipulation by comparing the price derived from the state of the 3rd party exchange to the price provided by the Chainlink oracle. If the prices differ significantly, the Chainlink price is taken as correct, and used to derive the proper asset balance for that price.

The improved design may still have issues at times of high price volatility and/or network congestion. If the Chainlink oracle becomes stale for some reason (or an attacker intentionally causes the Chainlink update to be delayed) the liquidity pool could actually reflect the market price more accurately. In that case, the stale or manipulated Chainlink price would take precedence in determining the value of the 3rd party exchange tokens. However, the Chainlink oracle price is likely harder to manipulate than the liquidity pool reserve ratio, and under normal circumstances the error margin would be limited to the size of the price change in real world markets. A sufficiently large over-collateralization requirement should be sufficient to protect against opportunistic borrowers seeking to take under-collateralized loans during times of high volatility and chain congestion.

4.1 Balancer Price Provider

The contract is parameterized on deployment. Neither the deployer nor any other party remains in direct control of the contract. However, it is important to verify the parameterization of the contract before interacting with it, epecially as the version under audit does not validate constructor arguments which might result in a deployed but incorrectly operating price provider. The main consumer of this contract is the Aave platform.

The contract consumes ChainLink Price oracle feeds via the Aaave oracle provider, interfaces with the configured balancer pool contract and only operates on finalized shared balancer pools. This means that the operator of the balancer pool cannot add/remove or change weights for the pool tokens. These values are therefore considered constant and it is safe to fetch them when deploying the contract.

The contract exposes one external main method named latestAnswer() which determines the referenced Balancer Pool Token (BPT) value based on the asset distribution and their prices in ETH.

The BPT token value is determined in three steps:

  1. For every token in the pool the corresponding balance in ETH (TokenBalanceEth) is determined using a Chainlink oracle: BalancerPoolBalance(token) * ChainLinkTokenPrice(token).
  2. For every token in the pool it is checked whether there is a deviation of more than +/- MAX_DEVIATION percent from the Chainlink price: Deviation = SpotPrice(TokenO, TokenI)/ChainlinkPrice(TokenO, TokenI).
  3. Calculate the price:
    1. No deviation: In order to safe gas the pool token value is calculated as Sum(TokenBalanceEth(token) for each token)/poolToken.totalSupply.
    2. Deviation detected: The token value is calculated as the geometric mean rebalanced to the ChainLink price as: Product(TokenBalanceEth(token)^weight for each token) * k / poolToken.totalSupply. The result is approximated using various methods.

poolToken.totalSupply is the total supply of the BAL pool token.

The specification document code/aave-balancer-3e8367ab/Specification Balancer Shared Pool Price Provider.pdf (git hash-object: b411637cc3ccf0fea7915657ce29422dec97d097) provides a discussion about potential attacks and the proof for the alternate method of determining the token price.

4.2 Uniswap v2 Price Provider

The contract is parameterized on deployment. Neither the deployer nor any other party remains in direct control of the contract. However, it is important to verify the parameterization of the contract before interacting with it, especially as the version under audit does not validate constructor arguments which might result in a deployed but incorrectly operating price provider. The main consumer of this contract is the Aave platform.

The contract exposes one external main method named latestAnswer() which determines the referenced Uniswap pool token in ETH. The value is determined in three steps:

  1. For each token the balance in ETH (TokenBalanceEth) is determined using a Chainlink oracle: TokenReserve * ChainLinkTokenPrice.
  2. For the token pair it is checked whether there is a deviation of more than +/- MAX_DEVIATION percent from the Chainlink price: Deviation = TokenBalanceEth(tokenA) / TokenBalanceEth(tokenB) or Deviation = TokenBalanceEth(tokenB) / TokenBalanceEth(tokenA).
  3. Calculate the price:
    1. No deviation: In order to safe gas the value is calculated as Sum(TokenBalanceEth(token) for each token) / pair.totalSupply.
    2. Deviation detected: The token value is calculated as the geometric mean rebalanced to the ChainLink price as: 2 * sqrt(TokenBalanceEth(tokenA) * TokenBalanceEth(tokenB)) / pair.totalSupply

The pair.totalSupply is the Uniswap V2 pair total supply.

The specification document code/aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/Final Specification Uniswap V2 Price Provider.pdf (git hash-object: c98c8c325cfecf99a1abcfc291457ea8e2080686) discusses potential attacks and provides a proof for the alternative method of calculating the token price. We would like to note that the audit team suggested the following minor changes to the document:

  • Page 6: Ratio R should be named Rio or Roi as usually Rio != Roi with Rio = 1/Roi
  • Page 6: The formula for the first 1st and the 2nd ratio do not match. the first ratio is Rio and the 2nd is Roi which might be confusing
  • Page 8: eq2 SPyx = y/x should be SPyx = x/y, hence eq4 should be y/x = Py/Px, therefore, eq10 cannot be simplified to eq11.

The issues were partially addressed with gitlab revision: b3c66a57, fixing the error on Page 8. However, eq2 should be SPyx = x / y and eq3 should be CPyx = Px/Py according to the definitions on page 6. This, however, does not change the resulting simplified formula for the geometric mean.

5 Recommendations

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

5.1 Code readability - Rename priceDeviation to maxPriceDeviation ✓ Fixed


The variable was renamed.


Improve code readability by renaming the state variable priceDeviation to maxPriceDeviation, distinguishing it from the local variable price_deviation and indicating that the variable is a limit as outlined in the specification (MAX_DEVIATION).



if (
    price_deviation > (BONE + priceDeviation) ||
    price_deviation < (BONE - priceDeviation)
) {
    return true;


if (
    price_deviation > (Math.BONE + priceDeviation) ||
    price_deviation < (Math.BONE - priceDeviation)
) {
    return true;
price_deviation = Math.bdiv(ethTotal_1, ethTotal_0);      
if (
    price_deviation > (Math.BONE + priceDeviation) ||
    price_deviation < (Math.BONE - priceDeviation)
) {
    return true;

5.2 Improve Input Validation ✓ Fixed


the recommended checks have been added to the constructor.


The constructor does not validate whether the provided price provider arguments actually make sense. In the worst-case someone might be able to deploy the contract that cannot be used. It is recommended to fail the contract creation early if invalid arguments are detected.

Consider implementing the following checks to detect whether a non-viable price provider is being deployed:

  • tokens.length > 1 and less than the maximum supported tokens (note that hasDeviation requires token.length**2 iterations if no deviation is detected)
  • _isPeggedToEth.length == tokens.length
  • _decimals.length == tokens.length
  • approximationMatrix.length && approximationMatrix[0][0].length == tokens.length +1
  • _priceDeviation is within bounds (less than 100%, i.e. less than 1 * BONE) otherwise the calculation might underflow.
  • _powerPrecision is within bounds
  • address(_priceOracle) != address(0)


    BPool _pool,
    bool[] memory _isPeggedToEth,
    uint8[] memory _decimals,
    IPriceOracle _priceOracle,
    uint256 _priceDeviation,
    uint256 _K,
    uint256 _powerPrecision,
    uint256[][] memory _approximationMatrix
) public {
    pool = _pool;
    //Get token list
    tokens = pool.getFinalTokens(); //This already checks for pool finalized
    //Get token normalized weights
    uint256 length = tokens.length;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    isPeggedToEth = _isPeggedToEth;
    decimals = _decimals;
    priceOracle = _priceOracle;
    priceDeviation = _priceDeviation;
    K = _K;
    powerPrecision = _powerPrecision;
    approximationMatrix = _approximationMatrix;


    IUniswapV2Pair _pair,
    bool[] memory _isPeggedToEth,
    uint8[] memory _decimals,
    IPriceOracle _priceOracle,
    uint256 _priceDeviation
) public {
    pair = _pair;
    //Get tokens
    isPeggedToEth = _isPeggedToEth;
    decimals = _decimals;
    priceOracle = _priceOracle;
    priceDeviation = _priceDeviation;

5.3 Use SafeMath consistently ✓ Fixed


All arithmetic operations now use SafeMath.


Even though the Uniswap price provider imports the SafeMath library, the SafeMath library functions aren’t always used for integer arithmetic operations. Note that plain Solidity arithmetic operators do not check for integer underflows and overflows.


Example 1:


uint256 missingDecimals = 18 - decimals[index];

Example 2 (same in line 91-92):


price_deviation > (Math.BONE + priceDeviation) ||
price_deviation < (Math.BONE - priceDeviation)

Example 3:


uint256 liquidity = numerator / denominator;
totalSupply += liquidity;


In some cases, this issue is cosmetic because the values are assumed to be within certain ranges. Nevertheless, we recommend accepting the slightly higher gas cost for SafeMath functions for consistency and to prevent potential issues.

6 Issues

The issues are presented in approximate order of priority from highest to lowest.

6.1 Unchecked Specification requirement - token limit Closed


According to the Balancer Shared Pool Price Provider that was provided with the audit code-base the price provide must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Pool token price cannot be manipulated
  • Chainlink will be used as the main oracle
  • It should use as less gas as possible
  • Limited to Balancer’s shared pools where the weights cannot be changed
  • Limited to a pool containing 2 to 3 tokens

However, the constructor of the price provider does not enforce the limit of 2 to 3 tokens.



    BPool _pool,
    bool[] memory _isPeggedToEth,
    uint8[] memory _decimals,
    IPriceOracle _priceOracle,
    uint256 _priceDeviation,
    uint256 _K,
    uint256 _powerPrecision,
    uint256[][] memory _approximationMatrix
) public {
    pool = _pool;
    //Get token list
    tokens = pool.getFinalTokens(); //This already checks for pool finalized
    //Get token normalized weights
    uint256 length = tokens.length;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    isPeggedToEth = _isPeggedToEth;
    decimals = _decimals;
    priceOracle = _priceOracle;
    priceDeviation = _priceDeviation;
    K = _K;
    powerPrecision = _powerPrecision;
    approximationMatrix = _approximationMatrix;


Require that the number of tokens returned by pool.getFinalTokens() is 2<= len <=3.

6.2 Integer underflow if a token specifies more than 18 decimals Closed


Decimals are provided by the account deploying the price provider contract. In getEthBalanceByToken the assumption is made that decimals[index] is less or equal to 18 decimals, however, the deployer may provide decimals that are not within normal operating bounds. Contract creation succeeds, while the contract is not viable.


The value underflows if the contract is used with a token decimals > 18.



function getEthBalanceByToken(uint256 index)
    returns (uint256)
    uint256 pi = isPeggedToEth[index]
        ? BONE
        : uint256(priceOracle.getAssetPrice(tokens[index]));
    require(pi > 0, "ERR_NO_ORACLE_PRICE");
    uint256 missingDecimals = 18 - decimals[index];


function getEthBalanceByToken(uint256 index, uint112 reserve)
    returns (uint256)
    uint256 pi = isPeggedToEth[index]
        ? Math.BONE
        : uint256(priceOracle.getAssetPrice(tokens[index]));
    require(pi > 0, "ERR_NO_ORACLE_PRICE");
    uint256 missingDecimals = 18 - decimals[index];


Add a check to the constructor to ensure that none of the provided decimals is greater than 18.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

4.1 Balancer Price Provider

Revision of the repository under audit: 3e8367ab211a137afff87dd8dadc0efe235257d4

File Name SHA-1 Hash git hash-object
aave-balancer-3e8367ab/contracts/proxies/BalancerSharedPoolPriceProvider.sol d13214588b26fd856f06b51873113acbc59b7950 f4cfa7bcfaf856a12b293d5e13bcb58911c0a4f6

Out of Scope

Files Excluded for being an Interface or a copy of an audited 3rd party component.

File Name SHA-1 Hash git hash-object
aave-balancer-3e8367ab/contracts/interfaces/IPriceOracle.sol 35cf8e4c5cd0035e44484a3b8202f65d06f990b8 ac83f98fed040b3fcf555f858327fef9bd045fd4
aave-balancer-3e8367ab/contracts/interfaces/BPool.sol 6f49423eb769a025081b448ea96acac30958ba5f 005437d8c9cfc428bbac032f93c86e285924f54b
aave-balancer-3e8367ab/contracts/misc/BConst.sol beeccc9a3f683651c146507f1c1aeba4b4db12f2 48bc5cd9493d44d8151c8dcc13029cf976377000
aave-balancer-3e8367ab/contracts/misc/BNum.sol 4ae208b6caa2e45491e86063349c5e9cf8c47b9d 58c3824c8913aeae73da5b898e10c7bf43db925b

4.2 Uniswap v2 Price Provider

Revision of the repository under audit: e81cf872e3c08d7c43c1e1d2e90dffa01844230e

File Name SHA-1 Hash git hash-object
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/proxies/UniswapV2PriceProvider.sol aa267c067d7be83642a9555cd190a0cf136d9bea e2702ae70d7804d882b8996a13bb2b7ab6af9693

Out of Scope

Files Excluded for being an Interface or a copy of an audited 3rd party component.

File Name SHA-1 Hash git hash-object
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/misc/SafeMath.sol f9900f7586bbc0c1362e1b1c93d5054c8a0ae277 38921c90eb539aaea011cf1b75a54f69d2466982
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/misc/Math.sol 1dfd0f12e6967a547d3161d2fbf75105147d920b 9bc3570b330a72ce1973ec94b329d4a1ce22e555
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/interfaces/IPriceOracle.sol 35cf8e4c5cd0035e44484a3b8202f65d06f990b8 ac83f98fed040b3fcf555f858327fef9bd045fd4
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV2Factory.sol 8fe4e07b64e4820bbda4386c9c903c868de4d23f 0a9cb0b57533c3b026d982ab830c63f786ba7c27
aave-uniswapv2-e81cf872/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV2Pair.sol bef5664cddbb670e01ad20ea59e66e66c2b1e02d 3b40ec05a7a18ba24b62a81908311e10fcf85e3a

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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