DeFi Saver

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with DeFi Saver to review DeFi Saver V3 architecture, which is the new version of smart contracts that are used for their dashboard.

The review was conducted over two weeks, from March 22, 2021 to April 2, 2021 by Shayan Eskandari and David Oz Kashi. A total of 20 person-days were spent.

2 Scope

Our review focused on the commit hash cb29669a84c2d6fffaf2231c0938eb407c060919. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix. Note that functionalities regarding Strategy and Subscriptions were not in the scope of this audit.

3 System Overview

DeFi Saver acts as a proxy (dashboard) for users to interact with DeFi protocols. Users can chain actions (create recipes) and run multiple actions in one transaction.

Here is an overview of the DeFi Saver smart contract system:

DeFi Saver Overview

4 Security Specification

This section describes, from a security perspective, the expected behavior of the system under audit. It is not a substitute for documentation.

4.1 Actors

The relevant actors are listed below with their respective abilities:

  • Owner

    • Add new contracts to the DeFi Saver system (Registry)
    • Swap any contract in the registry.
      • Note that in the code base there is a WaitPeriod defined for changes in the contracts. However owner can set this wait time to 0 and consequently change the modules/contracts in DeFi Saver registry.
    • Add or Remove wrapper contracts. Wrappers are used to interact with other DeFi protocols, such as 0x, Uniswap, etc
    • Add and change the proxies used in the system
    • Change Fee wallet address
    • Set 0x Addresses
  • Admin

    • withdrawStuckFunds - Based on the design no user funds may be kept in DeFi Saver contracts. Although if by accident that happens, Admin will be able to withdraw them to their own address
  • User

4.2 Trust Model

In any system, it’s important to identify what trust is expected/required between various actors. For this audit, we established the following trust model:

  • Many functionalities of DeFi Saver dashboard, uses constructed CallData to execute different actions in the smart contract systems, hence the UI has control over the function executed in the smart contracts. This is essential to the security of the system. Note that due to the way the transactions are crafted on the front-end, it’s not possible for the wallet (e.g. MetaMask) to show the user the exact actions that the transaction will be taking (User sees a blob of data), this increases the risk of the attack going unnoticeable until after the fact. The attack can be done with simple change in the outgoing address at the end of the recipe or more sophisticated crafted transaction to steal user funds (e.g. Approve Tokens for attackers address).
  • As mentioned in the Actors section, owner has the ability to change the underlying contracts without any waiting period.
  • There is no allowlist for tokens that are supported in DeFi Saver. Although implicitly the allowlist for other DeFi platforms are applied when interacting with that specific protocol(e.g tokens supported by Aave when interactive with Aave), but still a maliciously-crafted token implementation can be used within DeFi Saver platform.
  • The usage of the DSProxy pattern provides an environment that is protected from outsider access by design.

5 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

5.1 Random task execution Critical ✓ Fixed


Fixed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@478e9cd by adding ReentrancyGuard to the executeOperation function.


In a scenario where user takes a flash loan, _parseFLAndExecute() gives the flash loan wrapper contract (FLAaveV2, FLDyDx) the permission to execute functions on behalf of the user’s DSProxy. This execution permission is revoked only after the entire recipe execution is finished, which means that in case that any of the external calls along the recipe execution is malicious, it might call executeAction() back and inject any task it wishes (e.g. take user’s funds out, drain approved tokens, etc)



function executeOperation(
    address[] memory _assets,
    uint256[] memory _amounts,
    uint256[] memory _fees,
    address _initiator,
    bytes memory _params
) public returns (bool) {
    require(msg.sender == AAVE_LENDING_POOL, ERR_ONLY_AAVE_CALLER);
    require(_initiator == address(this), ERR_SAME_CALLER);

    (Task memory currTask, address proxy) = abi.decode(_params, (Task, address));

    // Send FL amounts to user proxy
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _assets.length; ++i) {
        _assets[i].withdrawTokens(proxy, _amounts[i]);

    address payable taskExecutor = payable(registry.getAddr(TASK_EXECUTOR_ID));

    // call Action execution
    IDSProxy(proxy).execute{value: address(this).balance}(
        abi.encodeWithSelector(CALLBACK_SELECTOR, currTask, bytes32(_amounts[0] + _fees[0]))

    // return FL
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _assets.length; i++) {
        _assets[i].approveToken(address(AAVE_LENDING_POOL), _amounts[i] + _fees[i]);

    return true;


A reentrancy guard (mutex) that covers the entire content of FLAaveV2.executeOperation/FLDyDx.callFunction should be used to prevent such attack.

5.2 Tokens with more than 18 decimal points will cause issues Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@de22007 by using SafeMath.sub to revert on tokens with Decimal > 18


It is assumed that the maximum number of decimals for each token is 18. However uncommon, but it is possible to have tokens with more than 18 decimals, as an Example YAMv2 has 24 decimals. This can result in broken code flow and unpredictable outcomes (e.g. an underflow will result with really high rates).


  • contracts/exchangeV3/wrappersV3/KyberWrapperV3.sol
    function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount, bytes memory) public override view returns (uint rate) {
        (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE)
            .getExpectedRate(IERC20(_srcAddr), IERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount);

        // multiply with decimal difference in src token
        rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr)));
        // divide with decimal difference in dest token
        rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr)));
  • code/contracts/views/AaveView.sol : also used in getLoanData()


Make sure the code won’t fail in case the token’s decimals is more than 18.

5.3 Error codes of Compound’s Comptroller.enterMarket, Comptroller.exitMarket are not checked Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@7075e49 by reverting in the case the return value is non zero.


Compound’s enterMarket/exitMarket functions return an error code instead of reverting in case of failure. DeFi Saver smart contracts never check for the error codes returned from Compound smart contracts, although the code flow might revert due to unavailability of the CTokens, however early on checks for Compound errors are suggested.



function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public {
    address[] memory markets = new address[](1);
    markets[0] = _cTokenAddr;


/// @notice Exits the Compound market
/// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token
function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public {


Caller contract should revert in case the error code is not 0.

5.4 Reversed order of parameters in allowance function call Medium ✓ Fixed


Fixed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@8b5657b by swapping the order of function call parameters.


When trying to pull the maximum amount of tokens from an approver to the allowed spender, the parameters that are used for the allowance function call are not in the same order that is used later in the call to safeTransferFrom.



function pullTokens(
    address _token,
    address _from,
    uint256 _amount
) internal returns (uint256) {
    // handle max uint amount
    if (_amount == type(uint256).max) {
        uint256 allowance = IERC20(_token).allowance(address(this), _from);
        uint256 balance = getBalance(_token, _from);

        _amount = (balance > allowance) ? allowance : balance;

    if (_from != address(0) && _from != address(this) && _token != ETH_ADDR && _amount != 0) {
        IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);

    return _amount;


Reverse the order of parameters in allowance function call to fit the order that is in the safeTransferFrom function call.


The test suite at this stage is not complete and many of the tests fail to execute. For complicated systems such as DeFi Saver, which uses many different modules and interacts with different DeFi protocols, it is crucial to have a full test coverage that includes the edge cases and failed scenarios. Especially this helps with safer future development and upgrading each modules.

As we’ve seen in some smart contract incidents, a complete test suite can prevent issues that might be hard to find with manual reviews.

Some issues such as issue 5.4 could be caught by a full coverage test suite.

5.6 Kyber getRates code is unclear Minor


In contracts/exchangeV3/wrappersV3/KyberWrapperV3.sol the function names don’t reflect their true functionalities, and the code uses some undocumented assumptions.


  • getSellRate can be converted into one function to get the rates, which then for buy or sell can swap input and output tokens
  • getBuyRate uses a 3% slippage that is not documented.
   function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount, bytes memory) public override view returns (uint rate) {
        (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE)
            .getExpectedRate(IERC20(_srcAddr), IERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount);

        // multiply with decimal difference in src token
        rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr)));
        // divide with decimal difference in dest token
        rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr)));

    /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens
    /// @param _srcAddr From token
    /// @param _destAddr To token
    /// @param _destAmount To amount
    /// @return rate Rate
    function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount, bytes memory _additionalData) public override view returns (uint rate) {
        uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount, _additionalData);
        uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount);

        rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount, _additionalData);

        // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion
        rate = rate + (rate / 30);


Refactoring the code to separate getting rate functionality with getSellRate and getBuyRate. Explicitly document any assumptions in the code ( slippage, etc)

5.7 Missing check in IOffchainWrapper.takeOrder implementation Minor


IOffchainWrapper.takeOrder wraps an external call that is supposed to perform a token swap. As for the two different implementations ZeroxWrapper and ScpWrapper this function validates that the destination token balance after the swap is greater than the value before. However, it is not sufficient, and the user-provided minimum amount for swap should be taken in consideration as well. Besides, the external contract should not be trusted upon, and SafeMath should be used for the subtraction operation.



uint256 tokensBefore = _exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));
(success, ) ={value: _exData.offchainData.protocolFee}(_exData.offchainData.callData);
uint256 tokensSwaped = 0;

if (success) {
    // get the current balance of the swaped tokens
    tokensSwaped = _exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this)) - tokensBefore;
    require(tokensSwaped > 0, ERR_TOKENS_SWAPED_ZERO);


uint256 tokensBefore = _exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));
(success, ) ={value: _exData.offchainData.protocolFee}(_exData.offchainData.callData);
uint256 tokensSwaped = 0;

if (success) {
    // get the current balance of the swaped tokens
    tokensSwaped = _exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this)) - tokensBefore;
    require(tokensSwaped > 0, ERR_TOKENS_SWAPED_ZERO);

5.8 Unused code present in the codebase Minor


Some of the unused code were removed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@61b0c09.


There are a few instances of unused code (dead code) in the code base, that is suggested to be removed .


  • DFSExchange.sol contract is not used

  • /contracts/utils/ZrxAllowlist.sol these functions are not used in the codebase:

    • nonPayableAddrs mapping
    • addNonPayableAddr()
    • removeNonPayableAddr()
    • isNonPayableAddr()
  • DSProxy.execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) is not intended to used.

There might be more instances of unused code in the codebase.

5.9 Return values not used for DFSExchangeCore.onChainSwap Minor


Return values from DFSExchangeCore.onChainSwap are not used.



function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint256) {
    uint256 amountWithoutFee = exData.srcAmount;
    address wrapper = exData.offchainData.wrapper;
    bool offChainSwapSuccess;

    uint256 destBalanceBefore = exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));

    // Takes DFS exchange fee
    exData.srcAmount -= getFee(

    // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper
    if (exData.offchainData.price > 0) {
        (offChainSwapSuccess, ) = offChainSwap(exData, ExchangeActionType.SELL);

    // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed
    if (!offChainSwapSuccess) {
        onChainSwap(exData, ExchangeActionType.SELL);
        wrapper = exData.wrapper;

    uint256 destBalanceAfter = exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));
    uint256 amountBought = sub(destBalanceAfter, destBalanceBefore);

    // check slippage
    require(amountBought >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), ERR_SLIPPAGE_HIT);

    // revert back exData changes to keep it consistent
    exData.srcAmount = amountWithoutFee;

    return (wrapper, amountBought);


function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint256) {
    require(exData.destAmount != 0, ERR_DEST_AMOUNT_MISSING);

    uint256 amountWithoutFee = exData.srcAmount;
    address wrapper = exData.offchainData.wrapper;
    bool offChainSwapSuccess;

    uint256 destBalanceBefore = exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));

    // Takes DFS exchange fee
    exData.srcAmount -= getFee(

    // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper
    if (exData.offchainData.price > 0) {
        (offChainSwapSuccess, ) = offChainSwap(exData, ExchangeActionType.BUY);

    // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed
    if (!offChainSwapSuccess) {
        onChainSwap(exData, ExchangeActionType.BUY);
        wrapper = exData.wrapper;

    uint256 destBalanceAfter = exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this));
    uint256 amountBought = sub(destBalanceAfter, destBalanceBefore);

    // check slippage
    require(amountBought >= exData.destAmount, ERR_SLIPPAGE_HIT);

    // revert back exData changes to keep it consistent
    exData.srcAmount = amountWithoutFee;

    return (wrapper, amountBought);


The return value can be used for verification of the swap or used in the event data.

5.10 Return value is not used for TokenUtils.withdrawTokens Minor ✓ Fixed


Fixed in DecenterApps/defisaver-v3-contracts@37dabff by storing the return value locally and use its value throughout the execution.


The return value of TokenUtils.withdrawTokens which represents the actual amount of tokens that were transferred is never used throughout the repository. This might cause discrepancy in the case where the original value of _amount was type(uint256).max.



function _borrow(
    address _market,
    address _tokenAddr,
    uint256 _amount,
    uint256 _rateMode,
    address _to,
    address _onBehalf
) internal returns (uint256) {
    ILendingPoolV2 lendingPool = getLendingPool(_market);

    // defaults to onBehalf of proxy
    if (_onBehalf == address(0)) {
        _onBehalf = address(this);

    lendingPool.borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _rateMode, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE, _onBehalf);

    _tokenAddr.withdrawTokens(_to, _amount);

        abi.encode(_market, _tokenAddr, _amount, _rateMode, _to, _onBehalf)

    return _amount;


function withdrawTokens(
    address _token,
    address _to,
    uint256 _amount
) internal returns (uint256) {
    if (_amount == type(uint256).max) {
        _amount = getBalance(_token, address(this));


The return value can be used to validate the withdrawal or used in the event emitted.

5.11 Missing access control for DefiSaverLogger.Log


DefiSaverLogger is used as a logging aggregator within the entire dapp, but anyone can create logs.



function Log(
    address _contract,
    address _caller,
    string memory _logName,
    bytes memory _data
) public {
    emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data);

6 Recommendations

6.1 Use a single file for all system-wide constants


There are many addresses and constants using in the system. It is suggested to put the most used ones in one file (e.g. constants.sol and use inheritance to access these values. This will help with the readability and easier maintenance for future changes. As some of these hardcoded values are admin addresses, this also helps with any possible incident response.



  • DFSRegistry
  • TaskExecutor
  • ActionBase
    DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(

Admin Vault:

  • AdminAuth
    AdminVault public constant adminVault = AdminVault(0xCCf3d848e08b94478Ed8f46fFead3008faF581fD);


  • SubscriptionProxy
  • StrategyExecutor
  • TaskExecutor
  • ActionBase
    address public constant REGISTRY_ADDR = 0xB0e1682D17A96E8551191c089673346dF7e1D467;

Any other constant in the system also can be moved to this contract.


Use constants.sol and import this file in the contracts that require access to these values. This is just a recommendation, as discussed with the team, on some use cases this might result in higher gas usage on deployment.

6.2 Code quality & Styling


Here are some examples that the code style does not follow the best practices:


  • Public/external function names should not be prefixed with _


function _executeActionsFromFL(Task memory _currTask, bytes32 _flAmount) public payable {
  • Function parameters are being overriden


function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable   {

    exData.dfsFeeDivider = SERVICE_FEE;
    exData.user = _user;

    // Perform the exchange
    (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData);

    // send back any leftover ether or tokens
    sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user);

    // log the event
    logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount));


function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");
    require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0, "Wrong fee value");

    serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee});
  • Functions with a get prefix should not modify state


function getFee(
    uint256 _amount,
    address _user,
    address _token,
    uint256 _dfsFeeDivider
) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) {
    if (_dfsFeeDivider != 0 && Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) {
        _dfsFeeDivider = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_user);

    if (_dfsFeeDivider == 0) {
        feeAmount = 0;
    } else {
        feeAmount = _amount / _dfsFeeDivider;

        // fee can't go over 10% of the whole amount
        if (feeAmount > (_amount / 10)) {
            feeAmount = _amount / 10;

        address walletAddr = feeRecipient.getFeeAddr();

        _token.withdrawTokens(walletAddr, feeAmount);
  • Protocol fee value should be validated against msg.value and not against contract’s balance


function takeOrder(
    ExchangeData memory _exData,
    ExchangeActionType _type
) override public payable returns (bool success, uint256) {
    // check that contract have enough balance for exchange and protocol fee
    require(_exData.srcAddr.getBalance(address(this)) >= _exData.srcAmount, ERR_SRC_AMOUNT);
    require(TokenUtils.ETH_ADDR.getBalance(address(this)) >= _exData.offchainData.protocolFee, ERR_PROTOCOL_FEE);
  • Remove deprecation warning (originated in OpenZeppelin’s implementation) in comment, as the issue has been solved


 * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in
 * {ERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged.
function safeApprove(
    IERC20 token,
    address spender,
    uint256 value
) internal {
    _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, 0));
    _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value));
  • Typo RECIPIE_FEE instead of RECIPE_FEE


uint internal constant RECIPIE_FEE = 400;
  • Code duplication : sendLeftOver is identical both in UniswapWrapperV3 and in KyberWrapperV3, and thus can be shared in a base class.


function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal {

    if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) {
        IERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, IERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this)));
  • Code duplication : sliceUint function is identical both in DFSExchangeHelper and in DFSPrices

  • DFSPricesV3.getBestPrice, DFSPricesV3.getExpectedRate should be view functions

  • Fix the code comments from User borrows tokens to to User borrows tokens from


/// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol
/// @param _market Address provider for specific market
/// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed
/// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed
/// @param _rateMode Send 1 for stable rate and 2 for variable
/// @param _to The address we are sending the borrowed tokens to
/// @param _onBehalf From what user we are borrow the tokens, defaults to proxy
function _borrow(
    address _market,
    address _tokenAddr,
    uint256 _amount,
    uint256 _rateMode,
    address _to,
    address _onBehalf
) internal returns (uint256) {


/// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol
/// @param _cTokenAddr Address of the cToken we are borrowing
/// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed
/// @param _to The address we are sending the borrowed tokens to
function _borrow(
    address _cTokenAddr,
    uint256 _amount,
    address _to
) internal returns (uint256) {
  • IExchangeV3.sell, should not be payable

  • TaskExecutor._executeAction should not forward contract’s balance within the IDSProxy.execute call, as the funds are being sent to the same contract.


function _executeAction(
    Task memory _currTask,
    uint256 _index,
    bytes32[] memory _returnValues
) internal returns (bytes32 response) {
    response = IDSProxy(address(this)).execute{value: address(this).balance}(
  • Unsafe arithmetic operations


uint256 compClaimed = compBalanceAfter - compBalanceBefore;


_amount = tokenBalanceAfter - tokenBalanceBefore;


_uniData.tokenA.withdrawTokens(, (_uniData.amountADesired - amountA));
_uniData.tokenB.withdrawTokens(, (_uniData.amountBDesired - amountB));


IDSProxy(proxy).execute{value: address(this).balance}(
    abi.encodeWithSelector(CALLBACK_SELECTOR, currTask, bytes32(_amounts[0] + _fees[0]))

// return FL
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _assets.length; i++) {
    _assets[i].approveToken(address(AAVE_LENDING_POOL), _amounts[i] + _fees[i]);


exData.srcAmount -= getFee(


tokensSwaped = _exData.destAddr.getBalance(address(this)) - tokensBefore;

6.3 Gas optimization


Use address(this) instead of external call for registry when possible.



function _flAaveV2(FLAaveV2Data memory _flData, bytes memory _params) internal returns (uint) {


        abi.encode(_flData.tokens, _flData.amounts, _flData.modes, _flData.onBehalfOf)

    return _flData.amounts[0];


function _flDyDx(
    uint256 _amount,
    address _token,
    bytes memory _data
) internal returns (uint256) {

    address payable receiver = payable(registry.getAddr(FL_DYDX_ID));

    ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS);

    // Get marketId from token address
    uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, _token);

    uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_amount);

    IERC20(_token).safeApprove(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount);

    Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3);

    operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _amount, receiver);
    operations[1] = _getCallAction(_data, receiver);
    operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this));

    Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1);
    accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo();

    solo.operate(accountInfos, operations);

    logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "FLDyDx", abi.encode(_amount, _token));

    return _amount;

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File Name SHA-1 Hash
contracts/auth/AdminVault.sol 0bcc845ec8e2d927ca7ade0ab31471083cd798a5
contracts/auth/AdminAuth.sol ebe4c9219e473983df73569bed7b84008d0b0251
contracts/auth/ProxyPermission.sol cee91dbdd730811837a25ee92868e090ffb5220e
contracts/core/TaskExecutor.sol 1a456a05404bb5b9bffda2ee8d726e62b777c644
contracts/core/DFSRegistry.sol 19f2678b2d7795f2d579644db14f0e2686792c1c
contracts/utils/SafeERC20.sol 9411f7bd95ba807e0a125219497b9b8be42f0446
contracts/utils/Discount.sol d9495bfb48bf8251143a1a30bd845593e9488e11
contracts/utils/FeeRecipient.sol eae0bf0c1b0abc1250be6fa49b96924226669d2e
contracts/utils/FLFeeFaucet.sol 6ff7e59b32e184ff66fdd1c27c5fdc76f721564d
contracts/utils/Exponential.sol aa4098007240494f375dd3533b5d02d5bdd4d8b4
contracts/utils/SafeMath.sol 4381feeda6079de2addc7e267657a4ef2658dc6c
contracts/utils/Address.sol 24762c686cd3cf849197cd912858226a774b5e6e
contracts/utils/ZrxAllowlist.sol f20a47bb1be3272d5e8954a040c62a89612b5dfc
contracts/utils/DFSProxyRegistry.sol d541d59864694dd6b19187c9e4231286afce961c
contracts/utils/DefisaverLogger.sol d2362e116c43593168d2c00adb7472a916230d63
contracts/utils/TokenUtils.sol 492839d9ac138304af554933db621c2d5bdf8550
contracts/utils/CarefulMath.sol 327ed2e92a98e57759da3e8e41e3c28a6128c169
contracts/exchangeV3/DFSExchangeHelper.sol 19ead7a237a35f86e7cbb5f66b2cf374f2900534
contracts/exchangeV3/wrappersV3/KyberWrapperV3.sol 294efb5079e81052bcc682062dae28d45096b989
contracts/exchangeV3/offchainWrappersV3/ScpWrapper.sol 1c3c20a94a49e03829c701e1fa0ae9fb75895449
contracts/exchangeV3/wrappersV3/UniswapWrapperV3.sol f845341af105f8dc456a03ada15b58119dbd38e0
contracts/exchangeV3/DFSExchangeCore.sol cf1bb7f3e692300404ac8cde83f9c1fb50e2b594
contracts/exchangeV3/DFSExchangeData.sol 50cf9d3288b28032878d737040353fc97407976b
contracts/exchangeV3/DFSExchange.sol 424120fc97700cb4046928ec99db3b789bf86199
contracts/exchangeV3/DFSPricesV3.sol 8d9ea0ac0bd63af56cc53d8f38fdad10f8854c6a
contracts/exchangeV3/SaverExchangeRegistry.sol 79708bca57219b8178a404b9afe18d6a143c648a
contracts/exchangeV3/offchainWrappersV3/ZeroxWrapper.sol bf63611a717b7991fc8d23682fc0688afb8a906e
contracts/actions/utils/UnwrapEth.sol 90ff17831ee096c413af2cae007139fc3730e5cb
contracts/actions/utils/PullToken.sol 4692b288725331186447185cbb5eb1b32485ad10
contracts/actions/utils/SumInputs.sol edd5622e65882938d9c4f3425b049101c659e70d
contracts/actions/exchange/DfsSell.sol d6e7df7045af542fea38a8a95e4dd443b2be0f64
contracts/actions/flashloan/FLAaveV2.sol f5383042870d142684a5a78c36046a37b0a73b84
contracts/actions/ActionBase.sol 86e3425f0160a86d6fbe3b7293fd2220d160721a
contracts/actions/exchange/DFSBuy.sol 57d296223fb587b92dd1bb61aa3d7c931ae41433
contracts/actions/uniswap/UniWithdraw.sol 6358c7ceec12b52a7d75bd37a2e8ac90dca95da0
contracts/actions/uniswap/UniSupply.sol 2d670ef9f9a4cc83bdef2ac54bef88a3cfcdefcc
contracts/actions/utils/WrapEth.sol 79ec4b231dac21feedf28d2e8cf2bae8e7a87fe4
contracts/actions/flashloan/dydx/DydxFlashLoanBase.sol 9a40f771ef6397f97e68335e26f6283403371934
contracts/actions/compound/CompWithdraw.sol dfadbb93dbb3f0ace1d5ee2eb2247e7ed0d85472
contracts/actions/flashloan/dydx/FLDyDx.sol 888d35f3a97a003737f93e360ec46ba11facb93b
contracts/actions/utils/SendToken.sol 1aa1d4b8e241e0ffc62dfef14b900f614ab28461
contracts/actions/aave/AaveSupply.sol 55a00932fd4db3e6778df0cafbfeaa0871db6fc6
contracts/actions/mcd/McdMerge.sol b04431602f8a4429e38d1a486eb37bb8eab164a1
contracts/actions/aave/AaveWithdraw.sol 65c8dd23d6076edb4b13194c165c86563408f50e
contracts/actions/mcd/McdPayback.sol b5fe10f2913e6adc4c56e1397fe819574a814a3f
contracts/actions/aave/AaveBorrow.sol 1b43dee1be0a5aee5ab7febd0e85e24f77efe99d
contracts/actions/compound/CompBorrow.sol 170c9e7b40601fcd0389f91803675eb6fbebe616
contracts/actions/compound/CompSupply.sol 30c45f093217173853b8a09cb97505f8a53eb0ce
contracts/actions/aave/AavePayback.sol a8f56e6bdbd17c6131edc2b7e81c910ba821af03
contracts/actions/compound/CompPayback.sol 0ac2f420cdb306d0ae2ef9150944d9a719484fdc
contracts/actions/mcd/McdGenerate.sol fad58d9b6de75694dffafa1ebf7d8bba2995d243
contracts/actions/mcd/McdGive.sol 8e50727a34b43030d928fba26f3183ed594e67d1
contracts/actions/mcd/McdWithdraw.sol a93b46770994aa900cbb3d8d366bafb6c2607959
contracts/actions/aave/helpers/AaveHelper.sol 3d299853e11e07aa19f3839c4bb57644781a1838
contracts/actions/mcd/McdSupply.sol 6f49b4069839834bf643273cbeb64a6b945775ce
contracts/actions/mcd/McdOpen.sol dc8051109bf037f0532f565f7ca139f55bb9fcce
contracts/actions/compound/CompClaim.sol e1621308e26ce316fbfdecdd651cd18243e5b908
contracts/actions/compound/helpers/CompHelper.sol 6c2699e4dd873ca36c22c1eeeeaacfe3d2d8860f
contracts/actions/mcd/helpers/McdHelper.sol 0ffea9e971bee2cb573ea8f6b344e2feba3fff32

The following files were looked at to understand the overall system but are not in the scope:

File Name SHA-1 Hash
contracts/DS/DSProxyFactoryInterface.sol f2366ee831535db0216213177b71c591af775dd8
contracts/DS/DSMath.sol 582030753e6d2682bb1104d175c09ce10a55e217
contracts/DS/DSGuard.sol 33221642c289acb219b35df3e5c9223ee6c59677
contracts/DS/DSAuthority.sol af4795dfcdf38101b1d1b5543bf5baa726bbe722
contracts/DS/DSProxy.sol cbc0b52690cbde8540f411faa1933317116d6e9b
contracts/DS/DSNote.sol d27a91dd0123f3793ec6d437dc40bf1cb66957f5
contracts/DS/DSAuth.sol 3df0ea67a517b9ac3d60d454a3d3fe77fb80534a

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.