MetaMask/Partner Snaps - FilSnap

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with Protocol Labs to review their FilSnap MetaMask Snap.

The review was conducted over two weeks, from August 14, 2023, to August 18, 2023, by Dominik Muhs. A total of five person-days were spent.

Most notably, two critical issues have been identified regarding displaying Markdown-rendered dialogues and the programmatic handling of private key information. Furthermore, two major findings present security considerations for the configuration functionality and the user signature confirmation dialogue lacking origin information.

A follow-up assessment has been conducted from October 2, 2023 to October 3, 2023 by Dominik Muhs. A total of two person-days were spent.

2 Scope

Our review initially focused on the commit hash 5c5e6ad523d198d12bdd2057028dad429435bc6f. In the follow-up assessment, the fixes were verified against the commit hash 8374e6aea59941d98bf29ca5e902df9eebf919f0. The list of files in scope for both engagements can be found in the Appendix.

One day after the scheduled verification deadline, the development team submitted commit 6ddb227738ed3aa041c18131eee65a98e17acdf4, fixing issue 4.4 completely. This change has been added to the report.

2.1 Objectives

Together with the Protocol Labs team, we identified the following priorities for our review:

  1. Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
  2. Identify vulnerabilities particular to the MetaMask Snaps SDK integration in coherence with the MetaMask Snap Threat Model describing a Snap as an extension of the MetaMask Wallet Trust Module.

3 System Overview

Snap Architecture (August 2023)

Snap Architecture (August 2023)

4 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

4.1 Markdown and Control Character Injection Critical ✓ Fixed


Configuration values reflected in the confirmation prompt are implicitly validated by getting user consent on config changes through the fil_configure RPC call. Furthermore, confirmation dialogue values have been (mostly) displayed using the copyable function, resulting in escaped output.

This issue has been addressed in revision 1a8715f42cfc9f721e8faab8a7a2610f53592f94.


The snap uses MetaMask’s Snaps UI package to present dialogs to users for data verification and action confirmations. While these dialogs ensure dapps don’t silently execute operations without user consent, some UI components have vulnerabilities. For instance, the text() component can render Markdown or be susceptible to control character injections. Specifically, in FilSnap’s context, when users are prompted to sign a message showing a gas cost estimate if the message contains Markdown-renderable text, the user might unintentionally sign an inaccurate message. It’s critical to note that the variable ctx.config in the provided code snippet could contain untrusted data, potentially altering the context of the displayed message. Malicious manipulation of the snap context is outlined in issue 4.3.


const conf = await snapDialog(ctx.snap, {
  type: 'confirmation',
  content: panel([
    heading(`Send ${Token.fromAttoFIL(message.value).toFIL().toString()} to`),
      `Gas _(estimated)_: **${gas.toFIL().toFormat({
        decimalPlaces: ctx.config.unit?.decimals,
        suffix: ` ${ctx.config.unit?.symbol}`,
      `Total _(amount + gas)_: **${total.toFIL().toFormat({
        decimalPlaces: ctx.config.unit?.decimals,
        suffix: ` ${ctx.config.unit?.symbol}`,


Prioritize input validation. Encode data securely when presenting it to users. Display original data within an escaped pre-text or code block that prevents rendering non-standard characters or Markdown. Subsequently, add any derived or decoded data to offer users a comprehensive understanding.

4.2 Directly Exposed Private Key Export Critical ✓ Fixed


While the exportPrivateKey function is still present and exposed via the fil_exportPrivateKey RPC call, it now displays a warning and only surfaces the user’s private key in a secured dialogue. This is analogous to MetaMask’s approach and will make users consider their actions carefully. Automated attacks without user intervention are no longer possible since users must copy-paste their keys.

This issue has been addressed in commit c88a9ee1359e9a35735ce5d7b18b4cfcd2de0326.


The snap can access the BIP44 entropy for Filecoin’s private keys, granting it considerable power over MetaMask’s private keys. Specifically, the fil_exportPrivateKey command lets dapps obtain the private key programmatically, pending user consent. However, there’s a heightened risk of users indiscriminately granting this permission. To maintain MetaMask’s security integrity, the snap should mirror the same rigorous security standards to mitigate the effect of phishing attacks and malicious dapps.


export async function exportPrivateKey(
  ctx: SnapContext
): Promise<ExportPrivateKeyResponse> {
  const conf = await snapDialog(ctx.snap, {
    type: 'confirmation',
    content: panel([heading(`Do you want to export your private key?`)]),

  if (conf) {
    return {
      result: base64pad.encode(ctx.account.privateKey),
      error: null,
  return serializeError('User denied private key export')


The development team should reconsider providing such a sensitive functionality. Instead of programmatically exposing the private key, use a dialog that prompts users to copy the private key manually. This approach, consistent with MetaMask’s default, encourages users to deliberate their actions more thoroughly.

4.3 fil_configure Allows Anyone to Change the Snap’s Configuration Major  Partially Addressed


This issue has been partially addressed and practically fixed. While it is still possible for any site to change the snap’s configuration, its values are now maintained under the origin site’s namespace. Furthermore, when connecting to a site, the user must manually confirm the proposed configuration values.

This issue has been fixed in 1a8715f42cfc9f721e8faab8a7a2610f53592f94.


The fil_configure command, accessible by any dapp, accepts parameters of type ConfigureParams. This allows for modifying key configuration details like the derivation path, RPC details, network state, and unit data:

type ConfigureParams = {
    derivationPath?: string | undefined;
    rpc?: {
        url: string;
        token: string;
    } | undefined;
    network?: "mainnet" | "testnet" | undefined;
    unit?: {
        symbol: string;
        decimals: number;
        image?: string | undefined;
        customViewUrl?: string | undefined;
    } | undefined;

An attacker exploiting this open access can manipulate elements such as the network state or RPC URL, which could mislead users when signing messages. Furthermore, given the shared instance nature of the snap across multiple pages, a malicious dapp can influence the behavior of the snap in other dapps.

The MetaMask Snaps team has responded to this particular issue by stating that they will soon add a mutex to the SDKs state object to mitigate the problem partially. Nonetheless, even with a mutex in place, it’s important to remember that business logic can still execute in an outdated state.


Evaluate the necessity of exposing specific configuration options through fil_configure. If it doesn’t offer significant utility, consider removing it entirely, favoring a hardcoded configuration approach. This would ensure that critical token data and RPC URLs are modifiable only through controlled snap updates.

4.4 Lack of Signature Dialog Context and RPC Origin Major ✓ Fixed


The signature UI dialogue now displays the user account used for signing and the origin site that triggered the process. Furthermore, details such as the RPC URL and the network name are displayed. This issue has been fully addressed in 1a8715f42cfc9f721e8faab8a7a2610f53592f94 and 6ddb227738ed3aa041c18131eee65a98e17acdf4.


The FilSnap signing dialog doesn’t indicate which user account is used for signing. This omission can be exploited by malicious dapps, leading users to believe they’re signing with one account when in fact, another is being used. Such transparency gaps, especially in an environment integrating multiple dapps and accounts, can mislead users into providing unintended signatures.

For reference, MetaMask displays these details during its signing requests, a practice FilSnap should adopt.


const conf = await snapDialog(ctx.snap, {
  type: 'confirmation',
  content: panel([
    heading(`Send ${Token.fromAttoFIL(message.value).toFIL().toString()} to`),
      `Gas _(estimated)_: **${gas.toFIL().toFormat({
        decimalPlaces: ctx.config.unit?.decimals,
        suffix: ` ${ctx.config.unit?.symbol}`,
      `Total _(amount + gas)_: **${total.toFIL().toFormat({
        decimalPlaces: ctx.config.unit?.decimals,
        suffix: ` ${ctx.config.unit?.symbol}`,


Display the user account used for signing and the origin domain of the RPC call during the signing dialog, ensuring users have full context before confirming any transactions.

4.5 Missing Address Protection Medium ✓ Fixed


Address protection has been introduced with commit 1a8715f42cfc9f721e8faab8a7a2610f53592f94. Before an origin site can access the snap’s RPC calls, it has to call the fil_configure RPC call, which requires manual user confirmation of the connection.


While MetaMask hides wallet addresses by default, requiring users to expose them to dapps manually, the snap’s fil_getAddress and fil_getAccountInfo RPC endpoints always disclose the current address to any connected dapp, even if that address has not been connected to the page. This allows potentially untrusted dapps to silently retrieve all user addresses, bypassing MetaMask’s intentional security design.


Adopt security protocols similar to MetaMask’s main wallet. Let users select which addresses they share with dapps and prevent automatic exposure of non-allowlisted wallet addresses without explicit user permission.

4.6 Missing Timeout in Medium ✓ Fixed


A timeout option has been added to the iso-filecoin dependency in e1908f9ea05e309c7f1d260ecc18584503155cb4 addressing this issue.


Within the dependency iso-filecoin, there’s an oversight in the RPC class. Specifically, the call method lacks a timeout parameter. Due to this missing timeout, the snap execution can experience delays, which could lead to an aborted request. The code excerpt provided shows the missing timeout in the fetch call.

const res = await this.fetch(this.api, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: this.headers,
  body: JSON.stringify({
    jsonrpc: '2.0',
    id: 1,


To mitigate potential delays and ensure smoother operation, it’s recommended to introduce a timeout to this call method. Implementing a timeout can prevent prolonged waits and enhance the resilience of the method against unexpected delays.

4.7 Unnecessary Distribution of Private Key Information Minor ✓ Fixed


In commit 1a8715f42cfc9f721e8faab8a7a2610f53592f94 the account field has been removed from the snap context and is only exposed selectively in RPC handlers that require user account data. These handlers all explicitly call the getAccount function.


The snap context includes an account field containing the private key. This context houses sensitive data and is distributed across all request handlers. Due to this setup, redundant access to the private key is provided to several functions, e.g.:

  • fil_getAccountInfo,
  • fil_getBalance,
  • fil_getMessages,
  • fil_sendMessage, and
  • fil_getGasForMessage.


const context: SnapContext = {


It’s essential to ensure the security and privacy of critical user data. As such, access to private key data should be restricted, particularly for handler functions. Adjust the implementation by adding another SnapContext type that holds the account’s private key information and only pass it to handler functions that immediately need to handle it. Alternatively, add a lazy-loading object into the existing SnapContext that only loads the private key when called by an authorized function.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File SHA-1 hash
packages/adapter-react/src/index.js 7cb10cd1a5f2846ec5d93a9af9d1f0b8f40046fb
packages/adapter-react/src/types.ts f5d4de1f30866a08d6717e02bb3c23d3aaef3b58
packages/adapter/playwright.config.js 127128e1dd77c43d38ade5987bda3f8bc12dfe41
packages/adapter/src/index.ts ec58446915c69cd542545e3f482a86e7fe318b1c
packages/adapter/src/snap.ts cf03e24ea5837de305cad98e353b21eae598a6ff
packages/snap/filecoin-logo.svg 373e116f01cacb07ea72f87fdb59bb5a877c56f1
packages/snap/playwright.config.js d151c3d356214691ce588ebb097e99d58977157c
packages/snap/rollup.config.js 2d8f81146be8fcbd347c1fefff22a58510a3b10a
packages/snap/src/constants.ts ad936358af4539e673d11ba3ecf6f9bdfda28e1f
packages/snap/src/filforwarder-metadata.ts 011922ebd42f81914ce14bee35fa3cca7b1a99a4
packages/snap/src/index.ts 26c449212b5016a4ccf396152f9cc407f6d62ccc
packages/snap/src/keypair.ts fece5b1dfdb051b67f7c46f8848d123f6e631efd
packages/snap/src/rpc/configure.ts ce9335e4c4957f2d62617e7c5a8d1611768f3cc5
packages/snap/src/rpc/export-private-key.ts 06424760aacf6d2d79feac05112a29738f3a758f
packages/snap/src/rpc/gas-for-message.ts f89ac0f4011b5317f99b504e8fd2998ee2bc4283
packages/snap/src/rpc/get-account.ts 75a512fc96208a3d48e836d3f5060e0333cbdcf6
packages/snap/src/rpc/get-balance.ts 75f8816f6764209cf854406973c6b45dfb0467d7
packages/snap/src/rpc/get-messages.ts 16464c8d665a0f95e5d1d64a4c561f2cd3cbb70f
packages/snap/src/rpc/send-message.ts e2781fd63f39755fb8b31d1e31919142064e4a00
packages/snap/src/rpc/sign-message.ts 9993ecccb8a960f3635b583cac881a78da0b4505
packages/snap/src/schemas.ts 922e0f796ef01f65a359165c70299895e519f3bd
packages/snap/src/transaction-insight.ts d09b6e69a7655e98de2309b02e7798914e87dd23
packages/snap/src/types.ts 84062ecce25bb979e1ec8d2aa6bbc66abbf7bdc8
packages/snap/src/utils.ts 6da080f958d479e22386d09ef5c3c02704cb09e4

The follow-up assessment covered the following files:

File SHA-1 hash
packages/snap/src/account.ts 32305836618332b58b57a8e7fa65e11444b216b3
packages/snap/src/constants.ts 5637a4484774bd8748b86aeeeab98a19f6ebcb1a
packages/snap/src/filforwarder.ts 011922ebd42f81914ce14bee35fa3cca7b1a99a4
packages/snap/src/index.ts b19eb8e5ea1dbde19e9185e65535ccd9010c9b00
packages/snap/src/rpc/configure.ts 923a405201ba6cb9603203d778e2dc63f8a04880
packages/snap/src/rpc/export-private-key.ts 58caa4c7758e8581725e06713d34f122ef01a854
packages/snap/src/rpc/gas-for-message.ts 55f414d91e0bf861e53a54117c2223282b4a6f56
packages/snap/src/rpc/get-account.ts 78f611f8c6ca391355f89113311ac0ec9a61845a
packages/snap/src/rpc/get-balance.ts 73a4654f982f16390afed7f11ce51b6a52cd5cb2
packages/snap/src/rpc/send-message.ts ac5acacdd650bd3f34a6872eb3d7dfec2e7047f9
packages/snap/src/rpc/sign-message.ts 8487093bbcd2fbdae3e5a50119729bb78d55b9ce
packages/snap/src/schemas.ts c56fc4148f92b28c9e2264aef1f06b55444f633b
packages/snap/src/state.ts 40a874834bcfd2c9512c624883a411c844b47c6a
packages/snap/src/transaction-insight.ts 80786c6008b6180ebc11d6212923083df659dfe3
packages/snap/src/types.ts 2dda17a8850b6d1cba8d411e8a1c6406109c5040
packages/snap/src/utils.ts 121fa94b320d2e1d930e84149b20e8c18530aaf6

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any third party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any third party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

A.2.1 Purpose of Reports

The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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