1 Executive Summary
This report presents the results of our engagement with StakeWise and Consensys to review v3 Vaults/EthFoxVault implementation for Consensys.
The review was conducted over three weeks, from January 29, 2024, to March 1, 2024. A total of 30 person-days were spent.
Stakewise V3 is a liquid staking protocol set to be utilized by Consensys as the underlying system for Metamask Staking. This modular system comprises a collection of customizable modules that define the behavior of a staking vault. While modularity is a valuable concept, it’s crucial to balance it with simplicity, especially when it comes to managing complexity. In some cases, overly modular designs can inadvertently lead to complex interdependencies among modules, resembling a tangled inheritance tree rather than a clear, manageable structure.
The system relies on several privileged accounts that can alter its behavior. Furthermore, the protocol depends on off-chain components and oracles for multiple tasks, including validator authorization/exit and reward updates.
A registry owner can register Vaults out-of-band bypassing assurances provided by VaultFactories. The keeper admin can add/remove oracles at their discretion. Both are refered to as the network governor in the task scripts. While the goal of the oracles is to minimize the trust asumptions, trusting a majority of the oracles - and therefore also the off-chain components - is critical.
Configurative parameters are mostly unsanitized at the smart-contract level. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the smart contracts are intialized with safe parameters before utilizing them. Initialization is mostly unprotected allowing anyone to front-run initialization as, specifically EthFoxVault
, is not deployed by a factory and existing scripts suggest that deployment and initialization not be performed in the same transaction.
To ensure a high level of trust and security, it is essential for the admins to be a DAO, as the admins hold critical powers that can directly impact users’ funds. Furthermore, any call of admin functionality must be thoroughly validated and verified by the DAO members to avoid potentially malicious system changes to be performed (Governor approved contract upgrades, vault additions, keepers).
2 Scope
Our review focused on the commit hash eb908436fd604936da38a111389408c94a7218c8 with the main focus on EthFoxVault.sol
and surrounding functionality. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix.
2.1 Objectives
Together with the StakeWise and Consensys teams, we identified the following priorities for our review:
- Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
- Identify known vulnerabilities particular to smart contract systems, as outlined in our Smart Contract Best Practices, and the Smart Contract Weakness Classification Registry.
3 System Overview
3.1 Architecture Overview
Below we provide a high-level diagram depicting the main components of the system and their dependencies.
3.2 Key Security Specifications
Security parameters are not sanitized at the contract level. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the contracts’ parameters are initialized with safe defaults. For instance, improperly configured exit time constraints might open the door to unfair arbitrage opportunities; a consensus threshold for oracles configured too low might decrease the security of the system.
The project relies on oracles for multiple operations including authorizing/exiting validators, or posting rewards. It is critical that a majority of oracles behave properly.
The project relies on privileged account(s) to carry out several critical actions such as controlling the blocklist, setting the feeRecipient, authorizing upgrades, or publishing the validator tree merkle root. It is critical that these accounts are secured, ideally as multisig accounts, since the compromise of any one of these accounts could have severe consequences on the protocol.
specificities:- Vault shares are non-transferrable.
- The vault has a blacklisting/ejection mechanism.
- The vault has its own MEV escrow contract.
- Both oracles and Consensys can trigger the exit of validators.
- The vault is upgradeable but the upgradability of the vault smart contract is constrained by a dual governance model where both the vault owner (Consensys) and the Stakewise DAO have to sign an on-chain transaction.
- Fees can only be changed by upgrading the contracts.
- The vault owner can add/remove oracles meaning a malicious owner could carry out malicious actions such as messing with rewards, or preventing funds from being redeemed.
- Consensys is responsible for provisioning new validators when enough funds are present in the contract. However, Consensys has to get oracles’ approval to register new validators.
4 Findings
Each issue has an assigned severity:
- Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
- Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
- Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
- Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.
4.1 VaultsRegistry Allows Owner to Bypass VaultFactory Medium Acknowledged
Creating a Vault with an approved VaultFactory ensures that only approved implementations of Vaults can be registered with the system. For example, when a Vault Owner creates a new Vault via VaultFactory.createVault()
the function deploys a proxy pointing to a fixed implementation. Additionally, the newly added Vault address is registered with the VaultRegistry. Only approved factories are allowed to register Vaults with the VaultRegistry.addVault()
However, the guarantee that only approved Factories (with approved implementations) can register Vaults is undermined by permissions the VaultRegistry owner has. They can unilaterally register Vaults that have not been created by the VaultFactory.
It is not clear if the registered Vault is actually a vault contract (or even EOA), nor if it’s been properly initialized within one transaction (see issue ) as it can be registered out of band by the owner.
/// @inheritdoc IVaultsRegistry
function addVault(address vault) external override {
if (!factories[msg.sender] && msg.sender != owner()) revert Errors.AccessDenied();
vaults[vault] = true;
emit VaultAdded(msg.sender, vault);
Ensure and provide guarantees on the origin of Vaults by enforcing that they’ve been created with an approved factory. If the owner is a multi-sig or DAO, ensure that everyone understands the implications of allowing the owner to add vaults to the registry out-of-band (SharedMevRewards
) and the scrutiny required to avoid that a malicious Vault is added to the registry.
4.2 KeeperRewards.canUpdateRewards()
and VaultMev._harvestAssets()
Can Theoretically Overflow Medium Acknowledged
The inline comment mentions that the unchecked block cannot overflow as “lastRewardsTimestamp & rewardsDelay are uint64”. Yet, rewardsDelay
is a uint256 meaning the result of lastRewardsTimestamp + rewardsDelay
. If this operation resulted in an overflow, canUpdateRewards()
would likely return true
in invalid scenarios.
This should not happen if the contract is initialized with reasonable values. However, in case the contract is incorrectly initialized or upgraded, this operation could overflow and lead to unintended effects.
function canUpdateRewards() public view override returns (bool) {
unchecked {
// cannot overflow as lastRewardsTimestamp & rewardsDelay are uint64
return lastRewardsTimestamp + rewardsDelay < block.timestamp;
uint256 public immutable override rewardsDelay;
An integer overflow may occur with an unsafe cast to int256(uint256) for values exceeding uint256.MAX/2+1. Although the likelihood of this happening within the current system and chain (ETH/Mainnet) is extremely low, requiring the contract to return an asset equivalent to over half of the ETH total supply, which is practically unfeasible. However, if this contract is reused, either wholly or partially, on different chains with different configurations or custom tokens, there could be a heightened risk. Therefore, to ensure robust security practices, it is advisable to invest a small amount of gas by implementing SafeCast
to enforce secure coding standards.
// execution rewards are always equal to what was accumulated in own MEV escrow
return (totalAssetsDelta + int256(IOwnMevEscrow(_mevEscrow).harvest()), harvested);
function harvest() external returns (uint256 assets) {
if (msg.sender != vault) revert Errors.HarvestFailed();
assets = address(this).balance;
if (assets == 0) return 0;
emit Harvested(assets);
// slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-eth
IVaultEthStaking(msg.sender).receiveFromMevEscrow{value: assets}();
For KeeperRewards.canUpdateRewards()
, use a uint64
for rewardsDelay
, remove the unchecked block or ensure rewardsDelay
is within reasonable bounds to prevent any overflow. Ensure that comments are accurate. For VaultMev._harvestAssets()
and other unsafe casts, use the SafeCast
library to revert on over/underflows.
4.3 Inconsistent Interface Between Similar Functionality: Whitelist / Blocklist Medium Acknowledged
and VaultWhitelist
implement similar functionality. However, their handling from a management perspective is quite different.
implementations are the same. However, we would suggest using the same terminology for both functions (i.e. “BlocklistManager”, “WhitelistManager”).__VaultBlocklist_init
takes ablocklistManager
and stores it, while__VaultWhitelist_init
also whitelists thewhitelistManager
. Given that a whitelister should only be used as a management account it is unclear why it needs to be whitelisted for e.g. token transfers?- Blocklist exports a
method, while Whitelist requires callers to check thewhitelistedAccounts
mapping directly. updateBlocklist()
silently proceeds even if the same address is blocklisted twice while_updateWhitelist()
would revert
The differing management approaches between VaultBlocklist
and VaultWhitelist
introduce inconsistency and potential confusion for developers and users. This lack of uniformity in functionality and handling could lead to errors in implementation and management of blocklisted and whitelisted accounts, impacting the overall security and usability of the system.
- Blocklist
function updateBlocklist(address account, bool isBlocked) public virtual override {
if (msg.sender != blocklistManager) revert Errors.AccessDenied();
if (blockedAccounts[account] == isBlocked) return;
blockedAccounts[account] = isBlocked;
emit BlocklistUpdated(msg.sender, account, isBlocked);
- Whitelist
function updateWhitelist(address account, bool approved) external override {
if (msg.sender != whitelister) revert Errors.AccessDenied();
_updateWhitelist(account, approved);
* @notice Internal function for updating whitelist
* @param account The address of the account to update
* @param approved Defines whether account is added to the whitelist or removed
function _updateWhitelist(address account, bool approved) private {
if (whitelistedAccounts[account] == approved) revert Errors.WhitelistAlreadyUpdated();
whitelistedAccounts[account] = approved;
emit WhitelistUpdated(msg.sender, account, approved);
Consider using the same or a similar interface for both Blocklist and Whitelist features.
4.4 User Can Prevent Blocklist Manager From Ejecting Them by Reverting on ETH Transfer Medium Acknowledged
In the scenario where the Blocklist Manager intends to remove a user from the vault, particularly when the vault is not collateralized, the Blocklist Manager initiates the removal process by invoking the ejectUser()
function within the EthFoxVault
contract. Subsequently, this action triggers the execution of the redeem()
path for the respective user.
/// @inheritdoc IEthFoxVault
function ejectUser(address user) external override {
// add user to blocklist
updateBlocklist(user, true);
// fetch shares of the user
uint256 userShares = _balances[user];
if (userShares == 0) return;
if (_isCollateralized()) {
// send user shares to exit queue
_enterExitQueue(user, userShares, user);
} else {
// redeem user shares
_redeem(user, userShares, user);
function _redeem(
address user,
uint256 shares,
address receiver
) internal returns (uint256 assets) {
if (shares == 0) revert Errors.InvalidShares();
if (receiver == address(0)) revert Errors.ZeroAddress();
// calculate amount of assets to burn
assets = convertToAssets(shares);
if (assets == 0) revert Errors.InvalidAssets();
// reverts in case there are not enough withdrawable assets
if (assets > withdrawableAssets()) revert Errors.InsufficientAssets();
// update total assets
_totalAssets -= SafeCast.toUint128(assets);
// burn owner shares
_burnShares(user, shares);
// transfer assets to the receiver
_transferVaultAssets(receiver, assets);
emit Redeemed(user, receiver, assets, shares);
This operation eventually leads to the execution of _transferVaultAssets()
, a function responsible for facilitating a low-level value-contract-call to the designated recipient
. In the event of an unsuccessful call, the operation reverts, ensuring the integrity of the transaction.
/// @inheritdoc VaultEnterExit
function _transferVaultAssets(
address receiver,
uint256 assets
) internal virtual override nonReentrant {
return Address.sendValue(payable(receiver), assets);
function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
if (address(this).balance < amount) {
revert AddressInsufficientBalance(address(this));
(bool success, ) = recipient.call{value: amount}("");
if (!success) {
revert FailedInnerCall();
Upon sending value to the designated recipient
, the recipient’s fallback function, if available, is invoked, effectively transferring control to the recipient. At this juncture, the recipient possesses the option to revert the call within their fallback function. Should the recipient choose to revert the call, the outer call initiated at sendValue()
would also revert accordingly.
In scenarios where the vault is not collateralized, the recipient
can evade being ejected from the vault by intentionally reverting within their fallback function. This strategic maneuver allows the recipient
to thwart the expulsion attempt initiated by the EthFoxVault
contract during the redemption process.
Change from push to pull transfers. Document that a user can still be ejected by collateralizing the vault.
4.5 Front-Running Vulnerability During Initialization of Vault Contracts Medium ✓ Fixed
- The client mentioned the issue was fixed in this PR
Vault contracts like EthFoxVault
are deployed as proxy contracts, which point to a specific implementation. The contract follows the OpenZeppelin (OZ) Initializable
pattern without permissioning the initialize()
function. This pattern necessitates that the deployment of the proxy contract and its initialization occur immediately, within the same transaction. Failure to do so exposes the contract to the risk of front-running, where any user could potentially manipulate the initialization process and claim administrative control over the contract.
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
address _keeper,
address _vaultsRegistry,
address _validatorsRegistry,
address sharedMevEscrow,
uint256 exitedAssetsClaimDelay
VaultImmutables(_keeper, _vaultsRegistry, _validatorsRegistry)
/// @inheritdoc IEthFoxVault
function initialize(bytes calldata params) external payable virtual override initializer {
EthFoxVaultInitParams memory initParams = abi.decode(params, (EthFoxVaultInitParams));
emit EthFoxVaultCreated(
Users deploying contracts via the VaultFactory
are inherently protected, as both the deployment of the proxy and the initialization
are executed within the same transaction.
/// @inheritdoc IEthVaultFactory
function createVault(
bytes calldata params,
bool isOwnMevEscrow
) external payable override returns (address vault) {
// create vault
vault = address(new ERC1967Proxy(implementation, ''));
// create MEV escrow contract if needed
address _mevEscrow;
if (isOwnMevEscrow) {
_mevEscrow = address(new OwnMevEscrow(vault));
// set MEV escrow contract so that it can be initialized in the Vault
ownMevEscrow = _mevEscrow;
// set admin so that it can be initialized in the Vault
vaultAdmin = msg.sender;
// initialize Vault
IEthVault(vault).initialize{value: msg.value}(params);
However, it’s worth noting that the task scripts located in the ./tasks/
directory do not utilize the VaultFactory
, MultiCall
, or Hardhat code to deploy and initialize
in the same transaction. Consequently, vaults deployed via these task scripts are vulnerable to front-running by any party.
- FoxVault - vulnerable
const foxVault = foxVaultFactory.attach(foxVaultAddress)
// Initialize EthFoxVault
const ownMevEscrowFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('OwnMevEscrow')
const ownMevEscrow = await ownMevEscrowFactory.deploy(foxVaultAddress)
await callContract(
'tuple(address admin, address ownMevEscrow, uint256 capacity, uint16 feePercent, string metadataIpfsHash)',
await ownMevEscrow.getAddress(),
{ value: networkConfig.securityDeposit }
- Keeper, VaultsRegistry - not vulnerable due to
function initialize() onlyOwner
// transfer ownership to governor
await callContract(vaultsRegistry.initialize(networkConfig.governor))
console.log('VaultsRegistry ownership transferred to', networkConfig.governor)
await callContract(keeper.initialize(networkConfig.governor))
console.log('Keeper ownership transferred to', networkConfig.governor)
- Test Suite does not even use
but deploy-initializes manually
await vault.initialize(
'tuple(address admin, address ownMevEscrow, uint256 capacity, uint16 feePercent, string metadataIpfsHash)',
await ownMevEscrow.getAddress(),
Note: According to the StakeWise team there is no intention to create a factory for the EthFoxVault
. We recommend implementing safe deploy&initialize procedures instead of solely relying on verifying contract parameterization after deployment.
- Change the task scripts to use hardhat deploy & initialize code that performs all action in a single transaction.
- Switch to multicall deployment & initialize pattern.
- Enforce permission on
as seen withKeeper
- Monitor and verify correct contract parameterisation after deployment
4.6 Consider Emitting a Specific Event in ejectUser()
Minor ✓ Fixed
The function ejectUser()
in EthFoxVault
allows the BlocklistManager to ban and eject a user from the system. Consider making this function emit a specific event for transparency and auditability reasons.
/// @inheritdoc IEthFoxVault
function ejectUser(address user) external override {
Emit a specific event when a user is ejected from the system.
4.7 VaultFactory/VaultsRegistry - Should Check That New Implementation Is a Contract Minor Acknowledged
Currently, the addVaultImpl()
function in the VaultsRegistry
contract lacks validation that address of newImpl
actually has code. If an invalid address, devoid of code, is set as an implementation, vaults wishing to upgrade to that implementation will not be able to upgrade.
may not be a contract. This will cause a revert increateVault
is instantiated.
* @dev Constructor
* @param _implementation The implementation address of Vault
* @param vaultsRegistry The address of the VaultsRegistry contract
constructor(address _implementation, IVaultsRegistry vaultsRegistry) {
implementation = _implementation;
_vaultsRegistry = vaultsRegistry;
does not validatenewImpl
. This will cause an implicit revert inUUPSUpgradeable._upgradeToAndCallUUPS
during upgrade.
function addVaultImpl(address newImpl) external override onlyOwner {
if (vaultImpls[newImpl]) revert Errors.AlreadyAdded();
vaultImpls[newImpl] = true;
emit VaultImplAdded(newImpl);
Enforce a check on newImpl.code.size > 0
early on.
4.8 Consider Using abi.encodeCall
Instead of Low-Level bytes4(keccak(..))
and abi.encodeWithSelector
Minor Acknowledged
Consider using Solidity contract type interfaces for building low-level contract calls with arguments, instead of constructing them manually from function declaration strings.
bytes4 private constant _initSelector = bytes4(keccak256('initialize(bytes)'));
function upgradeToAndCall(
address newImplementation,
bytes memory data
) public payable override onlyProxy {
super.upgradeToAndCall(newImplementation, abi.encodeWithSelector(_initSelector, data));
Use abi.encodeCall(IVault.initialize, (bytes data))
instead of falling back to low-level function selector calculations.
4.9 Consider Reverting on Ineffective Calls Minor Acknowledged
The function _setWhitelister()
(resp. _setBlocklistManager()
) does not revert if the admin attempts to set the same _whitelister
(resp. _blocklistManager
). This behavior might hide mistakes. Additionally, the functions emits a WhitelisterUpdated
(resp. BlocklistManagerUpdated
) event even though the _whitelister
(resp. _blocklistManager
) hasn’t been modified.
- Blocklist
/// @inheritdoc IVaultBlocklist
function setBlocklistManager(address _blocklistManager) external override {
function _setBlocklistManager(address _blocklistManager) private {
// update blocklist manager address
blocklistManager = _blocklistManager;
emit BlocklistManagerUpdated(msg.sender, _blocklistManager);
- Whitelist
/// @inheritdoc IVaultWhitelist
function setWhitelister(address _whitelister) external override {
* @dev Internal function for updating the whitelister externally or from the initializer
* @param _whitelister The address of the new whitelister
function _setWhitelister(address _whitelister) private {
// update whitelister address
whitelister = _whitelister;
emit WhitelisterUpdated(msg.sender, _whitelister);
Consider reverting the _setWhitelister()
(resp. _setBlocklistManager()
) function execution in case one attempts to set the same _whitelister
(resp. _blocklistManager
4.10 Vault Admin Is Non-Transferable Minor Acknowledged
The Vault admin is set on initialization.
- There is no
check preventing no admin from being set at initialization. - Admin access can only be set on initialization and not be transferred (2-step). This may leave the Vault vulnerable and the admins unable to react in case of a vault admin address compromise.
* @dev Initializes the VaultAdmin contract
* @param _admin The address of the Vault admin
function __VaultAdmin_init(
address _admin,
string memory metadataIpfsHash
) internal onlyInitializing {
admin = _admin;
emit MetadataUpdated(msg.sender, metadataIpfsHash);
For reference, Fee recipient invalidates address(0)
function _setFeeRecipient(address _feeRecipient) private {
if (_feeRecipient == address(0)) revert Errors.InvalidFeeRecipient();
Consider implementing a 2-step vault admin transfer and checking that the admin is not address(0)
to prevent any mistake.
4.11 Where Possible, a Specific Contract Type Should Be Used Rather Than Address Minor Acknowledged
Declare state variables with the best type available and downcast to address if needed. Typecasting inside the corpus of a function is unneeded when the parameter’s type is known beforehand. Declare the best type in function arguments and state variables. Always return the best type available instead of resorting to address
by default.
There are more instances of this pattern, but here’s a list of samples:
_poolEscrow = IPoolEscrow(poolEscrow);
_rewardEthToken = IRewardEthToken(rewardEthToken);
address _keeper,
address _vaultsRegistry,
address _validatorsRegistry,
address osTokenVaultController,
address osTokenConfig,
address sharedMevEscrow,
address poolEscrow,
address rewardEthToken,
uint256 exitingAssetsClaimDelay
abstract contract VaultImmutables {
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow state-variable-immutable
address internal immutable _keeper;
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow state-variable-immutable
address internal immutable _vaultsRegistry;
/// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow state-variable-immutable
address internal immutable _validatorsRegistry;
/// @inheritdoc UUPSUpgradeable
function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal view override {
if (
newImplementation == address(0) ||
ERC1967Utils.getImplementation() == newImplementation || // cannot reinit the same implementation
IVaultVersion(newImplementation).vaultId() != vaultId() || // vault must be of the same type
IVaultVersion(newImplementation).version() != version() + 1 || // vault cannot skip versions between
!IVaultsRegistry(_vaultsRegistry).vaultImpls(newImplementation) // new implementation must be registered
) {
revert Errors.UpgradeFailed();
4.12 A Malicious Adversary Could Theoretically DoS the Approval of New Validators.
To mitigate the withdrawal credentials front-running vulnerability, Stakewise requires oracles to sign the validators registry’s Merkle tree root when approving new validators. This ensures that if a malicious operator attempts to front-run a legitimate deposit transaction with different withdrawal credentials, the Merkle tree root of the deposit contract will change, invalidating the legitimate deposit transaction through a check in the KeeperValidators
if (_validatorsRegistry.get_deposit_root() != params.validatorsRegistryRoot) {
revert Errors.InvalidValidatorsRegistryRoot();
It should be noted that this mechanism potentially opens the door to a DoS attack. Specifically, a malicious actor could theoretically disrupt validator approval by front-running legitimate deposit transactions with a deposit of at least 1 ETH into the validator registry contract. However, such an attack would likely be costly and resource-intensive to sustain over time.
4.13 Follow Ethereum Secure Coding and Style Guidelines
Follow the solidity style guide. Specifically, constants should be named with all capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples: MAX_BLOCKS
uint256 private constant _securityDeposit = 1e9;
uint256 internal constant _maxFeePercent = 10_000; // @dev 100.00 %
uint256 internal constant _validatorLength = 176;
bytes4 private constant _initSelector = bytes4(keccak256('initialize(bytes)'));
4.14 _processTotalAssetsDelta()
Should Return Early on totalAssetsDelta == 0
Consider taking the if-branch for totalAssetsDelta
less than or equal zero and return early instead of consuming gas on mulDiv
and performing accounting.
* @dev Internal function for processing rewards and penalties
* @param totalAssetsDelta The number of assets earned or lost
function _processTotalAssetsDelta(int256 totalAssetsDelta) internal {
// SLOAD to memory
uint256 newTotalAssets = _totalAssets;
if (totalAssetsDelta < 0) {
// add penalty to total assets
newTotalAssets -= uint256(-totalAssetsDelta);
// update state
_totalAssets = SafeCast.toUint128(newTotalAssets);
The logical error can be addressed by modifying the conditional check to if (totalAssetsDelta <= 0)
. This accommodates when the totalAssetsDelta
parameter is 0. When it is so, neither a fee should be deducted from nor should the function proceed with the reward processing. This if-statement can simply return in such a case.
function _processTotalAssetsDelta(int256 totalAssetsDelta) internal {
// SLOAD to memory
uint256 newTotalAssets = _totalAssets;
if (totalAssetsDelta =< 0) {
// ...
4.15 Unused or Duplicate Imports
Several source units contain imports for libraries or contracts that are not utilized within the codebase.
Unused imports contribute to code clutter and may confuse developers about the library’s use in the contract. Keeping the codebase clean can help with maintainability and readability.
- Unused Import
import {IKeeperRewards} from '../../interfaces/IKeeperRewards.sol';
- Unused Import
import {VaultVersion} from '../modules/VaultVersion.sol';
- Duplicate Import
import {IEthVaultFactory} from '../../interfaces/IEthVaultFactory.sol';
import {IEthErc20Vault} from '../../interfaces/IEthErc20Vault.sol';
import {IEthVaultFactory} from '../../interfaces/IEthVaultFactory.sol';
Adhering to best practices, it is recommended to eliminate any unused imports to ensure the cleanliness of the codebase. Consequently, the removal of these unused imports from the contracts is advisable to maintain codebase integrity and enhance overall code quality.
Appendix 1 - Files in Scope
This audit covered the following files:
File Name | SHA-1 Hash |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/ethereum/custom/EthFoxVault.sol | a559c0dc06d9af37c57e4bd61e109a499c80f549 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IValidatorsRegistry.sol | 948515c126bfbd5c1c54ce272ba23fbfd2e1ea4d |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultVersion.sol | 96afc723c536b6fecb0e2481442fe63eaf354b64 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultEnterExit.sol | 344912e106b13da951687504c590277e4d25375d |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultMev.sol | 683d3e3b04ddb663a9d2e1903c956d60b6c4d989 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IOwnMevEscrow.sol | 530ceeeb1a86e9bf2ddd4c99b629abc3c320f471 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IKeeper.sol | 75d3628c68bf7e1e050d9c513b68e4a6255efaa8 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultBlocklist.sol | 9102b95fed3d3f0a1cbb3197ed7c36806332e2a5 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultsRegistry.sol | 8e47a0c2c72ff6d0e3cc2d117156ba82fac36538 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IBalancerRateProvider.sol | 9c7db0662620eb2adeedc6470f599f095f5fbe35 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultOsToken.sol | fb40e625fd05b0eb95f5d4891a4b3c95987897c3 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultToken.sol | ecbea9bf269d437e472235ef1e7cde034fcbcc9a |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IRewardSplitter.sol | e813f82b854f3ce30e7893cdeca923f82008e5c2 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthGenesisVault.sol | 44041391a9bc7469cb7643c1c79fc9dacf78582b |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthVault.sol | c474e8e093b3469c0c127e83203f9103fab29a63 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IOsToken.sol | c352c8b8b5213b8043a20542d879d748f4a3362f |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthValidatorsRegistry.sol | 39146dd2f64598d0d5453474eeda7207cb6ffeea |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/ICumulativeMerkleDrop.sol | 0f982f992b34243c617c997ce06ff8f551972738 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthPrivVault.sol | d1de113ecad4140f16740fdb0550fa5a89fa6065 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultEthStaking.sol | 0347d0ce52223fb3de6ec76218e66105cfbe50ca |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IChainlinkAggregator.sol | be11cbe91933bdb2d55c9abfe5da31f955f2bda3 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IKeeperValidators.sol | eb289049273af3d741dd4bbb1587df620c2f58a4 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthPrivErc20Vault.sol | f3af338433f52be229e4da00db9727d782df690d |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IRewardEthToken.sol | 4caf62aaee67b06214b4948a88ec61ed82492dcf |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IOsTokenConfig.sol | 4011d66f1d0ce735b91364a3d57b89aaa3115013 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IKeeperOracles.sol | e7238851d56892093d1819ec679aa61b5cce7e7b |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/ISharedMevEscrow.sol | a922c5cc3e1feccb2c148678a41585a19e2f5f8d |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthFoxVault.sol | ca961166b631257210fbc87f9ef402ffde01587a |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultFee.sol | 34f760b7c026c979ef9281b6221df0c5e293470b |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultAdmin.sol | cc75e80da39468bbf2b324b1f99c82cb0f046803 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthErc20Vault.sol | 598b955035d3ddbf48e374db39a01f0a3f9125cb |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IPoolEscrow.sol | 9761b911e6deb1a6ecc518b4c4d0c9c7b8aa36dc |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IOsTokenVaultController.sol | a95c44197c9e758f87d5a509663e6f860613a9c1 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IChainlinkV3Aggregator.sol | 5564577ba1f87bd9a527d5f1cf01541e7caedad5 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IRewardSplitterFactory.sol | ad6ff2ce4815f36ff354542980cbeb66c9e476e7 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IKeeperRewards.sol | aeae2c4e0abf14cb72ba204805b5092b79d8bf6c |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IMulticall.sol | bfb9294d62f5415e0c73fe856cd73500f1660b5e |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultValidators.sol | ec11df0dceebe7b467b52d7db76f63bd85ec88ac |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultState.sol | fe491d961b8e3b0e2432ed0851945154f80fbcc8 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IEthVaultFactory.sol | 086b76d40bee2d16ece182211a647639da4a2804 |
v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IVaultWhitelist.sol | 7ea858a770409ca0b9431b53cf2140b3a84c773e |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/VaultsRegistry.sol | 5740a95e2c21db1f08d5059a929e4a0a161b8090 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultMev.sol | d125688c171a575d615f60cbeabbc52fd84c4011 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultAdmin.sol | dcd0411fb72ae2ee6423b6989376aee671905088 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultToken.sol | fcfa29241f882f5fedd6cdb510eed45b061a62a0 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultImmutables.sol | 18eb9f5748e5cfc51cac48c8e6bf01df0f4b2105 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultWhitelist.sol | 396eb04bbc6ca9c309fb7ee1ae0c3a0202e19d30 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultOsToken.sol | 6dcd916ae3ddfdd2ba0dd861311453d4ae599fc5 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultValidators.sol | abc41d2686de11f241e90d27337850d5e7600d19 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultBlocklist.sol | db23cc027b8200b209df26f672c3444769666496 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultState.sol | dc6e667b680bbbb323b11c9a5b8588b21c36dca0 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultEnterExit.sol | ba03e8f9b29f2fcf1c37c01b017f1b4181f13fb2 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultVersion.sol | b9e6f6f14b09b90e73b1a2bbdcc7efbc445d686e |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultFee.sol | 0ee29804186fade80fd7e2b5974e485b6653b573 |
v3-core/contracts/vaults/modules/VaultEthStaking.sol | 30f4986ffbd6f0698c44a5f77df6e00a305d5a4b |
Appendix 2 - Disclosure
Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.
The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any third party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any third party by virtue of publishing these Reports.
A.2.1 Purpose of Reports
The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.
CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.
A.2.2 Links to Other Web Sites from This Web Site
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A.2.3 Timeliness of Content
The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice unless indicated otherwise, by Consensys and CD.