1 Executive Summary
This report presents the results of our engagement with Starbase to review their smart contract system.
The review was conducted over two weeks, from Jul 22, 2024 to Aug 23, 2024, by Sergii Kravchenko and Vladislav Yaroshuk. A total of 40 person-days were spent. After that the fix review was conducted over 1 week, from Oct 28, 2024 to Nov 1, 2024, by Vladislav Yaroshuk. A total of 5 person-days were spent. The second round of the fix review was necessary afterwards, it was conducted over 2 weeks, from Nov 25, 2024 to Dec 5, 2024, by Sergii Kravchenko. A total of 10 person-days were spent.
During the initial engagement we have identified multiple findings, which allowed malicious actors to steal funds from the protocol, as well as some of the execution flow hasn’t been working. The Starbase team has addressed these findings, redesigning how allowance
is granted by removing the Permit2
library and restricting order fulfillment to whitelisted takers only. During the second fix review, the team substantially increased the test suite and improved the quality of the codebase by adding comments and documentation. Additionally, they have incorporated necessary validations within the starbase-contract
repository, particularly in the AggregatedSwapRouter
contract, while maintaining flexibility in its functionality.
The review was done under the assumption that specific bots will be used to fill orders. These bots are in the scope of this review: StarBaseLimitOrderBot
and StarBaseDCABot
. The team plans to enable other third-party bots in the future. We recommend performing security audits for these bots before using them, as they can potentially break the system’s logic.
2 Scope
Our review focused on the smart contracts provided by the team. The list and the version of files in scope can be found in the Appendix. After the initial engagement the Starbase team has decided to reduce the scope.
For the first fix review the team has provided 2 commits for both codebases, which included already all of the fixes for the findings: d81b6f90d52b12dcfd6f05f023b19ca6e9a8c9e2
for starbase-contract
repository and 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
for starbase-limitorder
For the second and final fix review the following commit hashes were settled: d323fe3cc9c939518cd631d63a8952bf4465ba16
for starbase-contract
repository and 28a1471010e82968445e92c7a1fd1def7c3de380
for starbase-limitorder
2.1 Objectives
Together with the Starbase team, we identified the following priorities for our review:
- Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
- Identify known vulnerabilities particular to smart contract systems, as outlined in our Smart Contract Best Practices, and the Smart Contract Weakness Classification Registry.
3 System Overview
The system comprises two primary components: “Limit Order” and “Swaps”.
3.1 Limit orders
The contracts can handle two types of orders: StarBaseDCA
and StarBaseLimitOrder
. Both types are signed off-chain by the makers and await fulfillment by any participant. These orders can also be canceled by their creators. After the fix review the fulfillment of the order can be done only by the whitelisted addresses.
- Limit orders - Simple orders with fixed price, amount, and expiration time.
- DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) orders - Orders that are executed in multiple tranches over time. A portion of the trade is executed every
until the entire order is fulfilled. These orders include a minimum and maximum price range for the swaps.
Makers of both order types approve their tokens using the Permit2
mechanism, however after audit the team has decided to remove Permit2
library and use direct approves instead.
Orders can be filled either directly by takers or through a bot mechanism (StarBaseDCABot
, StarBaseLimitOrderBot
). These bots can only be triggered by a restricted set of users listed in the isAdminListed
function by the owner of the bot contracts. The bots attempt to execute swaps of the maker’s tokens via a separate swapping component (StarBaseRouteProxy
3.2 Swaps
The second component consists of multiple contracts designed to perform token swaps across various exchanges.
The main swap routing logic resides in the SwapByteIn
contract, which is inherited by MyDefiSwapCore
. This contract routes swaps to different exchanges based on the input parameters, including platforms like Uniswap V2, V3, and their forks. These contracts have been removed from scope after fix review.
The primary entry point for swaps is the AggregatedSwapRouter
. It interacts with MyDefiSwapCore
to execute swaps and verifies the amount of output tokens, as well as validates the receiver address.
4 Security Specification
This section describes, from a security perspective, the expected behavior of the system under audit. It is not a substitute for documentation. The purpose of this section is to identify specific security properties that were validated by the audit team.
4.1 Actors
The relevant actors are listed below with their respective abilities:
- Users:
- Makers: Can sign limit and DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) orders, then wait for others to fulfill them. Makers also have the ability to cancel their orders.
- Takers: Can execute pending signed limit orders by filling them.
- Admins: Have the authority to initiate limit order/DCA bots to swap the maker’s tokens and fulfill the orders.
- Owners: Have the power to modify key contract parameters, such as fees and the recipient of those fees, the list of admins, the approved proxy address, and more.
4.2 Trust Model
In any system, it’s important to identify what trust is expected/required between various actors. For this audit, we established the following trust model:
- The system is designed to be trustless.
- Takers should fill the order returning full amount received after swap to the maker, not returning minimal amount to the maker and keeping the difference.
- The system is expected to be initialized correctly.
- Users are approving & interacting with the
if the want to execute a swap.
5 Findings
Each issue has an assigned severity:
- Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
- Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
- Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
- Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.
5.1 Malicious Taker Can Use Permit From Different Trades for Gains Critical ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by fully removing PERMIT2
library and thus removing permitSingle.details.token
data from the order, leaving only inputToken
address, prohibiting the taker to choose which token to use.
In the fillLimitOrder
function of the StarBaseLimitOrder
contract and in the fillDCA
function of the StarBaseDCA
contract, there is no validation between the inputToken
or makerToken
in the order and the token in the permitSingle
variable. This lack of validation puts all users with two or more active orders at risk.
Consider the following scenario:
The maker has created, signed, and signed permits for two limit orders in
:- The first order exchanges
USDT tokens with6
decimals into0.39
ETH tokens. - The second order exchanges
WBTC tokens with8
decimals into228
ETH tokens.
In both cases, the
. - The first order exchanges
A malicious taker begins filling the first order with the USDT tokens by calling the
function but usespermitSingle
data from the second order with the WBTC order. -
The taker passes
as0.39 * 10**18
to fill the order fully. TheStarBaseLimitOrder
contract validates that the order is not filled, theorderHash
has been signed by the maker, and the order is not expired. However, thepermitSingle
is not part of the original order, so it is not validated. -
and thefee
variables are calculated and then validated.curTakerFillAmount
is equal to0.39 * 10**18
. -
In the
call to the_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_
is passed, along with the addresses of the maker and taker, and thepermit
data itself, missing all validations of thepermit
data. -
In the
function, thepermit
is executed, granting allowance for WBTC and then transferring10
WBTC tokens to the taker. -
The taker returns
ETH tokens to the maker, completing the order and keeping the leftover WBTC, resulting in a gain of227.61
ETH. The second order cannot be fully filled anymore.
function fillLimitOrder(
Order calldata order,
bytes memory signature,
uint160 takerFillAmount,
uint160 thresholdTakerAmount,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns(uint160 curTakerFillAmount, uint160 curMakerFillAmount) {
bytes32 orderHash = _orderHash(order);
uint160 filledTakerAmount = _FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_[orderHash];
require(filledTakerAmount < order.takerAmount, "SLOP: ALREADY_FILLED");
if (_isContract(order.maker)) {
_verifyERC1271WalletSignature(order.maker, orderHash, signature);
} else {
require(ECDSA.recover(orderHash, signature) == order.maker, "SLOP:INVALID_SIGNATURE");
require(order.expiration > block.timestamp, "SLOP: EXPIRE_ORDER");
uint160 leftTakerAmount = order.takerAmount - filledTakerAmount;
curTakerFillAmount = takerFillAmount < leftTakerAmount ? takerFillAmount:leftTakerAmount;
curMakerFillAmount = curTakerFillAmount * order.makerAmount / order.takerAmount;
uint160 fee = curTakerFillAmount * _FEE_RATE_ / 10000;
require(curTakerFillAmount > 0 && curMakerFillAmount > 0, "SLOP: ZERO_FILL_INVALID");
require(curTakerFillAmount >= thresholdTakerAmount, "SLOP: FILL_AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH");
_FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_[orderHash] = filledTakerAmount + curTakerFillAmount;
//Maker => Taker
order.maker, msg.sender, curMakerFillAmount,
function fillDCA(
Order memory order,
bytes memory signature,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 curTakerFillAmount) {
bytes32 orderHash = _orderHash(order);
DCAStates storage DCAFilledTimes = _DCA_FILLEDTIMES_[orderHash];
require(DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade < order.numberOfTrade, "DCAP: ALREADY_FILLED");
require( block.timestamp - DCAFilledTimes.lastUpdateTime >= order.cycleSecondsApart, "DCAP: TIME_NOT_ENOUGH");
if (_isContract(order.maker)) {
_verifyERC1271WalletSignature(order.maker, orderHash, signature);
} else {
require(ECDSA.recover(orderHash, signature) == order.maker, "DCAP:INVALID_SIGNATURE");
require(order.expiration > block.timestamp, "DCAP: EXPIRE_ORDER");
uint160 fee = (order.inAmount * _FEE_RATE_) / 10000;
require(IERC20(order.inputToken).balanceOf(order.maker) > fee + order.inAmount,"DCAP: INFINCIENT_BALANCE");
DCAFilledTimes.lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp;
DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade = DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade + 1;
//Maker => Taker
//Maker => Fee
function claimTokens(
address who,
address dest,
uint160 amount,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata signature
) external {
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_PROXY_, "StarBaseApprove:Access restricted");
if (amount > 0) {
//IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(who, dest, amount);
// Transfer tokens from the caller to ourselves.
require(permitSingle.spender == address(this),"PERMIT_DENY");
PERMIT2.permit(who, permitSingle, signature);
PERMIT2.transferFrom(who, dest, amount, permitSingle.details.token);
function claimTokens(
address who,
address dest,
uint160 amount,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata signature
) external {
require(_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[msg.sender], "StarBaseApproveProxy:Access restricted");
We recommend adding validation to ensure that the token and amount in the permit
data correlate with every specific order.
5.2 Anyone Can Steal All Funds From a DCA Order Critical ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by adding validation in the end of the if block: require(curTakerFillAmount > 0 && curTakerFillAmount >= order.minOutAmountPerCycle, "Invalid curTakerFillAmount");
, and also reverting in cases when the takerInteraction
length is zero: revert takerInteractionFail(takerInteraction);
Anyone can fill an existing DCA order by calling the fillDCA
function of the StarBaseDCA
function fillDCA(
Order memory order,
bytes memory signature,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 curTakerFillAmount) {
While executing this function, a callback to the sender occurs if the takerInteraction
parameter is not empty:
if (takerInteraction.length > 0) {
takerInteraction.patchUint256(0, order.inAmount);
takerInteraction.patchUint256(1, order.minOutAmountPerCycle);
takerInteraction.patchUint256(2, order.maxOutAmountPerCycle);
require(isWhiteListed[msg.sender], "DCAP: Not Whitelist Contract");
(bool success, bytes memory data) = msg.sender.call(takerInteraction);
if (!success) {
assembly {
revert(add(data, 32), mload(data))
curTakerFillAmount = data.decodeUint256(0);
//Taker => Maker
IERC20(order.outputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
This parameter is submitted by the msg.sender
and has no validation. If the takerInteraction
is zero, the curTakerFillAmount
will also remain zero. The taker (msg.sender
) will transfer zero tokens to the maker at the end of the function:
//Taker => Maker
IERC20(order.outputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
But will receive the order.inAmount
, essentially stealing tokens from the order:
//Maker => Taker
Ensure that order.minOutAmountPerCycle
is checked in all circumstances.
5.3 Missing Validation of _FEE_RATE_
Variable Major ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been only partially fixed with the comment “solved require(feeRate <= MAX_FEE_RATE, "Fee rate too high");
”, but apparently this fix has been added only to the changeFeeFeeRate
function of the StarBaseDCA
contract, and haven’t been added to other contracts functions and constructor
. Also, the new variable uint160 constant MAX_FEE_RATE = 5000; // 100%
has a comment 100
%, while in reality it’s 50
%. We recommend adding validation to leftover functions and constructor
’s, fixing the comment, and setting the max fee to 20
% at most.
Update (commit hash 7415929c5d5d1958f131847242d853290b378597
): The _FEE_RATE_
is now limited to 10%. The protocol owner can instantly change the fees to a higher amount, and existing orders won’t have time to cancel if they disagree. Since the system is designed to be trustless, it would be good to add a timelock mechanism for updating the fees. However, because the maximum fee limit is 10%, the impact on users is limited and everyone should be aware of that risk. It’s the responsibility of the protocol to warn users beforehand about changing the fees.
In the init
and changeFeeReceiver
functions of the StarBaseDCA
contract, as well as in the init
and changeFeeRate
functions of the StarBaseLimitOrder
contract and the changeFeeRate
function of the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract, the _FEE_RATE_
variable can be set to any uint160
value, while the denominator is 10000
. This allows the fee rate to be set as high as 100%, which is problematic since a trustless system is expected. This could enable the owner to steal all of the tokens with every trade, leading to excessive fees being charged during transactions, as well as a full block of other function execution when the fee is higher than 100%.
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver, uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function changeFeeReceiver(uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function changeFeeRate (uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
function changeFeeRate (uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
We recommend adding validation checks for the _FEE_RATE_
to ensure it is within an acceptable range, such as below 100%.
5.4 Incorrect inAmount
Passed to the Order
in StarBaseDCA
Major ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed with the comment:
“The precondition is not aligned, inAmount
Variable is not total principal.(Code comments are wrong). Missunderstand that there are problems with the business and realign the audit”.
Additionally the comment has been changed to // One of the total (numberOfTrade)
instead of // total principal
In the StarBaseDCA
contract, there is an Order
struct designed to be executed numberOfTrade
times, with the total amount of principal in the order represented by the inAmount
variable. The StarBase team has confirmed that inAmount
represents the full amount of tokens.
However, in the fillDCA
function, starting with the very first order execution in the claimTokens
call, all of the inAmount
tokens are transferred from the maker to the taker. The problem with this design is that any subsequent call to fillDCA
for the order cannot be executed after the first call, as all of the allowance is used. This means the dollar cost averaging mechanism will not function as intended. Additionally, other variables in the struct are meant to be correct for one cycle, such as the minOutAmountPerCycle
or maxOutAmountPerCycle
variables. Executing the order for the full amount of principal while using the minOutAmountPerCycle
variable for one cycle will allow frontrunning of the order, leading to the loss of tokens, or using the maxOutAmountPerCycle
variable for one cycle will allow keeping all of the leftover tokens at the maker’s address.
struct Order {
uint16 cycleSecondsApart; // executed per minute
uint16 numberOfTrade; // executed 5 times
address inputToken; // sell
address outputToken; // buy
address maker;
uint160 inAmount; // total principal
uint256 minOutAmountPerCycle; //min out amount
uint256 maxOutAmountPerCycle; //max out amount
uint256 expiration;
uint256 salt;
We recommend executing the claimTokens
function not for the full inAmount
value, but only for the amount of tokens suitable for one cycle. Additionally, we recommend writing tests for the code.
5.5 Improper Use of ArgumentsDecoder
Leads to Incorrect curTakerFillAmount
Decoding Major ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by using abi.decode(data, (uint256));
In the decodeUint256
function of the ArgumentsDecoder
contract, the padding is set to 0x24
bytes, where the additional 0x04
bytes correspond to a selector
. In the fillDCA
function of the StarBaseDCA
contract, the decodeUint256
function is used to decode the curTakerFillAmount
variable returned after the takerInteraction
call. However, the data
variable returned after the call does not include a selector
, so the 0x24
bytes padding is incorrect for decoding this data. This leads to a problem where curTakerFillAmount
is decoded incorrectly, resulting in a much larger value than it should be.
contract Test {
function decodeUint256(bytes memory data, uint256 argumentIndex) public pure returns(uint256 value) {
assembly { // solhint-disable-line no-inline-assembly
value := mload(add(add(data, 0x24), mul(argumentIndex, 0x20)))
// returned value is 47244640256
contract Test1 {
function foo() public pure returns (uint256) {
return 11; // returned data is 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b
Consider the following scenario using the current StarBase architecture:
- A whitelisted admin calls the
function of theStarBaseDCABot
contract with thecallExternalData
call, where thefillDCA
function is encoded. - The
function of theStarBaseDCA
contract is executed with thetakerInteraction
call, where thedoDCASwap
function is encoded. - The
function of theStarBaseDCABot
contract is executed with theStarBaseApiData
call, where the swap is performed. The contract then calculates the amount of tokens received after the swap and returns this amount as thereturnTakerAmount
variable, for example,11
, so the variable returned in the low-level call is0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b
. - In the
function, thereturnTakerAmount
variable is decoded using thedecodeUint256
function. Due to incorrect padding, the variable is decoded as0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000
, so thecurTakerFillAmount
. - Tokens from the
are returned to themaker
in thesafeTransferFrom
call for thecurTakerFillAmount
value. Since theallowance
is infinite, the tokens fromStarBaseDCABot
will be stolen to the maker’s address, ifStarBaseDCABot
had this amount of tokens on its balance. However, sinceStarBaseDCABot
doesn’t keep tokens on the balance, all function executions will revert, making this code unusable.
function decodeUint256(bytes memory data, uint256 argumentIndex) internal pure returns(uint256 value) {
assembly { // solhint-disable-line no-inline-assembly
value := mload(add(add(data, 0x24), mul(argumentIndex, 0x20)))
function fillStarBaseDCA(
bytes memory callExternalData, //call StarBaseDCA
address outputToken,
uint256 minOutputTokenAmount
) external {
require(isAdminListed[msg.sender], "ACCESS_DENIED");
uint256 originTakerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
(bool success, bytes memory data) = _StarBase_DCA_.call(callExternalData);
if (!success) {
assembly {
revert(add(data, 32), mload(data))
function doDCASwap(
uint256 inAmount,
uint256 minOutAmount,
uint256 maxOutAmount,
address inputToken, //fromToken
address outputToken, //toToken
address StarBaseRouteProxy,
bytes memory StarBaseApiData
) external returns (uint256 returnTakerAmount){
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_DCA_, "ACCESS_NENIED");
uint256 originTakerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
_approveMax(IERC20(inputToken), _StarBase_APPROVE_, inAmount);
(bool success, bytes memory data) = StarBaseRouteProxy.call(StarBaseApiData);
if (!success) {
assembly {
revert(add(data, 32), mload(data))
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
returnTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
require(returnTakerAmount >= minOutAmount, "SWAP_TAKER_AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH");
if(returnTakerAmount > maxOutAmount){
returnTakerAmount = maxOutAmount;
_approveMax(IERC20(outputToken), _StarBase_DCA_, returnTakerAmount);
function fillDCA(
Order memory order,
bytes memory signature,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 curTakerFillAmount) {
bytes32 orderHash = _orderHash(order);
DCAStates storage DCAFilledTimes = _DCA_FILLEDTIMES_[orderHash];
require(DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade < order.numberOfTrade, "DCAP: ALREADY_FILLED");
require( block.timestamp - DCAFilledTimes.lastUpdateTime >= order.cycleSecondsApart, "DCAP: TIME_NOT_ENOUGH");
if (_isContract(order.maker)) {
_verifyERC1271WalletSignature(order.maker, orderHash, signature);
} else {
require(ECDSA.recover(orderHash, signature) == order.maker, "DCAP:INVALID_SIGNATURE");
require(order.expiration > block.timestamp, "DCAP: EXPIRE_ORDER");
uint160 fee = (order.inAmount * _FEE_RATE_) / 10000;
require(IERC20(order.inputToken).balanceOf(order.maker) > fee + order.inAmount,"DCAP: INFINCIENT_BALANCE");
DCAFilledTimes.lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp;
DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade = DCAFilledTimes.numberOfTrade + 1;
//Maker => Taker
//Maker => Fee
if (takerInteraction.length > 0) {
takerInteraction.patchUint256(0, order.inAmount);
takerInteraction.patchUint256(1, order.minOutAmountPerCycle);
takerInteraction.patchUint256(2, order.maxOutAmountPerCycle);
require(isWhiteListed[msg.sender], "DCAP: Not Whitelist Contract");
(bool success, bytes memory data) = msg.sender.call(takerInteraction);
if (!success) {
assembly {
revert(add(data, 32), mload(data))
curTakerFillAmount = data.decodeUint256(0);
//Taker => Maker
IERC20(order.outputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
We recommend reviewing and correcting the padding logic in the decodeUint256
function or creating a separate function that decodes the variable without padding:
function decodeUint256(bytes memory data, uint256 argumentIndex) public pure returns(uint256 value) {
assembly { // solhint-disable-line no-inline-assembly
value := mload(add(add(data, 0x20), mul(argumentIndex, 0x20)))
Alternatively, consider using the abi.decode
operation. We also strongly recommend adding tests to the code before deployment.
5.6 Incorrect Integration of Permit2
in StarBaseDCA
, StarBaseLimitOrder
Major ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by fully removing PERMIT2
library and using transferFrom
calls instead.
In the claimTokens
function of the StarBaseDCA
contract, the same permitSignature
and permitSingle
variables are called twice in the IStarBaseApproveProxy(_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_).claimTokens
call. However, this approach does not work because the nonce changes after the first use of the permit, invalidating the second permit
and leading to the revert of the function, making this function unusable. Specifically, in the claimTokens
function, there is a call to the permit
function of the AllowanceTransfer
contract with the PermitSingle
struct as an input, where in the _updateApproval
call there is a check:
if (allowed.nonce != nonce) revert InvalidNonce();
This check will pass during the first execution of the permit
call; however, in the updateAll
call, the storedNonce
variable is incremented, making the second permit
call invalid, resulting in the InvalidNonce
The same problem exists in the StarBaseLimitOrder
contract. The fillLimitOrder
function is supposed to be executed multiple times with the same permitSingle
, as the taker can specify takerFillAmount
and fill the order partially. With the next execution of this order, the fillLimitOrder
function will revert with another permit
call and the same nonce
//Maker => Fee
//Maker => Taker
order.maker, msg.sender, curMakerFillAmount,
function permit(address owner, PermitSingle memory permitSingle, bytes calldata signature) external {
if (block.timestamp > permitSingle.sigDeadline) revert SignatureExpired(permitSingle.sigDeadline);
// Verify the signer address from the signature.
signature.verify(_hashTypedData(permitSingle.hash()), owner);
_updateApproval(permitSingle.details, owner, permitSingle.spender);
/// @notice Sets the new values for amount, expiration, and nonce.
/// @dev Will check that the signed nonce is equal to the current nonce and then incrememnt the nonce value by 1.
/// @dev Emits a Permit event.
function _updateApproval(PermitDetails memory details, address owner, address spender) private {
uint48 nonce = details.nonce;
address token = details.token;
uint160 amount = details.amount;
uint48 expiration = details.expiration;
PackedAllowance storage allowed = allowance[owner][token][spender];
if (allowed.nonce != nonce) revert InvalidNonce();
allowed.updateAll(amount, expiration, nonce);
emit Permit(owner, token, spender, amount, expiration, nonce);
/// @notice Sets the allowed amount, expiry, and nonce of the spender's permissions on owner's token.
/// @dev Nonce is incremented.
/// @dev If the inputted expiration is 0, the stored expiration is set to block.timestamp
function updateAll(
IAllowanceTransfer.PackedAllowance storage allowed,
uint160 amount,
uint48 expiration,
uint48 nonce
) internal {
uint48 storedNonce;
unchecked {
storedNonce = nonce + 1;
uint48 storedExpiration = expiration == BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_EXPIRATION ? uint48(block.timestamp) : expiration;
uint256 word = pack(amount, storedExpiration, storedNonce);
assembly {
sstore(allowed.slot, word)
We recommend reviewing the logic of using separate claimTokens
calls for both msg.sender
addresses, or using the permit
function with the PermitBatch
input struct. Additionally, we recommend adding an if
statement to check when the allowance
has already been granted, eliminating the need to execute permit
again. Finally, we strongly recommend adding test cases to ensure the code works as expected.
5.7 DCA Economic Model Failure Medium Partially Addressed
The concept behind DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) orders is to break down a large order into smaller portions and execute them over time. This approach aims to reduce slippage and avoid executing the entire order at a potentially unfavorable price in a single transaction. In the current contracts, this is achieved by executing the order at regular intervals, defined by the cycleSecondsApart parameter. Each portion of the order must be executed at a price within the range of order.minOutAmountPerCycle
and order.maxOutAmountPerCycle
The main issue with this implementation is that any user can execute the order. If an arbitrage opportunity arises, there is little incentive for the executor to aim for a price better than the lowest allowable price, which corresponds to order.minOutAmountPerCycle
. As a result, even if the price improves over time, the maker may still only receive the minimum amount, as arbitrageurs are likely to execute the order at this lower threshold. Conversely, if the price drops below order.minOutAmountPerCycle
, the order will remain unexecuted until the price becomes favorable again.
In summary, DCA orders offer little to no advantage in this context, as takers are incentivized to execute at the order.minOutAmountPerCycle
, effectively rendering the DCA strategy equivalent to a standard limit order.
Consider revising the economic incentives and adjusting the order.minOutAmountPerCycle
dynamically. For instance, this parameter could be updated over time in response to price fluctuations by integrating price oracles. This approach would help align the minimum output amount with the current market conditions, reducing the likelihood of arbitrage opportunities that disadvantage the maker and making the DCA strategy more effective.
5.8 init
Function Frontrun Medium ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by removing the init
functions, and moving its logic to the constructors.
The deploy/000_deploy.ts
and scripts/deploy.ts
files outline the deployment scripts used by the StarBase team. Despite the fact that numerous contracts have both constructor
and init
functions, analysis of the StarBase team wallets activity on the mainnet and the deployment scripts reveals that the contracts do not utilize the proxy pattern. The contracts are implementations without a proxy, and the init
function is just a separate configuration function called after deployment.
In a typical proxy pattern, when users make calls to the proxy contract, the proxy contract delegates the call to the underlying implementation contract. Implementation contracts, which contain the logic, usually include an initialize()
function that replaces the constructor()
when deploying proxy contracts. It is important that these proxy contracts are deployed and initialized in the same transaction to avoid any malicious front-running.
However, the deploy/000_deploy.ts
and scripts/deploy.ts
files do not follow this pattern when deploying contracts, as there is no proxy involved, and the init
function is called in a separate transaction. As a result, a malicious attacker could monitor the blockchain for bytecode that matches, for example, the StarBaseApprove
contract and front-run the init()
transaction to gain ownership of the contract and set their own address as _StarBase_PROXY_
. This could allow a malicious user to steal any permit
approvals made to the contract and access user funds.
Additionally, there is a risk that the deployer might forget to call the init
function, leaving the contract uninitialized.
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseLimitOrder,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_ = StarBaseLimitOrder;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseDCA,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_DCA_ = StarBaseDCA;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver, uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function init(address owner, address[] memory proxies) external {
for(uint i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++)
_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[proxies[i]] = true;
function init(address owner, address initProxyAddress) external {
_StarBase_PROXY_ = initProxyAddress;
async function main() {
const accounts = await ethers.getSigners()
// use local accounts for testing
const owner = accounts[0].address
const feeReciver = accounts[1].address
const AllowanceTransfer = await ethers.getContractFactory("AllowanceTransfer");
const StarBaseApprove = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseApprove");
const StarBaseApproveProxy = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseApproveProxy");
const LimitOrder = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseLimitOrder");
const LimitOrderBot = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseLimitOrderBot");
const DCA = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseDCA");
const DCABot = await ethers.getContractFactory("StarBaseDCABot");
const permit2 = await AllowanceTransfer.deploy();
await permit2.deployed();
const approve = await StarBaseApprove.deploy(permit2.address);
await approve.deployed();
const approveProxy = await StarBaseApproveProxy.deploy(approve.address);
await approveProxy.deployed();
const limitOrder = await LimitOrder.deploy();
await limitOrder.deployed();
const limitOrderBot = await LimitOrderBot.deploy();
await limitOrderBot.deployed();
const dca = await DCA.deploy();
await dca.deployed();
const dcaBot = await DCABot.deploy();
await dcaBot.deployed();
await delay(10000);
console.log("permit2 deployed to:", permit2.address);
console.log("approve deployed to:", approve.address);
console.log("approveProxy deployed to:", approveProxy.address);
console.log("limitOrder deployed to:", limitOrder.address);
console.log("limitOrderBot deployed to:", limitOrderBot.address);
console.log("DCA deployed to:", dca.address);
console.log("DCABot deployed to:", dcaBot.address);
console.log(`Set up LimitOrder and DCA...`);
console.log(`init approve...`);
await approve.init(owner, approveProxy.address);
console.log(`init approveProxy...`);
await approveProxy.init(owner,[limitOrder.address]);
console.log(`init limitOrder...`);
await limitOrder.init(owner, approveProxy.address, feeReciver,30);
console.log(`init limitOrderBot...`);
await limitOrderBot.init(owner, limitOrder.address, owner, approve.address);
console.log(`init dca...`);
await dca.init(owner, approveProxy.address, feeReciver,30);
console.log(`init dcaBot...`);
await dcaBot.init(owner, dca.address, owner, approve.address);
await delay(10000);
console.log(`owner is ${await limitOrder._OWNER_()}`);
console.log(`addWhiteList limitOrder...`);
await limitOrder.addWhiteList(limitOrderBot.address);
console.log(`botowner is ${await limitOrderBot._OWNER_()}`);
console.log(`addAdminList limitOrderBot...`);
await limitOrderBot.addAdminList(owner);
console.log(`owner is ${await dca._OWNER_()}`);
console.log(`addWhiteList dca...`);
await dca.addWhiteList(dcaBot.address);
console.log(`botowner is ${await dcaBot._OWNER_()}`);
console.log(`addAdminList dcaBot...`);
await dcaBot.addAdminList(owner);
async function main() {
await deployLimitOrder();
await deployLimitOrderBot();
await setupLimitOrder();
await setupLimitOrderBot();
async function deployContract(name: string, contract: string, args: any[]) {
if (!config[name as keyof typeof config] || config[name as keyof typeof config] == "") {
console.log("Deploying contract:", name);
const deployResult = await deploy(contract, {
from: deployer,
args: args,
log: true,
await verifyContract(deployResult.address, args);
return deployResult.address;
} else {
console.log("Fetch previous deployed address for", name, config[name as keyof typeof config]);
return config[name as keyof typeof config];
async function verifyContract(address: string, args?: any[]) {
if (typeof args == "undefined") {
args = [];
try {
await hre.run("verify:verify", {
address: address,
constructorArguments: args,
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
if (e.message != "Contract source code already verified") {
throw e;
async function deployLimitOrder() {
await deployContract("StarBaseLimitOrder", "StarBaseLimitOrder", []);
async function deployLimitOrderBot() {
await deployContract("StarBaseLimitOrderBot", "StarBaseLimitOrderBot", []);
async function setupLimitOrder() {
// const contractAddress = config.StarBaseLimitOrder;
// const StarBaseLimitOrder = await ethers.getContractAt("StarBaseLimitOrder", contractAddress);
// console.log("StarBaseLimitOrder.init()...");
// await StarBaseLimitOrder.init(deployer, config.StarBaseApproveProxy, config.FeeReceiver);
// console.log("StarBaseLimitOrder.addWhiteList()...");
// await StarBaseLimitOrder.addWhiteList(config.StarBaseLimitOrderBot);
async function setupLimitOrderBot() {
// const contractAddress = config.StarBaseLimitOrderBot;
const StarBaseLimitOrderBot = await ethers.getContractAt("StarBaseLimitOrderBot", contractAddress);
// await StarBaseLimitOrderBot.init(
// deployer,
// config.StarBaseLimitOrder,
// config.FeeReceiver,
// config.StarBaseApprove
// );
// await StarBaseLimitOrderBot.addAdminList(config.Admin);
We recommend reviewing the project architecture, refactoring the init
function, and moving its logic to the constructor.
5.9 Cancellation of Order Does Not Invalidate permitSingle
in cancelOrder
Medium ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been fixed by redesigning architecture and removing Permit2
library with the comment: “For now, we remove the use of permit2 and use direct licensing”.
In the cancelOrder
function, the cancellation process does not render the permitSingle
associated with the order unusable. This omission could allow the permitSingle
to be reused even after the order has been canceled, leading to potential misuse or unintended consequences, such as the risk of the maker’s funds being stolen.
function cancelOrder(Order memory order,bytes memory signature) public {
bytes32 orderHash = _orderHash(order);
require(order.maker == msg.sender, "SLOP:PRIVATE_ORDER");
if (_isContract(order.maker)) {
_verifyERC1271WalletSignature(order.maker, orderHash, signature);
} else {
require(ECDSA.recover(orderHash, signature) == order.maker, "SLOP:INVALID_SIGNATURE");
require(order.expiration > block.timestamp, "SLOP: EXPIRE_ORDER");
_FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_[orderHash] = order.takerAmount;
emit OrderCancelled(orderHash);
function cancelOrder(Order memory order, bytes memory signature) public {
bytes32 orderHash = _orderHash(order);
require(order.maker == msg.sender, "DCAP:PRIVATE_ORDER");
if (_isContract(order.maker)) {
_verifyERC1271WalletSignature(order.maker, orderHash, signature);
} else {
require(ECDSA.recover(orderHash, signature) == order.maker, "DCAP:INVALID_SIGNATURE");
require(order.expiration > block.timestamp, "DCAP: EXPIRE_ORDER");
_DCA_FILLEDTIMES_[orderHash] = DCAStates(block.timestamp, order.numberOfTrade);
emit OrderCancelled(orderHash);
function invalidateNonces(address token, address spender, uint48 newNonce) external {
uint48 oldNonce = allowance[msg.sender][token][spender].nonce;
if (newNonce <= oldNonce) revert InvalidNonce();
// Limit the amount of nonces that can be invalidated in one transaction.
unchecked {
uint48 delta = newNonce - oldNonce;
if (delta > type(uint16).max) revert ExcessiveInvalidation();
allowance[msg.sender][token][spender].nonce = newNonce;
emit NonceInvalidation(msg.sender, token, spender, newNonce, oldNonce);
We recommend calling the invalidateNonces
function to make the permitSingle
permit invalid together with the order cancellation. We also recommend adding tests to verify the functionality of order cancellation.
5.10 Missing Usage of SafeERC20
Library Medium ✓ Fixed
The Starbase team has acknowledged the issue without implementing fixes with the comment: “We did not use the SafeErc20
library, but implemented the same functionality, with the return value already judged.”
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): Fixed by using SafeErc20
for every token transfer.
Tokens compliant with the ERC20 specification could return false
from the transfer
or transferFrom
function call to indicate the transfer has failed, while the calling contract would not notice the failure if the return value is not checked. Checking the return value is a requirement, as written in the EIP-20 specification:
Callers MUST handle false from returns (
bool success
). Callers MUST NOT assume thatfalse
is never returned!
We recommend using SafeERC20
to support all tokens.
5.11 Unsynchronized Fee Rates Minor ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the issue has been partially addressed with the comment: “solved(init have change construction)”, where now the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract initializes the initial _FEE_RATE_
, but it’s still left unsynchronized between the contracts.
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): Fixed by removing _FEE_RATE_
from the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
. The fees are now taken from a maker instead of a taker.
variable is being updated or initialized without ensuring synchronization with the corresponding bot contract. Specifically, the StarBaseLimitOrder
contract is not in sync with the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract. If the _FEE_RATE_
between the contracts differs, it could result in the order reverting or behaving unexpectedly during execution.
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseLimitOrder,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_ = StarBaseLimitOrder;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
We recommend implementing a mechanism to ensure that the _FEE_RATE_
is always kept in sync between the StarBaseLimitOrder
and StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contracts. Additionally, we recommend initializing the _FEE_RATE_
variable in the init
function of the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract to prevent any discrepancies.
5.12 Missing Events in init
Functions Minor ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the finding has not been fixed with the comment “solved”.
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): Events added.
The code is missing events that should be emitted when certain state variables are updated, even though the events have already been declared. Specifically:
- The
variable is updated without emitting aChangeReceiver
event. Emitting an event when the receiver is changed would provide transparency and allow off-chain systems to track these changes. - The
variable is updated without emitting aChangeFeeRate
event. Emitting an event when the fee rate is changed would ensure that any changes to the fee structure are properly logged and can be monitored.
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver, uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
event changeReceiver(address newReceiver);
event Fill();
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseDCA,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_DCA_ = StarBaseDCA;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
event ChangeFeeReceiver(address newFeeReceiver);
event OrderCancelled(bytes32 orderHash);
event ChangeFeeRate(uint160 feeRate);
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
event changeReceiver(address newReceiver);
event Fill();
event ChangeFeeRate(uint160 feeRate);
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseLimitOrder,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_ = StarBaseLimitOrder;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
We recommend emitting the following events when the corresponding state variables are updated:
- Emit the
event when the_TOKEN_RECEIVER_
variable is updated. - Emit the
event when the_FEE_RATE_
variable is updated.
This will allow the monitoring of values and their changes off-chain, providing greater transparency and traceability of important contract operations.
5.13 Lack of Validation in removeStarBaseProxy
Minor ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation.
The removeStarBaseProxy
function does not validate whether the oldStarBaseProxy
address is actually in the _IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_
list before attempting to remove it. This lack of validation can lead to potential misuse, as it may be mistakenly called on an address that was never part of the list. Additionally, this function does not clean up the _PENDING_ADD_StarBase_PROXY_
variable, which can be unexpected to the caller, especially since the function lacks comments.
function removeStarBaseProxy (address oldStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[oldStarBaseProxy] = false;
We recommend adding validation to check whether the oldStarBaseProxy
address is actually in the _IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_
list before attempting to remove it. This will prevent potential misuse and maintain the integrity of the proxy management process:
require(_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[oldStarBaseProxy], "Address is not an allowed proxy");
_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[oldStarBaseProxy] = false;
5.14 Missing Contract Code Check in _callOptionalReturn
Function Minor ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation.
The _callOptionalReturn
function performs a low-level call to the token
contract without first checking if the target address contains contract code. This omission can lead to unexpected behavior if the token
address is not a contract, potentially causing the function to return success
as true
if the call is made to an externally owned account (EOA) address, leading to unintended behavior.
function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private {
// We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since
// we're implementing it ourselves.
// A Solidity high level call has three parts:
// 1. The target address is checked to verify it contains contract code
// 2. The call itself is made, and success asserted
// 3. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data.
// solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data);
require(success, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed");
if (returndata.length > 0) {
// Return data is optional
// solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length
require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed");
We recommend adding a check to ensure that the token
address is indeed a contract before performing the low-level call. This can be done by verifying that the address has contract code, as suggested in the OpenZeppelin implementation. This check will prevent unexpected behavior and improve the security of the function:
require(Address.isContract(address(token)), "SafeERC20: call to non-contract");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data);
require(success, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed");
5.15 Missing Validations in constructor
, initializer
and Setter Functions Minor ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review, the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation.
Update (commit hash be86d6b0940556113cf04f0298c868502a58926a
): More checks are added.
In the code repository, there is a lack of validation for input variables in constructor
and initializer
functions, as well as in various setter functions. Specifically, there is no validation to ensure that the provided addresses implement the correct interface using ERC165Checker
. Additionally, there is no validation to ensure that the input variable is not a zero address. Without these validations, there is a risk that incorrect or incompatible contracts could be assigned to these variables, potentially leading to unexpected behavior or contract failures.
constructor(address CallSwapTool_, address IWETH_) {
_CallSwapTool = CallSwapTool_;
constructor(address permit2){
PERMIT2 = IAllowanceTransfer(permit2);
function init(address owner, address initProxyAddress) external {
_StarBase_PROXY_ = initProxyAddress;
function unlockSetProxy(address newStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
if(_StarBase_PROXY_ == address(0))
_TIMELOCK_ = block.timestamp + _TIMELOCK_DURATION_;
_PENDING_StarBase_PROXY_ = newStarBaseProxy;
constructor(address StarBaseApporve) {
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApporve;
function init(address owner, address[] memory proxies) external {
for(uint i = 0; i < proxies.length; i++)
_IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[proxies[i]] = true;
function unlockAddProxy(address newStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
_TIMELOCK_ = block.timestamp + _TIMELOCK_DURATION_;
_PENDING_ADD_StarBase_PROXY_ = newStarBaseProxy;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver, uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function addWhiteList(address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = true;
emit AddWhiteList(contractAddr);
function changeFeeReceiver(address newFeeReceiver) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = newFeeReceiver;
emit ChangeFeeReceiver(newFeeReceiver);
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseDCA,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_DCA_ = StarBaseDCA;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
function addAdminList (address userAddr) external onlyOwner {
isAdminListed[userAddr] = true;
emit addAdmin(userAddr);
function changeTokenReceiver(address newTokenReceiver) external onlyOwner {
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = newTokenReceiver;
emit changeReceiver(newTokenReceiver);
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
function addWhiteList (address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = true;
emit AddWhiteList(contractAddr);
function changeFeeReceiver (address newFeeReceiver) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = newFeeReceiver;
emit ChangeFeeReceiver(newFeeReceiver);
function init(
address owner,
address StarBaseLimitOrder,
address tokenReceiver,
address StarBaseApprove
) external {
_StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_ = StarBaseLimitOrder;
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = tokenReceiver;
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApprove;
function addAdminList (address userAddr) external onlyOwner {
isAdminListed[userAddr] = true;
emit addAdmin(userAddr);
function changeTokenReceiver(address newTokenReceiver) external onlyOwner {
_TOKEN_RECEIVER_ = newTokenReceiver;
emit changeReceiver(newTokenReceiver);
We recommend adding ERC165Checker
interface validation in the constructor and initializer functions to ensure that the provided addresses implement the required interfaces and are valid. Additionally, ensure that input variables are not zero addresses. This will help ensure that only compatible contracts are used, reducing the risk of errors or unexpected behavior.
5.16 Redundant add
Operation in Assembly Code Minor ✓ Fixed
In the assembly block, the add( ..., 0)
operation is redundant and does not contribute to the calculation. This inefficiency could be avoided, as adding zero does not change the value. These unnecessary operations should be optimized for cleaner and more gas-efficient code.
remain := mload(add(add(_assetTransfer, 0x20), 0))
We recommend removing the unnecessary add 0
operation in the assembly code to optimize the code’s gas efficiency and keep the codebase clean.
5.17 Redundant and Unvalidated maxOutAmount
in StarBaseDCA
Minor ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation with the only difference that maxOutAmount
can be equal minOutAmount
In the Order
struct, there are two variables that can be specified by the user: minOutAmountPerCycle
and maxOutAmountPerCycle
. During the fillDCA
call, these variables are never validated to ensure that maxOutAmountPerCycle
is greater than minOutAmountPerCycle
. For example, in the doDCASwap
function of StarBaseDCABot
, if maxOutAmountPerCycle
is smaller than minOutAmountPerCycle
, any additional tokens swapped and received by the taker will remain at the taker’s address as an additional fee. This is especially dangerous when the user or frontend doesn’t specify maxOutAmountPerCycle
explicitly and passes this variable as 0
, while correctly specifying minOutAmountPerCycle
. In such cases, all tokens received after the trade will go to the taker’s address.
The existence of the maxOutAmountPerCycle
variable in the Order
struct is not recommended. The minOutAmountPerCycle
variable plays a crucial role in protecting the maker’s funds from receiving nothing after the trade. However, the maxOutAmountPerCycle
variable does not benefit the maker, and all maker addresses will likely specify this variable as type(uint256).max
. As a result, the check in doDCASwap
will never be used and will only consume excessive gas.
struct Order {
uint16 cycleSecondsApart; // executed per minute
uint16 numberOfTrade; // executed 5 times
address inputToken; // sell
address outputToken; // buy
address maker;
uint160 inAmount; // total principal
uint256 minOutAmountPerCycle; //min out amount
uint256 maxOutAmountPerCycle; //max out amount
uint256 expiration;
uint256 salt;
require(returnTakerAmount >= minOutAmount, "SWAP_TAKER_AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH");
if(returnTakerAmount > maxOutAmount){
returnTakerAmount = maxOutAmount;
We recommend fully removing the maxOutAmountPerCycle
variable from the Order
struct. However, if it is crucial for the protocol design, we recommend adding a validation check at the beginning of the fillDCA
function to ensure that maxOutAmountPerCycle
is greater than minOutAmountPerCycle
require(maxOutAmount > minOutAmount, "maxOutAmount must be greater than minOutAmount");
5.18 Missing Validation of receiver
in AggregatedSwapRouter
Minor ✓ Fixed
In the d81b6f90d52b12dcfd6f05f023b19ca6e9a8c9e2
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation, the check hasn’t been added to swapFromEth
, defiSwapFromEth
functions, also, the check should be done as a modifier to make the code cleaner and more gas efficient.
Update (commit hash 7bd9750abbf283970167a4b9b475633481a38d50
): Fixed.
In the following functions:
there is no validation to ensure that the receiver
address is not the zero address, the _CallSwapTool
address, or the AggregatedSwapRouter
address. Allowing a transaction to proceed with a zero address as the receiver
can lead to unintended behavior, such as tokens being irretrievably lost and burned at the zero address, resulting in a loss for the original caller.
function swap(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenIn,
address tokenOut,
address receiver,
function defiSwap(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenIn,
address tokenOut,
address receiver,
function defiSwapForEth(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenIn,
address payable receiver,
function swapForEth(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenIn,
address payable receiver,
function defiSwapFromEth(
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenOut,
address receiver,
function swapFromEth(
uint amountOutMin,
address tokenOut,
address receiver,
We recommend adding a modifier with validation to ensure that the receiver
is not a zero address.
5.19 Infinite Allowance Risks ✓ Fixed
): Mitigated by only giving the approval when it’s needed.
In the doLimitOrderSwap
and doDCASwap
functions of the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
and StarBaseDCABot
contracts, there is an approval for the max value to the _StarBase_APPROVE_
address. However, based on the protocol’s flow, this address might not be the StarBaseApprove
contract, but rather a contract that will execute the swap. Due to the lack of tests and the uncertainty of the actual implementation of the _StarBase_APPROVE_
address, there is a risk that tokens on the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
could be stolen because of the infinite allowance granted to the _StarBase_APPROVE_
address. Additionally, in the doLimitOrderSwap
function of the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract, tokens left on the balance as fees that could be stolen, depending on the implementation of the _StarBase_APPROVE_
function doLimitOrderSwap(
uint256 curTakerFillAmount,
uint256 curMakerFillAmount,
address makerToken, //fromToken
address takerToken, //toToken
address StarBaseRouteProxy,
bytes memory StarBaseApiData
) external {
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_, "ACCESS_NENIED");
uint256 originTakerBalance = IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this));
_approveMax(IERC20(makerToken), _StarBase_APPROVE_, curMakerFillAmount);
function doDCASwap(
uint256 inAmount,
uint256 minOutAmount,
uint256 maxOutAmount,
address inputToken, //fromToken
address outputToken, //toToken
address StarBaseRouteProxy,
bytes memory StarBaseApiData
) external returns (uint256 returnTakerAmount){
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_DCA_, "ACCESS_NENIED");
uint256 originTakerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
_approveMax(IERC20(inputToken), _StarBase_APPROVE_, inAmount);
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 returnTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
uint256 fee = curTakerFillAmount * _FEE_RATE_ / 10000;
require(returnTakerAmount >= curTakerFillAmount + fee, "SWAP_TAKER_AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH");
_approveMax(IERC20(takerToken), _StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_, curTakerFillAmount);
We recommend reviewing the implementations of all addresses where infinite allowance is granted. Additionally, add tests to clarify which address is expected to be used as the _StarBase_APPROVE_
address. To minimize the risk of token loss, we also recommend using finite allowances for external contracts instead of granting infinite allowances.
5.20 Unfulfillable Orders Due to Mismatched Expiration Times Partially Addressed
): Partially mitigated by removing permit mechanics. It is still possible that an order can have an expiration time that is too low to be fully executed. This part is hard to mitigate as the order can become unfulfillable over time, which is natural for the expiration mechanism.
In the current implementation, there is no validation to ensure that the order’s expiration
aligns with the product of cycleSecondsApart * numberOfTrade
, which can result in the latter being greater than the order’s expiration time. Additionally, the permit expiration might be smaller than the order’s expiration
, leading to situations where an order cannot be fully executed. This discrepancy could result in orders that are technically valid but cannot be completed as expected.
struct Order {
uint16 cycleSecondsApart; // executed per minute
uint16 numberOfTrade; // executed 5 times
address inputToken; // sell
address outputToken; // buy
address maker;
uint160 inAmount; // total principal
uint256 minOutAmountPerCycle; //min out amount
uint256 maxOutAmountPerCycle; //max out amount
uint256 expiration;
uint256 salt;
event Permit(
address indexed owner,
address indexed token,
address indexed spender,
uint160 amount,
uint48 expiration,
uint48 nonce
struct Order {
address makerToken;
address takerToken;
uint160 makerAmount;
uint160 takerAmount;
address maker;
uint256 expiration;
uint256 salt;
We recommend implementing validation logic to invalidate orders that cannot be fulfilled due to mismatched expiration times. Specifically:
cycleSecondsApart * numberOfTrade
: Ensure that this product is always smaller than the order expiration time. If not, the order should be marked as invalid. -
Check permit
: Ensure that the permit expiration is not smaller than the order expiration. If the permit expires before the order, it should be invalidated to prevent unfulfillable orders.
5.21 Unnecessary Variable Initialization ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation, however in the StarBaseLimitOrderBot
contract the new problem has occurred as the validation for the return taker amount has been fully removed. In the 042349cc0c0bfbde14456366465c6a98bdc14787
commit the check has been returned, but without the fee
In the code, the takerBalance
variable is declared immediately after a successful swap operation by calling IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this))
. However, this initialization can be optimized out, as it is simply being used to calculate the difference from the originTakerBalance
. The initialization of the takerBalance
variable is unnecessary and adds an extra step that can be avoided to save gas.
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 returnTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 leftTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 leftTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
uint256 takerBalance = IERC20(outputToken).balanceOf(address(this));
returnTakerAmount = takerBalance - originTakerBalance;
We recommend optimizing the code by eliminating the initialization of the takerBalance
variable. Instead, directly calculate the difference between the new balance and originTakerBalance
uint256 returnTakerAmount = IERC20(takerToken).balanceOf(address(this)) - originTakerBalance;
5.22 Lack of Testing for the Codebase ✓ Fixed
): The test suite significantly improved.
The codebase lacks sufficient testing, making it difficult to understand how the contracts are expected to operate and leading to issues where some functions does not work as intended or completely doesn’t work. Without comprehensive tests, it is challenging to verify that the contracts behave as expected under various scenarios, including edge cases and potential vulnerabilities. The absence of tests significantly increases the risk of deploying contracts with hidden bugs or flaws.
We strongly recommend implementing a thorough testing suite for the entire codebase. Aim to achieve at least 80% test coverage, ensuring that all major functionalities are covered. Include tests for edge cases, as well as multiple expected scenarios. Ensure that test descriptions accurately reflect the functionality being tested. This will improve the reliability and security of the contracts before they are deployed in a production environment.
5.23 Unbounded Gas Consumption in _verifyERC1271WalletSignature
✓ Fixed
): Fixed by adding the limit.
The _verifyERC1271WalletSignature
function includes an external call to the isValidSignature
method of an ERC1271 wallet. This external call is unbounded in terms of gas consumption, meaning that a malicious maker could exploit this to drain gas from the taker during the execution of their order. Since the gas cost of this external call is not controlled, it could potentially lead to denial of service by exhausting the gas provided for the transaction.
function _verifyERC1271WalletSignature(address _addr, bytes32 _hash, bytes memory _signature) internal view {
bytes4 result = IERC1271Wallet(_addr).isValidSignature(_hash, _signature);
require(result == 0x1626ba7e, "INVALID_SIGNATURE");
We recommend that the taker
always validate the gas sent before executing transactions involving the _verifyERC1271WalletSignature
5.24 Missing Balance Check Before Token Transfer in IERC20.safeTransferFrom
Call ✓ Fixed
Starbase acknowledged the issue with the comment: “There is no need to check itself internally already”.
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): Fixed by adding the required check.
In the fillDCA
function, there is no check to ensure that the msg.sender
has enough tokens before attempting to transfer curTakerFillAmount
from the taker to the maker, while this check is present in the very similar fillLimitOrder
require(IERC20(order.takerToken).balanceOf(msg.sender) > fee + curTakerFillAmount,"SLOP: INFINCIENT_BALANCE");
sendTaker(order, msg.sender, curTakerFillAmount);
sendFee(order, msg.sender, _FEE_RECEIVER_, fee);
emit LimitOrderFilled(order.maker, msg.sender, orderHash, curTakerFillAmount, curMakerFillAmount);
//Taker => Maker
IERC20(order.outputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
emit DCAFilled(order.maker, msg.sender, orderHash, curTakerFillAmount, order.inAmount);
We recommend reviewing the code and adding a check to ensure that msg.sender
has a sufficient balance of order.outputToken
before attempting the transfer in the fillDCA
function. Alternatively, consider removing the same check in the fillLimitOrder
function, as the function will still revert if the taker doesn’t have enough tokens, but with a different error message.
5.25 package.json
Has Incorrect Name and Doesn’t Lock Versions ✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation.
In the package.json
file, the OpenZeppelin library is not version-locked, which can lead to compatibility issues with newer versions of the library. For example, the code may not compile with OpenZeppelin version 4.9.0
. During the audit, the package was compiled with OpenZeppelin version 4.8.0
. Different versions of OpenZeppelin can have different vulnerabilities, some of which may be publicly disclosed.
Additionally, the name of the package is set to combination-pizza-hut-and-taco-bell
, which is inappropriate for a production environment and should be changed to something more relevant.
"name": "combination-pizza-hut-and-taco-bell",
"@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.8.0",
We recommend locking the OpenZeppelin package version in the package.json
to 4.8.0
to ensure consistent builds and compatibility. Additionally, consider locking versions of other packages to prevent potential issues during deployment. Finally, rename the package to something more appropriate for a production environment.
5.26 Redundant Function getStarBaseProxy
, isAllowedProxy
✓ Fixed
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been fixed using the provided recommendation, however we also recommend removing the getStarBaseProxy
function from the IStarBaseApprove
The getStarBaseProxy
function is unnecessary because the _StarBase_PROXY_
variable is already public, meaning it can be accessed directly without the need for a getter function. Including such a redundant function adds unnecessary complexity and clutters the codebase.
Similarly, the isAllowedProxy
function is redundant because the _IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_
mapping is already declared as public. In Solidity, public mappings automatically have a getter function generated for them, allowing external contracts and users to query their values directly. Including this additional function adds unnecessary code without providing any extra functionality.
function isAllowedProxy(address _proxy) external view returns (bool) {
return _IS_ALLOWED_PROXY_[_proxy];
function getStarBaseProxy() public view returns (address) {
return _StarBase_PROXY_;
We recommend removing the getStarBaseProxy
and isAllowedProxy
functions from the contracts to simplify the code. Since _StarBase_PROXY_
is public, it can be accessed directly without needing a separate function. This will reduce code redundancy and improve the clarity and maintainability of the contract.
5.27 Dead Code in Contracts ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation, but the dead code in the AggregatedSwapRouter
contract hasn’t been removed.
Update (commit hash 7bd9750abbf283970167a4b9b475633481a38d50
): Removed.
The code contains commented-out lines that serve no functional purpose and are considered dead code. Dead code can clutter the codebase, reduce readability, and potentially cause confusion for developers and auditors reviewing the contract.
//IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(who, dest, amount);
//IERC20(order.takerToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _FEE_RECEIVER_ , fee);
//IERC20(order.takerToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _FEE_RECEIVER_ , fee);
We recommend removing this dead code to improve the readability and maintainability of the codebase. Cleaning up unnecessary code helps to prevent misunderstandings and makes the code easier to audit and maintain. If the functionality represented by this code is no longer needed, it should be removed entirely.
5.28 Functions Can Be Marked as external
Instead of public
✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation.
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): Fixed.
Several functions in the codebase are marked as public
but can be changed to external
to optimize gas usage and contract bytecode size. The following functions can be updated to external
(both overloads)changeFeeRate
function fillDCA(
Order memory order,
bytes memory signature,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 curTakerFillAmount) {
function fillLimitOrder(
Order calldata order,
bytes memory signature,
uint160 takerFillAmount,
uint160 thresholdTakerAmount,
bytes memory takerInteraction,
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle,
bytes calldata permitSignature
) public nonReentrant returns(uint160 curTakerFillAmount, uint160 curMakerFillAmount) {
function unlockSetProxy(address newStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
function unlockAddProxy(address newStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
function removeStarBaseProxy (address oldStarBaseProxy) public onlyOwner {
function addWhiteList(address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = true;
emit AddWhiteList(contractAddr);
function removeWhiteList(address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = false;
emit RemoveWhiteList(contractAddr);
function changeFeeReceiver(address newFeeReceiver) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = newFeeReceiver;
emit ChangeFeeReceiver(newFeeReceiver);
function changeFeeReceiver(uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
function addWhiteList (address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = true;
emit AddWhiteList(contractAddr);
function removeWhiteList (address contractAddr) public onlyOwner {
isWhiteListed[contractAddr] = false;
emit RemoveWhiteList(contractAddr);
function changeFeeReceiver (address newFeeReceiver) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = newFeeReceiver;
emit ChangeFeeReceiver(newFeeReceiver);
function changeFeeRate (uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
We recommend changing the visibility of these functions from public
to external
to optimize gas usage, as they are only called externally and not within the contract itself.
5.29 Compromised Developer Addresses Acknowledged
When the team sent the repository, they accidentally included a .env
file containing the private keys of the addresses 0x0A64Bc73793FAf399Adb51EBAd204Acb11F0ae64
and 0x1ce00e6895e44d2e8d17d96c65bf46f679053731
. These private keys should be considered compromised and should never be used in the future. It is crucial to handle these addresses with extreme caution, especially when dealing with private keys or any funds associated with them.
We recommend immediately marking these addresses as compromised and refraining from any further use of these addresses for transactions or development purposes. Additionally, ensure that private keys for any developer addresses containing funds are stored securely and not shared carelessly. Consider rotating the keys or creating new addresses for future use and removing any compromised keys from all environments and repositories.
5.30 Lack of NatSpec Documentation and Comments Throughout the Codebase ✓ Fixed
): The team has done a lot of work adding comments and documentation.
Most of the contracts and functions in the audited codebase lack sufficient comments throughout the code. Well-commented code improves both the speed and depth of an audit, helping to clarify developer intentions and identify discrepancies between intended and actual implementation. The absence of comments makes it much more difficult to detect potential issues. Beyond aiding auditors, comments are invaluable to future developers and users by clearly defining code functionality and reducing the likelihood of bugs. Additionally, the contracts lack proper documentation in the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).
We strongly recommend thoroughly commenting the existing code and incorporating regular commenting into the development process. In particular, we advise commenting on every line of assembly code and providing detailed explanations for complex mathematical operations. Additionally, we recommend using NatSpec for documenting functions, parameters, return values, and events, ensuring that the code is easier to understand and maintain.
5.31 Unused Imports and Files ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
and d81b6f90d52b12dcfd6f05f023b19ca6e9a8c9e2
commits provided for the fix review the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation, the ReentrancyGuard
contract in the AggregatedSwapRouter
contract was left untouched.
Update (commit hash 7bd9750abbf283970167a4b9b475633481a38d50
): Fixed.
In the codebase, there are numerous unused imports of contracts, as well as unused files:
- The import statement for
is not utilized in the code, although it should be used in all of the swap functions. - The import of the
interface from./intf/IERC20.sol
is unused and should be removed. - The import of the
library from./lib/SafeERC20.sol
is unused and should be removed. - The import of the
interface from./intf/IStarBaseApprove.sol
is unused. The contract should inherit this interface. - The
library is unused and should be removed. - The
contract is missing the inheritance of theIStarBaseApproveProxy
interface. - In the
interface, theIStarBaseApprove
import is not used and should be removed.
import {ReentrancyGuard} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import {IERC20} from "./intf/IERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "./lib/SafeERC20.sol";
import {IAllowanceTransfer,IStarBaseApprove} from "./intf/IStarBaseApprove.sol";
* @title SafeMath
* @author StarBase Simon
* @notice Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
import {IAllowanceTransfer, IStarBaseApprove} from "./IStarBaseApprove.sol";
We recommend removing the unused imports to improve the readability and efficiency of the code. Removing unnecessary code can also help in avoiding potential conflicts or issues during compilation and deployment.
5.32 Typos in the Code ✓ Fixed
In the 2b508ff772206751317e8b0c6f5f70d4987a2b5e
commit provided for the fix review the finding has been partially fixed using the provided recommendation by fixing changeFeeReceiver
name, while all other typos were left untouched.
Update (commit hash bc717783e5dbea806457456d9985db73cd0728c5
): Fixed.
In the repository, there are numerous typos:
- In the variable name
, which should be corrected tobalanceBefore
. - In the error message string
, which should be corrected toINSUFFICIENT_BALANCE
. - In the constructor parameter name
, which should be corrected toStarBaseApprove
. - In the function parameter name
, which should be corrected tofeeReceiver
. - In the error message string
, which should be corrected toACCESS_DENIED
. - The function name
should be corrected tosendMaker
to accurately reflect its purpose, which is to transfer tokens from the taker to the maker. - The function name
should be corrected tochangeFeeRate
to accurately reflect its purpose, which is to change the fee rate rather than the fee receiver.
uint blanceBefore = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver);
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "E"); //SWAP ERROR
IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver) >=
(blanceBefore + amountOutMin),
uint blanceBefore = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver);
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "E"); //SWAP ERROR
IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver) >=
(blanceBefore + amountOutMin),
uint blanceBefore = receiver.balance;
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "FE"); //SWAP ERROR
require(receiver.balance >= (blanceBefore + amountOutMin), "FOT"); //INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT
uint blanceBefore = receiver.balance;
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "FE"); //SWAP ERROR
require(receiver.balance >= (blanceBefore + amountOutMin), "FOT"); //INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT
uint blanceBefore = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver);
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "FRE"); //SWAP ERROR
IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver) >=
(blanceBefore + amountOutMin),
uint blanceBefore = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver);
CallSwapTool(_CallSwapTool).callswap(callSwapAddr, datas, "FRE"); //SWAP ERROR
IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(receiver) >=
(blanceBefore + amountOutMin),
require(IERC20(order.inputToken).balanceOf(order.maker) > fee + order.inAmount,"DCAP: INFINCIENT_BALANCE");
require(IERC20(order.takerToken).balanceOf(msg.sender) > fee + curTakerFillAmount,"SLOP: INFINCIENT_BALANCE");
constructor(address StarBaseApporve) {
_StarBase_APPROVE_ = StarBaseApporve;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver,uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
function init(address owner, address StarBaseApproveProxy, address feeReciver, uint160 feeRate) external {
_StarBase_APPROVE_PROXY_ = StarBaseApproveProxy;
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = feeReciver;
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_DCA_, "ACCESS_NENIED");
require(msg.sender == _StarBase_LIMIT_ORDER_, "ACCESS_NENIED");
sendTaker(order, msg.sender, curTakerFillAmount);
sendFee(order, msg.sender, _FEE_RECEIVER_, fee);
emit LimitOrderFilled(order.maker, msg.sender, orderHash, curTakerFillAmount, curMakerFillAmount);
function sendTaker(Order calldata order,address from, uint160 curTakerFillAmount) internal{
//Taker => Maker
IERC20(order.takerToken).safeTransferFrom(from, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
//Taker => Fee
//IERC20(order.takerToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, _FEE_RECEIVER_ , fee);
function changeFeeReceiver(address newFeeReceiver) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RECEIVER_ = newFeeReceiver;
emit ChangeFeeReceiver(newFeeReceiver);
function changeFeeReceiver(uint160 feeRate) public onlyOwner {
_FEE_RATE_ = feeRate;
emit ChangeFeeRate(feeRate);
We recommend correcting typos to improve code clarity and maintain consistency in naming conventions.
5.33 Incorrect Function Selector Used in Comment Within swap
Function ✓ Fixed
): Fixed.
In the swap
function, the comment incorrectly references the function selector 0xa9059cbb
instead of 0x23b872dd
. The correct selector, 0x23b872dd
, corresponds to the transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
function, whereas 0xa9059cbb
is the selector for transfer(address,uint256)
. This discrepancy in the comment may cause confusion for developers and auditors reviewing the code.
We recommend updating the comment to accurately reflect the intended function selector and to keep the codebase clear and accurate.
5.34 Deflationary Tokens Are Not Supported in StarBaseDCA
and StarBaseLimitOrder
The StarBaseLimitOrder
and StarBaseDCA
contracts do not appear to support rebasing, deflationary, or inflationary tokens, where the balance changes during transfers or over time. The necessary checks include verifying the amount of tokens transferred to contracts before and after the actual transfer.
Specifically, the calculation of _FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_
does not account for deflationary tokens. When dealing with deflationary tokens, the actual amount received after a transfer might be less than the specified amount due to token burn mechanisms or transfer fees. The current logic assumes a 1:1 transfer ratio, which is not the case for deflationary tokens. Even though the _FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_
has been increased by the curTakerFillAmount
value, the maker will receive fewer tokens than curTakerFillAmount
after the sendTaker
function when deflationary tokens are involved.
It’s important to note that the USDT token has a fee mechanism, which is currently disabled. However, the USDT owner can enable it at any time, making it deflationary.
IERC20(order.outputToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, curTakerFillAmount);
_FILLED_TAKER_AMOUNT_[orderHash] = filledTakerAmount + curTakerFillAmount;
We recommend reviewing the protocol logic and adding balance validations if deflationary tokens are expected to be supported.
5.35 Potential Precision Loss in Calculations Partially Addressed
Starbase team has acknowledged the issue with the comment: “There is no need to modify, the common problem”.
Update (commit hash 1693a92cc15b71f848e9ceb1d30bfa6d699b0ed3
): The issue was partially mitigated by adding a requirement that fees should be higher than zero. The solution excludes this particular edge case, but there can still be rounding errors even with non-zero fees. There is no easy fix to that. Usually, the value of the rounding errors should be very low so most protocols ignore them. It’s just important to be aware of this property of the protocol.
In the fillLimitOrder
function, some orders may become unexecutable due to the calculation of the curMakerFillAmount
variable and precision loss when tokens have different decimal amounts, as well as when the leftTakerAmount
or takerFillAmount
are small values. A similar issue occurs with the fee
variable calculations. If the curTakerFillAmount
or inAmount
are small variables, even after being multiplied by the _FEE_RATE_
variable, the result may still be less than the denominator, leading to a 0 fee, even when the curTakerFillAmount
is a valid non-zero variable. This creates a potential risk that any order can be filled multiple times for very small curTakerFillAmount
amounts, executing the order fully without paying any fee to the protocol.
uint160 fee = (order.inAmount * _FEE_RATE_) / 10000;
curMakerFillAmount = curTakerFillAmount * order.makerAmount / order.takerAmount;
uint160 fee = curTakerFillAmount * _FEE_RATE_ / 10000;
require(curTakerFillAmount > 0 && curMakerFillAmount > 0, "SLOP: ZERO_FILL_INVALID");
We recommend being aware that in some trades, the maker may receive more tokens through multiple small orders instead of one large order due to precision loss in fee calculations.
5.36 Multiple tokenOut
Can’t Be Used in AggregatedSwapRouter
Contract Acknowledged
The team acknowledged the issue with the following response:
Pre-transaction Transparency: Users can fully view the transaction route (datas) and expected output before submitting their swap, ensuring clarity on how their tokens will be exchanged.
Post-transaction Verification and On-chain Transparency: Backend systems record the route, input, and output tokens, and all transaction details are fully visible on-chain. Users can independently verify transaction results, including token balances and routes, to ensure no unexpected tokens are generated or transferred.
Economic Disincentives for Malicious Behavior: Any deviation from expected behavior would be immediately detectable on-chain, and malicious actions would severely harm the protocol’s reputation, outweighing any potential short-term gains.
In the functions of AggregatedSwapRouter
, the tokenIn
token can be swapped into two different tokens during the swap operation. One of these tokens could match the exact amountOutMin
and be validated, while the other portion could be sent to a malicious address as a second token, since multiple tokenOut
is not supported. This could result in the user receiving the minimum required output in one token but losing a portion of their input to a swap into a different token, which lacks validation for the minimum amount out.
function swap(
function defiSwap(
function defiSwapForEth(
function swapForEth(
function defiSwapFromEth(
function swapFromEth(
We recommend avoiding the formation of data where the receiver address is supposed to receive multiple tokens, as the contract lacks sufficient checks for such scenarios. All swaps into multiple tokens should be done in separate transactions.
Appendix 1 - Files in Scope
This audit covered the following files:
File | SHA-1 hash |
./StarBaseDCABot.sol | ff0182c431ae9273e78d852a9f93103f1443c44e |
./StarBaseApproveProxy.sol | b7db266e8774566a41b9620981d146de55d288b0 |
./StarBaseLimitOrderBot.sol | eb6c9e3b5515792aacf785fe9bb2034d5cae5f5b |
./StarBaseDCA.sol | 316803d8a022442e12c85f53ce3ea49646b51d3a |
./intf/IERC1271Wallet.sol | 9cccdad46a0021403c6678f63ad0903711302ad2 |
./intf/IERC20.sol | a5823f30a1ef7d36c6f4648e53e7f083318dedbd |
./intf/IStarBaseApproveProxy.sol | c7c337d3d84ca0f43f239a80c31b68e827d00af8 |
./intf/IStarBaseApprove.sol | 387da7c814c0e1f4e3d112d8b70653b0ff7992fb |
./lib/SafeERC20.sol | b252129cb230428c24ac0d6898f99bf01593b3cd |
./lib/SafeMath.sol | 7917f19a36ee62a34cf7530bb0e9ebef782f1f89 |
./lib/InitializableOwnable.sol | 2dc42c67e70b79e64c223298a67680e97c4ef185 |
./lib/ArgumentsDecoder.sol | 1790cdbd28f6f3078bc01ac894ae1f84a832c3dd |
./StarBaseLimitOrder.sol | 7a4aa4e3aa8b6152af4e7e97164553efa4876eb9 |
./StarBaseApprove.sol | d89bebee16b29847cea62bc24c5787420617d964 |
File | SHA-1 hash |
./AggregatedSwapRouter.sol | 003b71fb27488ff5c56de30fac4a4e16b9789b12 |
Appendix 2 - Disclosure
Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.
The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any third party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any third party by virtue of publishing these Reports.
A.2.1 Purpose of Reports
The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.
CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.
A.2.2 Links to Other Web Sites from This Web Site
You may, through hypertext or other computer links, gain access to web sites operated by persons other than Consensys and CD. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, and are the exclusive responsibility of such web sites’ owners. You agree that Consensys and CD are not responsible for the content or operation of such Web sites, and that Consensys and CD shall have no liability to you or any other person or entity for the use of third party Web sites. Except as described below, a hyperlink from this web Site to another web site does not imply or mean that Consensys and CD endorses the content on that Web site or the operator or operations of that site. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any content at any other web sites to which you link from the Reports. Consensys and CD assumes no responsibility for the use of third-party software on the Web Site and shall have no liability whatsoever to any person or entity for the accuracy or completeness of any outcome generated by such software.
A.2.3 Timeliness of Content
The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice unless indicated otherwise, by Consensys and CD.