Diligence Blog


Diving deep into Audit Contests Analytics and Economics

It’s been a couple of years since code4rena has introduced competitive audits into the smart contract security landscape, and it looks like audit contests are here to stay. In the meanwhile several other platforms have popped up with the same forumula. Audit contests are simple. A project publishes a set of smart contracts that they would like to have audited, and promises a prize pool for security related findings. A contest is ran for a couple of weeks during which participants can submit their findings.
Joran Honig
April 12, 2024

You're missing out! If you're not writing detection modules.

We recently released a new tool called napalm, a detection module IDE. Napalm makes it easy to set-up a multi-tool custom detector project. Not stopping there, napalm provides an all-out quality of life upgrade for security researchers that like to write their own detection modules. A tool that helps you develop detection modules is great, but it occurred to me that lots of people are not writing their own detection modules yet.
Joran Honig
February 21, 2024

Unleashing Napalm

Attention, all auditors and security researchers! We’ve got a new tool for you! You’re a security researcher and you hate repetitive work. So what do you do? You’ve compiled a nice collection of analysis rules and detection modules that automatically do all the repetitive work for you. Life is great, until, …. You’ve got 100+ modules, some for slither, others for semgrep and things are getting out of hand! You have to spend time writing scripts to run the right modules at the right time, and it’s impossible to even keep track of what you can automatically detect.
Joran Honig
January 31, 2024

EthTrust - The Frontier of Smart Contract Security Standards

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) shapes the most mature standard for smart contract security. Consensys Diligence contributes to the EthTrust Security Levels Specification, spearheaded by the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Working Group.
Consensys Diligence
December 18, 2023

Reproducing the DeusDao exploit with Diligence Fuzzing

On May 6th 2023 DeusDao was exploited resulting in $6.5M in losses. A detailed write-up of the event can be found here. The root cause of the exploit, was a logical error in the burnFrom function. function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[_msgSender()][account]; _approve(account, _msgSender(), currentAllowance - amount); _burn(account, amount); } On the first line of burnFrom, the message sender and account are accidentally swapped when computing the allowance for tokens to burn.
August 01, 2023


Best Practice



Project 0x Case Study

Abstract Smart contracts facilitate the transfer of value and help determine digital asset behavior. This results in a higher need for formal proofs and computer-aided checks compared to traditional software which does not typically perform these functions. 0x is an open protocol that enables the peer-to-peer exchange of assets on the Ethereum blockchain. It is one of the largest open protocols with over 30 projects building on top of it, amassing over 713,000 total transactions, and a volume of $750 million.
Sharon Byrne-Cotter
April 17, 2020

Catching Weird Security Bugs in Solidity Smart Contracts with Invariant Checks

Contract invariants are properties of the program program state that are expected to always be true. In my previous article I discussed the use of Solidity assertions to check contract invariants. This article expands on the use of invariants and provides a couple of additional examples. An interesting feature of invariant checking on the bytecode level is that it allows you to detect low-level issues, including issues caused by compiler optimisation or idiosyncrasies of the programming language, by defining high-level rules.
Bernhard Mueller
April 06, 2020

Targeted fuzzing using static lookahead analysis: how to guide fuzzers using online static analysis

In previous posts, we introduced Harvey, a fuzzer for Ethereum smart contracts, and presented two techniques to boost its effectiveness: input prediction and multi-transaction fuzzing. Harvey is being developed by MythX in collaboration with Maria Christakis from MPI-SWS. It is one of the tools that powers our smart contract analysis service. Sign up for our free plan to give it a try! In this post, we summarize our upcoming ICSE 2020 paper and provide a high-level overview of how we use online static analysis to guide Harvey.
Valentin Wustholz
March 31, 2020


Unleashing Napalm

Attention, all auditors and security researchers! We’ve got a new tool for you! You’re a security researcher and you hate repetitive work. So what do you do? You’ve compiled a nice collection of analysis rules and detection modules that automatically do all the repetitive work for you. Life is great, until, …. You’ve got 100+ modules, some for slither, others for semgrep and things are getting out of hand! You have to spend time writing scripts to run the right modules at the right time, and it’s impossible to even keep track of what you can automatically detect.
Joran Honig
January 31, 2024

EthTrust - The Frontier of Smart Contract Security Standards

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) shapes the most mature standard for smart contract security. Consensys Diligence contributes to the EthTrust Security Levels Specification, spearheaded by the EEA EthTrust Security Levels Working Group.
Consensys Diligence
December 18, 2023


Smart Contract Languages

Welcome Back! Security for the EIP Process

The security risk profile for blockchain protocols and application is quite demanding. With high incentives to play foul and potentially severe consequences for all participants. No wonder we were surprised to find out that security was not yet explicitly part of Ethereum’s core change management process. Good thing, this finally changed.
Martin Ortner
January 05, 2020


Reproducing the DeusDao exploit with Diligence Fuzzing

On May 6th 2023 DeusDao was exploited resulting in $6.5M in losses. A detailed write-up of the event can be found here. The root cause of the exploit, was a logical error in the burnFrom function. function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[_msgSender()][account]; _approve(account, _msgSender(), currentAllowance - amount); _burn(account, amount); } On the first line of burnFrom, the message sender and account are accidentally swapped when computing the allowance for tokens to burn.
August 01, 2023

Year in Review