1 Summary
ConsenSys Diligence conducted a security audit on the 0x staking contracts. These contracts control the distribution of fees collected by the 0x Exchange to ZRX stakers.
The 0x v3 Exchange audit is good background reading to understand this report.
2 Audit Scope
The scope of this audit was the staking
project within the 0x monorepo.
This audit covered the following files from commit b8e01d7 of the 0xProject/0x-monorepo:
File Name | SHA-1 Hash |
ReadOnlyProxy.sol | 6ec64526446ebff87ec5528ee3b2786338cc4fa0 |
Staking.sol | 67ddcb9ab75e433882e28d9186815990b7084c61 |
StakingProxy.sol | 248f562d014d0b1ca6de3212966af3e52a7deef1 |
ZrxVault.sol | 6c3249314868a2f5d0984122e8ab1413a5b521c9 |
fees/MixinExchangeFees.sol | 9ac3b696baa8ba09305cfc83d3c08f17d9d528e1 |
fees/MixinExchangeManager.sol | 46f48136a49919cdb5588dc1b3d64c977c3367f2 |
immutable/MixinConstants.sol | 97c2ac83ef97a09cfd485cb0d4b119ba0902cc79 |
immutable/MixinDeploymentConstants.sol | 424f22c45df8e494c4a78f239ea07ff0400d694b |
immutable/MixinStorage.sol | 8ad475b0e424e7a3ff65eedf2e999cba98f414c8 |
interfaces/IStaking.sol | ec1d7f214e3fd40e14716de412deee9769359bc0 |
interfaces/IStakingEvents.sol | 25f16b814c4df9d2002316831c3f727d858456c4 |
interfaces/IStakingProxy.sol | 02e35c6b51e08235b2a01d30a8082d60d9d61bee |
interfaces/IStorage.sol | eeaa798c262b46d1874e904cf7de0423d4132cee |
interfaces/IStorageInit.sol | b9899b03e474ea5adc3b4818a4357f71b8d288d4 |
interfaces/IStructs.sol | fee17d036883d641afb1222b75eec8427f3cdb96 |
interfaces/IZrxVault.sol | 9067154651675317e000cfa92de9741e50c1c809 |
libs/LibCobbDouglas.sol | 242d62d71cf8bc09177d240c0db59b83f9bb4e96 |
libs/LibFixedMath.sol | 36311e7be09a947fa4e6cd8c544cacd13d65833c |
libs/LibFixedMathRichErrors.sol | 39cb3e07bbce3272bbf090e87002d5834d288ec2 |
libs/LibProxy.sol | 29abe52857a782c8da39b053cc54e02e295c1ae2 |
libs/LibSafeDowncast.sol | ae16ed2573d64802793320253b060b9507729c3d |
libs/LibStakingRichErrors.sol | f5868ef6066a18277c932e59c0a516ec58920b00 |
stake/MixinStake.sol | ade59ed356fe72521ffd2ef12ff8896c852f11f8 |
stake/MixinStakeBalances.sol | cde6ca1a6200570ba18dd6d392ffabf68c2bb464 |
stake/MixinStakeStorage.sol | cadf34d9d341efd2a85dd13ec3cd4ce8383e0f73 |
staking_pools/MixinCumulativeRewards.sol | 664ea3e35376c81492457dc17832a4d0d602c8ae |
staking_pools/MixinStakingPool.sol | 74ba9cb2db29b8dd6376d112e9452d117a391b18 |
staking_pools/MixinStakingPoolRewards.sol | a3b4e5c9b1c3568c94923e2dd9a93090ebdf8536 |
sys/MixinAbstract.sol | 99fd4870c20d8fa03cfa30e8055d3dfb348ed5cd |
sys/MixinFinalizer.sol | cc658ed07241c1804cec75b12203be3cd8657b9b |
sys/MixinParams.sol | 7b395f4da7ed787d7aa4eb915f15377725ff8168 |
sys/MixinScheduler.sol | 2fab6b83a6f9e1d0dd1b1bdcea4b129d166aef1d |
The audit activities can be grouped into the following three broad categories:
- Security: Identifying security related issues within the contract.
- Architecture: Evaluating the system architecture through the lens of established smart contract best practices.
- Code quality: A full review of the contract source code. The primary areas of focus include:
- Correctness
- Readability
- Scalability
- Code complexity
- Quality of test coverage
3 System Overview
The staking contracts are a mechanism for distributed protocol fees collected by the 0x Exchange. Fees are distributed to pools of ZRX stakeholders according to a formula that takes into account:
- how much ZRX is being staked by the pool and
- the amount of protocol fees generated by liquidity providers (“makers”) in that pool.
The v3 staking specification is the best available documentation for understanding how the staking contract system works.
4 Risk Assessment
The code that handles staking is very complex. We remain uncomfortable with parts of the code that were too difficult to audit effectively. That said, this doesn’t mean it’s unsafe to interact with the contract. There are three types of interactions where funds are potentially at risk:
- ZRX deposits and withdrawals by stakers.
- The staking contracts hold WETH (wrapped ether) that is collected as protocol fees from the Exchange contracts.
- Collected WETH is distributed to stakers according to the internal logic of the staking contract.
We can assess the risk associated with all three:
- ZRX deposits and withdrawals make use of a fairly simple
contract, which includes a fail-safe mechanism which can be triggered by 0x if needed to allow stakers to directly withdraw their ZRX. Excluding malicious action by 0x themselves, ZRX deposits and withdrawals have low risk of fund loss. - Although WETH needs to be approved to the staking contracts, the only WETH actually held by the staking contracts is what is collected in
, which is invoked by the Exchange. There’s low risk of WETH being inappropriately transferred from users. - Most of the complexity of the staking contracts deals with how the collected fees are distributed. This is the part of the code the audit team has less confidence in, meaning there’s a relatively higher risk of errors being made here.
This risk assessment means that the most likely type of bug to encounter is one where rewards are paid out incorrectly, or a bug prevents paying out rewards altogether. Those outcomes are no worse for stakers than simply not staking at all.
5 Issues
Each issue has an assigned severity:
- Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
- Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
- Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
- Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.
5.1 Anyone can remove a maker’s pending pool join status Major ✓ Fixed
Using behavior described in issue 5.6, it is possible to delete the pending join status of any maker in any pool by passing in NIL_POOL_ID
to removeMakerFromStakingPool
. Note that the attacker in the following example must not be a confirmed member of any pool:
The attacker calls
addMakerToStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, makerAddress)
. In this case,makerAddress
can be almost any address, as long as it has not calledjoinStakingPoolAsMaker
(an easy example isaddress(0)
). The key goal of this call is to increment the number of makers in pool 0:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPool.sol:L262
_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers = uint256(pool.numberOfMakers).safeAdd(1).downcastToUint32();
The attacker calls
removeMakerFromStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, targetAddress)
. This function queriesgetStakingPoolIdOfMaker(targetAddress)
and compares it to the passed-in pool id. Because the target is an unconfirmed maker, their staking pool id isNIL_POOL_ID
bytes32 makerPoolId = getStakingPoolIdOfMaker(makerAddress); if (makerPoolId != poolId) { LibRichErrors.rrevert(LibStakingRichErrors.MakerPoolAssignmentError( LibStakingRichErrors.MakerPoolAssignmentErrorCodes.MakerAddressNotRegistered, makerAddress, makerPoolId )); }
The check passes, and the target’s _poolJoinedByMakerAddress
struct is deleted. Additionally, the number of makers in pool 0 is decreased:
delete _poolJoinedByMakerAddress[makerAddress];
_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers = uint256(_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers).safeSub(1).downcastToUint32();
This can be used to prevent any makers from being confirmed into a pool.
See issue 5.6
5.2 Delegated stake weight reduction can be bypassed by using an external contract Major Won't Fix
From the development team:
Although it is possible to bypass the weight reduction via external smart contracts, we believe there is some value to having a lower delegated stake weight as the default behavior. This can still approximate the intended behavior and should give a very slight edge to pool operators that own their stake.
Staking pools allow ZRX holders to delegate their staked ZRX to a market maker in exchange for a configurable percentage of the stake reward (accrued over time through exchange fees). When staking as expected through the 0x contracts, the protocol favors ZRX staked directly by the operator of the pool, assigning a lower weight (90%) to ZRX staked by delegation. In return, delegated members receive a configurable portion of the operator’s stake reward.
Using a smart contract, it is possible to represent ZRX owned by any number of parties as ZRX staked by a single party. This contract can serve as the operator of a pool with a single member—itself. The advantages are clear for ZRX holders:
- ZRX staked through this contract will be given full (100%) stake weight.
- Because stake weight is a factor in reward allocation, the ZRX staked through this contract receives a higher proportion of the stake reward.
Remove stake weight reduction for delegated stake.
5.3 MixinParams.setParams
bypasses safety checks made by standard StakingProxy
upgrade path. Medium ✓ Fixed
The staking contracts use a set of configurable parameters to determine the behavior of various parts of the system. The parameters dictate the duration of epochs, the ratio of delegated stake weight vs operator stake, the minimum pool stake, and the Cobb-Douglas numerator and denominator. These parameters can be configured in two ways:
An authorized address can deploy a new
contract (perhaps with altered parameters), and configure theStakingProxy
to delegate to this new contract. This is done by calling-
/// @dev Detach the current staking contract. /// Note that this is callable only by an authorized address. function detachStakingContract() external onlyAuthorized { stakingContract = NIL_ADDRESS; emit StakingContractDetachedFromProxy(); }
/// @dev Attach a staking contract; future calls will be delegated to the staking contract. /// Note that this is callable only by an authorized address. /// @param _stakingContract Address of staking contract. function attachStakingContract(address _stakingContract) external onlyAuthorized { _attachStakingContract(_stakingContract); }
During the latter call, the
performs a delegatecall toStaking.init
, then checks the values of the parameters set during initialization:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/StakingProxy.sol:L208-L219
// Call `init()` on the staking contract to initialize storage. (bool didInitSucceed, bytes memory initReturnData) = stakingContract.delegatecall( abi.encodeWithSelector(IStorageInit(0).init.selector) ); if (!didInitSucceed) { assembly { revert(add(initReturnData, 0x20), mload(initReturnData)) } } // Assert initialized storage values are valid _assertValidStorageParams();
An authorized address can call
at any time and set the contract’s parameters to arbitrary values.
The latter method introduces the possibility of setting unsafe or nonsensical values for the contract parameters: epochDurationInSeconds
can be set to 0, cobbDouglassAlphaNumerator
can be larger than cobbDouglassAlphaDenominator
, rewardDelegatedStakeWeight
can be set to a value over 100% of the staking reward, and more.
Note, too, that by using MixinParams.setParams
to set all parameters to 0, the Staking
contract can be re-initialized by way of Staking.init
. Additionally, it can be re-attached by way of StakingProxy.attachStakingContract
, as the delegatecall to Staking.init
will succeed.
Ensure that calls to setParams
check that the provided values are within the same range currently enforced by the proxy.
5.4 Authorized addresses can indefinitely stall ZrxVaultBackstop
catastrophic failure mode Medium ✓ Fixed
and read-only mode altogether.
The ZrxVaultBackstop
contract was added to allow anyone to activate the staking system’s “catastrophic failure” mode if the StakingProxy
is in “read-only” mode for at least 40 days. To enable this behavior, the StakingProxy
contract was modified to track the last timestamp at which “read-only” mode was activated. This is done by way of StakingProxy.setReadOnlyMode
/// @dev Set read-only mode (state cannot be changed).
function setReadOnlyMode(bool shouldSetReadOnlyMode)
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
uint96 timestamp = block.timestamp.downcastToUint96();
if (shouldSetReadOnlyMode) {
stakingContract = readOnlyProxy;
readOnlyState = IStructs.ReadOnlyState({
isReadOnlyModeSet: true,
lastSetTimestamp: timestamp
Because the timestamp is updated even if “read-only” mode is already active, any authorized address can prevent ZrxVaultBackstop
from activating catastrophic failure mode by repeatedly calling setReadOnlyMode
If “read-only” mode is already active, setReadOnlyMode(true)
should result in a no-op.
5.5 Pool 0 can be used to temporarily prevent makers from joining another pool Medium ✓ Fixed
reverts if the number of makers currently in the pool is 0, due to safeSub
catching an underflow:
_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers = uint256(_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers).safeSub(1).downcastToUint32();
Because of this, edge behavior described in issue 5.6 can allow an attacker to temporarily prevent makers from joining a pool:
The attacker calls
addMakerToStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, victimAddress)
. This sets the victim’sMakerPoolJoinStatus.confirmed
field totrue
and increases the number of makers in pool 0 to 1:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPool.sol:L257-L262
poolJoinStatus = IStructs.MakerPoolJoinStatus({ poolId: poolId, confirmed: true }); _poolJoinedByMakerAddress[makerAddress] = poolJoinStatus; _poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers = uint256(pool.numberOfMakers).safeAdd(1).downcastToUint32();
The attacker calls
removeMakerFromStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, randomAddress)
. The net effect of this call simply decreases the number of makers in pool 0 by 1, back to 0:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPool.sol:L176-L177
delete _poolJoinedByMakerAddress[makerAddress]; _poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers = uint256(_poolById[poolId].numberOfMakers).safeSub(1).downcastToUint32();
Typically, the victim should be able to remove themselves from pool 0 by calling removeMakerFromStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, victimAddress)
, but because the attacker can set the pool’s number of makers to 0, the aforementioned underflow causes this call to fail. The victim must first understand what is happening in MixinStakingPool
before they are able to remedy the situation:
The victim must call
addMakerToStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, randomAddress2)
to increase pool 0’s number of makers back to 1. -
The victim can now call
removeMakerFromStakingPool(NIL_POOL_ID, victimAddress)
, and remove their confirmed status.
Additionally, if the victim in question currently has a pending join, the attacker can use issue 5.1 to first remove their pending status before locking them in pool 0.
See issue 5.1.
5.6 Recommendation: Fix weak assertions in MixinStakingPool
stemming from use of NIL_POOL_ID
Medium ✓ Fixed
The modifier onlyStakingPoolOperatorOrMaker(poolId)
is used to authorize actions taken on a given pool. The sender must be either the operator or a confirmed maker of the pool in question. However, the modifier queries getStakingPoolIdOfMaker(maker)
, which returns NIL_POOL_ID
if the maker’s MakerPoolJoinStatus
struct is not confirmed. This implicitly makes anyone a maker of the nonexistent “pool 0”:
function getStakingPoolIdOfMaker(address makerAddress)
returns (bytes32)
IStructs.MakerPoolJoinStatus memory poolJoinStatus = _poolJoinedByMakerAddress[makerAddress];
if (poolJoinStatus.confirmed) {
return poolJoinStatus.poolId;
} else {
return NIL_POOL_ID;
makes no existence checks on the provided pool id, and allows makers to become pending makers in nonexistent pools.
addMakerToStakingPool(poolId, maker)
makes no existence checks on the provided pool id, allowing makers to be added to nonexistent pools (as long as the sender is an operator or maker in the pool).
- Avoid use of
. Instead, use2**256 - 1
. - Implement stronger checks for pool existence. Each time a pool id is supplied, it should be checked that the pool id is between 0 and
. onlyStakingPoolOperatorOrMaker
should revert ifpoolId == NIL_POOL_ID
or ifpoolId
is not in the valid range: (0, nextPoolId).
5.7 LibFixedMath
functions fail to catch a number of overflows Medium ✓ Fixed
The __add()
, __mul()
, and __div()
functions perform arithmetic on 256-bit signed integers, and they all miss some specific overflows.
Addition Overflows
/// @dev Adds two numbers, reverting on overflow.
function _add(int256 a, int256 b) private pure returns (int256 c) {
c = a + b;
if (c > 0 && a < 0 && b < 0) {
if (c < 0 && a > 0 && b > 0) {
The two overflow conditions it tests for are:
- Adding two positive numbers shouldn’t result in a negative number.
- Adding two negative numbers shouldn’t result in a positive number.
__add(-2**255, -2**255)
returns 0
without reverting because the overflow didn’t match either of the above conditions.
Multiplication Overflows
/// @dev Returns the multiplication two numbers, reverting on overflow.
function _mul(int256 a, int256 b) private pure returns (int256 c) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
c = a * b;
if (c / a != b) {
The function checks via division for most types of overflows, but it fails to catch one particular case. __mul(-2**255, -1)
returns -2**255
without error.
Division Overflows
/// @dev Returns the division of two numbers, reverting on division by zero.
function _div(int256 a, int256 b) private pure returns (int256 c) {
if (b == 0) {
c = a / b;
It does not check for overflow. Due to this, __div(-2**255, -1)
erroneously returns -2**255
For addition, the specific case of __add(-2**255, -2**255)
can be detected by using a >= 0
check instead of > 0
, but the below seems like a clearer check for all cases:
// if b is negative, then the result should be less than a
if (b < 0 && c >= a) { /* subtraction overflow */ }
// if b is positive, then the result should be greater than a
if (b > 0 && c <= a) { /* addition overflow */ }
For multiplication and division, the specific values of -2**255
and -1
are the only missing cases, so that can be explicitly checked in the __mul()
and __div()
5.8 Recommendation: Remove MixinAbstract
and fold MixinStakingPoolRewards
into MixinFinalizer
and MixinStake
Minor Won't Fix
After implementing issue 5.12, issue 5.11, issue 5.10, and issue 5.9, MixinAbstract
serves little utility except as a way to pull functionality from MixinFinalizer
into MixinStakingPoolRewards
. The abstract pattern adds unnecessary cognitive overhead and should be eliminated if possible. One possible method for this is as follows:
. As per the comments above this function, its behavior is very similar to functions inMixinStake
/// @dev Syncs rewards for a delegator. This includes transferring WETH /// rewards to the delegator, and adding/removing /// dependencies on cumulative rewards. /// This is used by a delegator when they want to sync their rewards /// without delegating/undelegating. It's effectively the same as /// delegating zero stake. /// @param poolId Unique id of pool. function withdrawDelegatorRewards(bytes32 poolId) external { address member = msg.sender; _withdrawAndSyncDelegatorRewards( poolId, member ); // Update stored balance with synchronized version; this prevents // redundant withdrawals. _delegatedStakeToPoolByOwner[member][poolId] = _loadSyncedBalance(_delegatedStakeToPoolByOwner[member][poolId]); }
Move the rest of the
functions intoMixinFinalizer
. This change allows theMixinStakingPoolRewards
files to be removed.MixinStakingPool
can now inherit directly fromMixinFinalizer
After implementing all recommendations mentioned here, the inheritance graph of the staking contracts is much simpler. The previous graph is pictured here:
The new graph is pictured here:
Further improvements may consider:
. CurrentlyMixinStakeBalances
only inherits fromMixinStakeStorage
because of this function. -
After implementing the above,
is no longer dependent onMixinStakingPool
and can inherit directly fromMixinExchangeManager
A sample inheritance graph including the above is pictured below:
5.9 Recommendation: remove confusing access to activePoolsThisEpoch
Minor ✓ Fixed
epoch % 2
indexing altogether were removed.
provides two functions to access activePoolsThisEpoch
returns astorage
pointer to the mapping:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/sys/MixinFinalizer.sol:L211-L225
/// @dev Get a mapping of active pools from an epoch. /// This uses the formula `epoch % 2` as the epoch index in order /// to reuse state, because we only need to remember, at most, two /// epochs at once. /// @return activePools The pools that were active in `epoch`. function _getActivePoolsFromEpoch( uint256 epoch ) internal view returns (mapping (bytes32 => IStructs.ActivePool) storage activePools) { activePools = _activePoolsByEpoch[epoch % 2]; return activePools; }
, then loads anActivePool
struct from a passed-inpoolId
/// @dev Get an active pool from an epoch by its ID. /// @param epoch The epoch the pool was/will be active in. /// @param poolId The ID of the pool. /// @return pool The pool with ID `poolId` that was active in `epoch`. function _getActivePoolFromEpoch( uint256 epoch, bytes32 poolId ) internal view returns (IStructs.ActivePool memory pool) { pool = _getActivePoolsFromEpoch(epoch)[poolId]; return pool; }
Ultimately, the two functions are syntax sugar for activePoolsThisEpoch[epoch % 2]
, with the latter also accessing a value within the mapping. Because of the naming similarity, and because one calls the other, this abstraction is more confusing that simply accessing the state variable directly.
Additionally, by removing these functions and adopting the long-form syntax, MixinExchangeFees
no longer needs to inherit MixinFinalizer
5.10 Recommendation: remove MixinFinalizer._getUnfinalizedPoolRewardsFromState
Minor Won't Fix
is a simple wrapper around the library function LibCobbDouglas.cobbDouglas
/// @dev Computes the reward owed to a pool during finalization.
/// @param pool The active pool.
/// @param state The current state of finalization.
/// @return rewards Unfinalized rewards for this pool.
function _getUnfinalizedPoolRewardsFromState(
IStructs.ActivePool memory pool,
IStructs.UnfinalizedState memory state
returns (uint256 rewards)
// There can't be any rewards if the pool was active or if it has
// no stake.
if (pool.feesCollected == 0) {
return rewards;
// Use the cobb-douglas function to compute the total reward.
rewards = LibCobbDouglas.cobbDouglas(
// Clip the reward to always be under
// `rewardsAvailable - totalRewardsPaid`,
// in case cobb-douglas overflows, which should be unlikely.
uint256 rewardsRemaining = state.rewardsAvailable.safeSub(state.totalRewardsFinalized);
if (rewardsRemaining < rewards) {
rewards = rewardsRemaining;
After implementing issue 5.11, this function is only called a single time, in MixinFinalizer.finalizePool
// Noop if the pool was not active or already finalized (has no fees).
if (pool.feesCollected == 0) {
// Clear the pool state so we don't finalize it again, and to recoup
// some gas.
delete _getActivePoolsFromEpoch(prevEpoch)[poolId];
// Compute the rewards.
uint256 rewards = _getUnfinalizedPoolRewardsFromState(pool, state);
Because it is only used a single time, and because it obfuscates an essential library call during the finalization process, the function should be removed and folded into finalizePool
. Additionally, the first check for pool.feesCollected == 0
can be removed, as this case is covered in finalizePool
already (see above).
5.11 Recommendation: remove complicating getters from MixinStakingPoolRewards
Minor Won't Fix
has two external view
functions that contribute complexity to essential functions, as well as the overall inheritance tree:
, used to compute the reward balance of a pool’s operator on an unfinalized pool:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPoolRewards.sol:L55-L69
/// @dev Computes the reward balance in ETH of the operator of a pool. /// @param poolId Unique id of pool. /// @return totalReward Balance in ETH. function computeRewardBalanceOfOperator(bytes32 poolId) external view returns (uint256 reward) { // Because operator rewards are immediately withdrawn as WETH // on finalization, the only factor in this function are unfinalized // rewards. IStructs.Pool memory pool = _poolById[poolId]; // Get any unfinalized rewards. (uint256 unfinalizedTotalRewards, uint256 unfinalizedMembersStake) = _getUnfinalizedPoolRewards(poolId);
, used to compute the reward balance of a delegator for an unfinalized pool:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPoolRewards.sol:L80-L99
/// @dev Computes the reward balance in ETH of a specific member of a pool. /// @param poolId Unique id of pool. /// @param member The member of the pool. /// @return totalReward Balance in ETH. function computeRewardBalanceOfDelegator(bytes32 poolId, address member) external view returns (uint256 reward) { IStructs.Pool memory pool = _poolById[poolId]; // Get any unfinalized rewards. (uint256 unfinalizedTotalRewards, uint256 unfinalizedMembersStake) = _getUnfinalizedPoolRewards(poolId); // Get the members' portion. (, uint256 unfinalizedMembersReward) = _computePoolRewardsSplit( pool.operatorShare, unfinalizedTotalRewards, unfinalizedMembersStake );
These two functions are the sole reason for the existence of MixinFinalizer._getUnfinalizedPoolRewards
, one of the two functions in MixinAbstract
/// @dev Computes the reward owed to a pool during finalization.
/// Does nothing if the pool is already finalized.
/// @param poolId The pool's ID.
/// @return totalReward The total reward owed to a pool.
/// @return membersStake The total stake for all non-operator members in
/// this pool.
function _getUnfinalizedPoolRewards(bytes32 poolId)
returns (
uint256 totalReward,
uint256 membersStake
These functions also necessitate two additional parameters in MixinStakingPoolRewards._computeDelegatorReward
, which are used a single time to call _computeUnfinalizedDelegatorReward
// 1/3 Unfinalized rewards earned in `currentEpoch - 1`.
reward = _computeUnfinalizedDelegatorReward(
Note that computeRewardBalanceOfOperator
and computeRewardBalanceOfDelegator
contain the only calls to _computeDelegatorReward
with nonzero values for the above parameters, unfinalizedMembersReward
and unfinalizedMembersStake
. For all essential functions, the call to _computeUnfinalizedDelegatorReward
is a no-op.
By removing the functions computeRewardBalanceOfOperator
and computeRewardBalanceOfDelegator
, the following simplifications can be made:
can be removed from bothMixinAbstract
- The parameters
can be removed from_computeDelegatorReward
- The function
can be removed - A branch of now-unused logic in
can be removed
5.12 Recommendation: remove unneeded dependency on MixinStakeBalances
Minor Won't Fix
From the development team:
We’re going to keep this abstraction to future-proof balance queries.
has two functions used by inheriting contracts:
, which provides shorthand to access_delegatedStakeToPoolByOwner
/// @dev Returns the stake delegated to a specific staking pool, by a given staker. /// @param staker of stake. /// @param poolId Unique Id of pool. /// @return Stake delegated to pool by staker. function getStakeDelegatedToPoolByOwner(address staker, bytes32 poolId) public view returns (IStructs.StoredBalance memory balance) { balance = _loadCurrentBalance(_delegatedStakeToPoolByOwner[staker][poolId]); return balance; }
, which provides shorthand to access_delegatedStakeByPoolId
/// @dev Returns the total stake delegated to a specific staking pool, /// across all members. /// @param poolId Unique Id of pool. /// @return Total stake delegated to pool. function getTotalStakeDelegatedToPool(bytes32 poolId) public view returns (IStructs.StoredBalance memory balance) { balance = _loadCurrentBalance(_delegatedStakeByPoolId[poolId]); return balance; }
Each of these functions is used only a single time:
uint256 poolStake = getTotalStakeDelegatedToPool(poolId).currentEpochBalance;
uint256 operatorStake = getStakeDelegatedToPoolByOwner( _poolById[poolId].operator, poolId ).currentEpochBalance;
By replacing these function invocations in MixinExchangeFees
with the long-form access to each state variable, MixinStakeBalances
will no longer need to be included in the inheritance trees for several contracts.
5.13 Misleading MoveStake
event when moving stake from UNDELEGATED
Minor ✓ Fixed
is 0
or the move is from UNDELEGATED
, the function performs an early return.
Although moving stake between the same status (UNDELEGATED <=> UNDELEGATED
) should be a no-op, calls to moveStake
succeed even for invalid amount
and nonsensical poolId
. The resulting MoveStake
event can log garbage, potentially confusing those observing events.
When moving between UNDELEGATED
, each check and function call results in a no-op, save the final event:
, so these checks are passed:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/stake/MixinStake.sol:L115-L129
if (from.status == IStructs.StakeStatus.DELEGATED) { _undelegateStake( from.poolId, staker, amount ); } if (to.status == IStructs.StakeStatus.DELEGATED) { _delegateStake( to.poolId, staker, amount ); }
The primary state changing function,
, immediately returns because thefrom
balance pointers are equivalent:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/stake/MixinStakeStorage.sol:L47-L49
if (_arePointersEqual(fromPtr, toPtr)) { return; }
Finally, the
event is invoked, which can log completely invalid values foramount
, andto.poolId
emit MoveStake( staker, amount, uint8(from.status), from.poolId, uint8(to.status), to.poolId );
If amount
is 0 or if moving between UNDELEGATED
, this function should no-op or revert. An explicit check for this case should be made near the start of the function.
5.14 The staking contracts contain several artifacts of a quickly-changing codebase Minor ✓ Fixed
address payable
is used repeatedly, but payments use WETH:-
address payable operator = msg.sender;
address payable public stakingProxyAddress;
function setStakingProxy(address payable _stakingProxyAddress)
function setStakingProxy(address payable _stakingProxyAddress)
struct IStructs.Pool
address payable operator;
address payable staker = msg.sender;
address payable staker = msg.sender;
address payable staker = msg.sender;
address payable staker,
address payable staker,
Some identifiers are used multiple times for different purposes:
A state variable:
uint256 public currentEpoch = INITIAL_EPOCH;
A function parameter:
uint256 currentEpoch,
A struct field:
uint32 currentEpoch;
Several comments are out of date:
Many struct comments reference fees and rewards denominated in ETH, while only WETH is used:
/// @param rewardsAvailable Rewards (ETH) available to the epoch /// being finalized (the previous epoch). This is simply the balance /// of the contract at the end of the epoch.
should specify that it is tracking fees attributed to a pool. Fees not attributed to a pool are still collected, but are not recorded:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/interfaces/IStructs.sol:L41
/// @param totalFeesCollected The total fees collected for the epoch being finalized.
is copy-pasted fromtotalFeesCollected
/// @param totalWeightedStake The total fees collected for the epoch being finalized.
seems to be copy-pasted from an older version of the structStoredBalance
/// @param initialized True iff the balance struct is initialized.
The final contracts produce several compiler warnings:
Several functions are intentionally marked
to allow overriding implementations to read from state. These can be silenced by addingblock.timestamp;
or similar statements to the functions. -
One function is erroneously marked
, and should be changed to pure:code/contracts/staking/contracts/src/staking_pools/MixinStakingPoolRewards.sol:L315-L330
/// @dev Computes the unfinalized rewards earned by a delegator in the last epoch. /// @param unsyncedStake Unsynced delegated stake to pool by staker /// @param currentEpoch The epoch in which this call is executing /// @param unfinalizedMembersReward Unfinalized total members reward (if any). /// @param unfinalizedMembersStake Unfinalized total members stake (if any). /// @return reward Balance in WETH. function _computeUnfinalizedDelegatorReward( IStructs.StoredBalance memory unsyncedStake, uint256 currentEpoch, uint256 unfinalizedMembersReward, uint256 unfinalizedMembersStake ) private view returns (uint256) {
5.15 Remove unneeded fields from StoredBalance
and Pool
structs Minor ✓ Fixed
Both structs have fields that are only written to, and never read:
bool isInitialized;
bool initialized;
The unused fields should be removed.
5.16 Remove unnecessary fallback function in Staking contract Minor ✓ Fixed
The Staking
contract has a payable
fallback function that is never used. Because it is used with a proxy contract, this pattern introduces silent failures when calls are made to the contract with no matching function selector.
Remove the fallback function from Staking
5.17 Pool IDs can just be incrementing integers Minor ✓ Fixed
Pool IDs are currently bytes32
values that increment by 2**128
. After discussion with the development team, it seems that this was in preparation for a feature that was ultimately not used. Pool IDs should instead just be incrementing integers.
// The upper 16 bytes represent the pool id, so this would be pool id 1. See MixinStakinPool for more information.
bytes32 constant internal INITIAL_POOL_ID = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000;
// The upper 16 bytes represent the pool id, so this would be an increment of 1. See MixinStakinPool for more information.
uint256 constant internal POOL_ID_INCREMENT_AMOUNT = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000;
/// @dev Computes the unique id that comes after the input pool id.
/// @param poolId Unique id of pool.
/// @return Next pool id after input pool.
function _computeNextStakingPoolId(bytes32 poolId)
returns (bytes32)
return bytes32(uint256(poolId).safeAdd(POOL_ID_INCREMENT_AMOUNT));
Make pool IDs uint256
values and simply add 1 to generate the next ID.
5.18 LibProxy.proxyCall()
may overwrite important memory Minor ✓ Fixed
copies from call data to memory, starting at address 0:
assembly {
// store selector of destination function
let freeMemPtr := 0
if gt(customEgressSelector, 0) {
mstore(0x0, customEgressSelector)
freeMemPtr := add(freeMemPtr, 4)
// adjust the calldata offset, if we should ignore the selector
let calldataOffset := 0
if gt(ignoreIngressSelector, 0) {
calldataOffset := 4
// copy calldata to memory
The first 64 bytes of memory are treated as “scratch space” by the Solidity compiler. Writing beyond that point is dangerous, as it will overwrite the free memory pointer and the “zero slot” which is where length-0 arrays point.
Although the current callers of proxyCall()
don’t appear to use any memory after calling proxyCall()
, future changes to the code may introduce very serious and subtle bugs due to this unsafe handling of memory.
Use the actual free memory pointer to determine where it’s safe to write to memory.
6 Tool-Based Analysis
Several tools were used to perform automated analysis of the reviewed contracts. These issues were reviewed by the audit team, and relevant issues are listed in the Issue Details section.
6.1 MythX

MythX is a security analysis API for Ethereum smart contracts. It performs multiple types of analysis, including fuzzing and symbolic execution, to detect many common vulnerability types. The tool was used for automated vulnerability discovery for all audited contracts and libraries. More details on MythX can be found at mythx.io.
The full set of MythX results for both the exchange and staking contracts are available in a separate report.
6.2 Surya
Surya is an utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.
Below is a complete list of functions with their visibility and modifiers:
Sūrya’s Description Report
Files Description Table
File Name | SHA-1 Hash |
ReadOnlyProxy.sol | 6ec64526446ebff87ec5528ee3b2786338cc4fa0 |
Staking.sol | 67ddcb9ab75e433882e28d9186815990b7084c61 |
StakingProxy.sol | 248f562d014d0b1ca6de3212966af3e52a7deef1 |
ZrxVault.sol | 6c3249314868a2f5d0984122e8ab1413a5b521c9 |
fees/MixinExchangeFees.sol | 9ac3b696baa8ba09305cfc83d3c08f17d9d528e1 |
fees/MixinExchangeManager.sol | 46f48136a49919cdb5588dc1b3d64c977c3367f2 |
immutable/MixinConstants.sol | 97c2ac83ef97a09cfd485cb0d4b119ba0902cc79 |
immutable/MixinDeploymentConstants.sol | 424f22c45df8e494c4a78f239ea07ff0400d694b |
immutable/MixinStorage.sol | 8ad475b0e424e7a3ff65eedf2e999cba98f414c8 |
interfaces/IStaking.sol | ec1d7f214e3fd40e14716de412deee9769359bc0 |
interfaces/IStakingEvents.sol | 25f16b814c4df9d2002316831c3f727d858456c4 |
interfaces/IStakingProxy.sol | 02e35c6b51e08235b2a01d30a8082d60d9d61bee |
interfaces/IStorage.sol | eeaa798c262b46d1874e904cf7de0423d4132cee |
interfaces/IStorageInit.sol | b9899b03e474ea5adc3b4818a4357f71b8d288d4 |
interfaces/IStructs.sol | fee17d036883d641afb1222b75eec8427f3cdb96 |
interfaces/IZrxVault.sol | 9067154651675317e000cfa92de9741e50c1c809 |
libs/LibCobbDouglas.sol | 242d62d71cf8bc09177d240c0db59b83f9bb4e96 |
libs/LibFixedMath.sol | 36311e7be09a947fa4e6cd8c544cacd13d65833c |
libs/LibFixedMathRichErrors.sol | 39cb3e07bbce3272bbf090e87002d5834d288ec2 |
libs/LibProxy.sol | 29abe52857a782c8da39b053cc54e02e295c1ae2 |
libs/LibSafeDowncast.sol | ae16ed2573d64802793320253b060b9507729c3d |
libs/LibStakingRichErrors.sol | f5868ef6066a18277c932e59c0a516ec58920b00 |
stake/MixinStake.sol | ade59ed356fe72521ffd2ef12ff8896c852f11f8 |
stake/MixinStakeBalances.sol | cde6ca1a6200570ba18dd6d392ffabf68c2bb464 |
stake/MixinStakeStorage.sol | cadf34d9d341efd2a85dd13ec3cd4ce8383e0f73 |
staking_pools/MixinCumulativeRewards.sol | 664ea3e35376c81492457dc17832a4d0d602c8ae |
staking_pools/MixinStakingPool.sol | 74ba9cb2db29b8dd6376d112e9452d117a391b18 |
staking_pools/MixinStakingPoolRewards.sol | a3b4e5c9b1c3568c94923e2dd9a93090ebdf8536 |
sys/MixinAbstract.sol | 99fd4870c20d8fa03cfa30e8055d3dfb348ed5cd |
sys/MixinFinalizer.sol | cc658ed07241c1804cec75b12203be3cd8657b9b |
sys/MixinParams.sol | 7b395f4da7ed787d7aa4eb915f15377725ff8168 |
sys/MixinScheduler.sol | 2fab6b83a6f9e1d0dd1b1bdcea4b129d166aef1d |
Contracts Description Table
Contract | Type | Bases | ||
└ | Function Name | Visibility | Mutability | Modifiers |
ReadOnlyProxy | Implementation | MixinStorage | ||
└ | <Fallback> | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | revertDelegateCall | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
Staking | Implementation | IStaking, MixinParams, MixinStake, MixinExchangeFees | ||
└ | <Fallback> | External ❗️ | 💵 | NO❗️ |
└ | init | Public ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
StakingProxy | Implementation | IStakingProxy, MixinStorage | ||
└ | <Constructor> | Public ❗️ | 🛑 | MixinStorage |
└ | <Fallback> | External ❗️ | 💵 | NO❗️ |
└ | attachStakingContract | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | detachStakingContract | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | setReadOnlyMode | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | batchExecute | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | _assertValidStorageParams | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _attachStakingContract | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
ZrxVault | Implementation | Authorizable, IZrxVault | ||
└ | <Constructor> | Public ❗️ | 🛑 | Authorizable |
└ | setStakingProxy | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | enterCatastrophicFailure | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | setZrxProxy | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized onlyNotInCatastrophicFailure |
└ | depositFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyStakingProxy onlyNotInCatastrophicFailure |
└ | withdrawFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyStakingProxy onlyNotInCatastrophicFailure |
└ | withdrawAllFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyInCatastrophicFailure |
└ | balanceOf | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _withdrawFrom | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _assertSenderIsStakingProxy | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _assertInCatastrophicFailure | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _assertNotInCatastrophicFailure | Private 🔐 | ||
MixinExchangeFees | Implementation | MixinExchangeManager, MixinStakingPool, MixinFinalizer | ||
└ | payProtocolFee | External ❗️ | 💵 | onlyExchange |
└ | getActiveStakingPoolThisEpoch | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _computeMembersAndWeightedStake | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _assertValidProtocolFee | Private 🔐 | ||
MixinExchangeManager | Implementation | IStakingEvents, MixinStorage | ||
└ | addExchangeAddress | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | removeExchangeAddress | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
MixinConstants | Implementation | MixinDeploymentConstants | ||
MixinDeploymentConstants | Implementation | |||
└ | getWethContract | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getZrxVault | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
MixinStorage | Implementation | MixinConstants, Authorizable | ||
IStaking | Interface | |||
└ | moveStake | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | payProtocolFee | External ❗️ | 💵 | NO❗️ |
└ | stake | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
IStakingEvents | Interface | |||
IStakingProxy | Interface | |||
└ | <Fallback> | External ❗️ | 💵 | NO❗️ |
└ | attachStakingContract | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | detachStakingContract | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
IStorage | Interface | |||
└ | stakingContract | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | readOnlyProxy | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | readOnlyProxyCallee | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | nextPoolId | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | numMakersByPoolId | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | currentEpoch | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | currentEpochStartTimeInSeconds | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | protocolFeesThisEpochByPool | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | activePoolsThisEpoch | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | validExchanges | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | epochDurationInSeconds | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | rewardDelegatedStakeWeight | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | minimumPoolStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | maximumMakersInPool | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | cobbDouglasAlphaNumerator | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | cobbDouglasAlphaDenominator | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
IStorageInit | Interface | |||
└ | init | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
IStructs | Interface | |||
IZrxVault | Interface | |||
└ | setStakingProxy | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | enterCatastrophicFailure | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | setZrxProxy | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | depositFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | withdrawFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | withdrawAllFrom | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | balanceOf | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
LibCobbDouglas | Library | |||
└ | cobbDouglas | Internal 🔒 | ||
LibFixedMath | Library | |||
└ | one | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | add | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | sub | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | mul | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | div | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | mulDiv | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | uintMul | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | abs | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | invert | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | toFixed | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | toFixed | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | toFixed | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | toFixed | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | toInteger | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | ln | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | exp | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _mul | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _div | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _add | Private 🔐 | ||
LibFixedMathRichErrors | Library | |||
└ | SignedValueError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | UnsignedValueError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | BinOpError | Internal 🔒 | ||
LibProxy | Library | |||
└ | proxyCall | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
LibSafeDowncast | Library | |||
└ | downcastToUint96 | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | downcastToUint64 | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | downcastToUint32 | Internal 🔒 | ||
LibStakingRichErrors | Library | |||
└ | OnlyCallableByExchangeError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | ExchangeManagerError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | InsufficientBalanceError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | OnlyCallableByPoolOperatorOrMakerError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | MakerPoolAssignmentError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | BlockTimestampTooLowError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | OnlyCallableByStakingContractError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | OnlyCallableIfInCatastrophicFailureError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | OnlyCallableIfNotInCatastrophicFailureError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | OperatorShareError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | PoolExistenceError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | InvalidProtocolFeePaymentError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | InvalidStakeStatusError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | InitializationError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | InvalidParamValueError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | ProxyDestinationCannotBeNilError | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | PreviousEpochNotFinalizedError | Internal 🔒 | ||
MixinStake | Implementation | MixinStakingPool | ||
└ | stake | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | unstake | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | moveStake | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | _delegateStake | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
└ | _undelegateStake | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
└ | _getBalancePtrFromStatus | Private 🔐 | ||
MixinStakeBalances | Implementation | MixinStakeStorage | ||
└ | getGlobalActiveStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getGlobalInactiveStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getGlobalDelegatedStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getTotalStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getActiveStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getInactiveStake | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getStakeDelegatedByOwner | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getWithdrawableStake | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getStakeDelegatedToPoolByOwner | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getTotalStakeDelegatedToPool | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _computeWithdrawableStake | Internal 🔒 | ||
MixinStakeStorage | Implementation | MixinScheduler | ||
└ | _moveStake | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _loadSyncedBalance | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _loadUnsyncedBalance | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _increaseCurrentAndNextBalance | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _decreaseCurrentAndNextBalance | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _increaseNextBalance | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _decreaseNextBalance | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _storeBalance | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
└ | _arePointersEqual | Private 🔐 | ||
MixinCumulativeRewards | Implementation | MixinStakeBalances | ||
└ | _initializeCumulativeRewards | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _isCumulativeRewardSet | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _forceSetCumulativeReward | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _computeMemberRewardOverInterval | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _getMostRecentCumulativeReward | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _getCumulativeRewardAtEpoch | Internal 🔒 | ||
MixinStakingPool | Implementation | MixinAbstract, MixinStakingPoolRewards | ||
└ | createStakingPool | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | decreaseStakingPoolOperatorShare | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyStakingPoolOperatorOrMaker |
└ | joinStakingPoolAsMaker | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | addMakerToStakingPool | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyStakingPoolOperatorOrMaker |
└ | removeMakerFromStakingPool | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyStakingPoolOperatorOrMaker |
└ | getStakingPoolIdOfMaker | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | getStakingPool | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _addMakerToStakingPool | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _computeNextStakingPoolId | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _assertStakingPoolExists | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _assertNewOperatorShare | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _assertSenderIsPoolOperatorOrMaker | Private 🔐 | ||
MixinStakingPoolRewards | Implementation | MixinAbstract, MixinCumulativeRewards | ||
└ | withdrawDelegatorRewards | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | computeRewardBalanceOfOperator | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | computeRewardBalanceOfDelegator | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _withdrawAndSyncDelegatorRewards | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _syncPoolRewards | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _computePoolRewardsSplit | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _computeDelegatorReward | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _computeUnfinalizedDelegatorReward | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _increasePoolRewards | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
└ | _decreasePoolRewards | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
MixinAbstract | Implementation | |||
└ | finalizePool | Public ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | _getUnfinalizedPoolRewards | Internal 🔒 | ||
MixinFinalizer | Implementation | MixinStakingPoolRewards | ||
└ | endEpoch | External ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | finalizePool | Public ❗️ | 🛑 | NO❗️ |
└ | _getUnfinalizedPoolRewards | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _getActivePoolFromEpoch | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _getActivePoolsFromEpoch | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _wrapEth | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _getAvailableWethBalance | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _getUnfinalizedPoolRewardsFromState | Private 🔐 | ||
└ | _creditRewardsToPool | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
MixinParams | Implementation | IStakingEvents, MixinStorage | ||
└ | setParams | External ❗️ | 🛑 | onlyAuthorized |
└ | getParams | External ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _initMixinParams | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _assertParamsNotInitialized | Internal 🔒 | ||
└ | _setParams | Private 🔐 | 🛑 | |
MixinScheduler | Implementation | IStakingEvents, MixinStorage | ||
└ | getCurrentEpochEarliestEndTimeInSeconds | Public ❗️ | NO❗️ | |
└ | _initMixinScheduler | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _goToNextEpoch | Internal 🔒 | 🛑 | |
└ | _assertSchedulerNotInitialized | Internal 🔒 |
Symbol | Meaning |
🛑 | Function can modify state |
💵 | Function is payable |
Appendix 1 - Disclosure
ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.
The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.
PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.
CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.
LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES FROM THIS WEB SITE You may, through hypertext or other computer links, gain access to web sites operated by persons other than ConsenSys and CD. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, and are the exclusive responsibility of such web sites’ owners. You agree that ConsenSys and CD are not responsible for the content or operation of such Web sites, and that ConsenSys and CD shall have no liability to you or any other person or entity for the use of third party Web sites. Except as described below, a hyperlink from this web Site to another web site does not imply or mean that ConsenSys and CD endorses the content on that Web site or the operator or operations of that site. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any content at any other web sites to which you link from the Reports. ConsenSys and CD assumes no responsibility for the use of third party software on the Web Site and shall have no liability whatsoever to any person or entity for the accuracy or completeness of any outcome generated by such software.
TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.