1 Executive Summary
This report presents the results of our engagement with ConsenSys to review their MetaMask Starknet Snap.
The review was conducted from June 26, 2023 to June 29, 2023. A total of 4 person-days were spent.
2 Scope
The review focused on the commit hash ec24b0053eae641f49e4095809979c2839758bdf. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix.
2.1 Verification Phase
Mitigations were reviewed from July 18, 2023 to July 20, 2023 focussing on the commit hash 7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a.
2.2 Objectives
Together with the client, we identified the following priorities for this review:
- Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
- Identify vulnerabilities particular to the MetaMask Snaps SDK integration in coherence with the MetaMask Snap Threat Model describing a Snap as an extension of the MetaMask Wallet Trust Module.
3 Snap Outline
- The snap requests access to
BIP44 Entropy, effectively managing the coins private root key. - The private key can be displayed to the user within the context of the snap.
- The private key can not be exported to an RPC origin.
- Transactions are signed within the realm of the snap.
- The public key is exposed to connected snaps without additional user confirmation.
- The snap may interact with the following 3rd party service providers via the
- and potentially others
- Connected dapps can communicate with the snap via MetaMask snap RPC.
3.1 Capabilities

π 2485 (lines of code)
[π == Bundle == ]
πΊ - bundle (../../dist/bundle.js) does not not exist!
πΊ - package-lock missing
πΊ - package.json: invalid license '(Apache-2.0 OR MIT)'
πΊ - package.json: incomplete package files selection 'undefined'
----%<---- raw permissions
π : https://docs.metamask.io/snaps/reference/rpc-api/#wallet_requestsnaps
snap_dialog: {},
'endowment:network-access': {},
snap_getBip44Entropy: [ { coinType: 9004 } ],
snap_manageState: {},
'endowment:rpc': { snaps: false, dapps: true }
---->%---- raw permissions
π [snap_dialog]
βοΈ - snap_dialog - Displays a dialog in the MetaMask UI. There are three types of dialogs with different parameters and return types.
β οΈ - this method renders Markdown! check for ctrlchar/markdown/injection
πΈ src/signMessage.ts
πΈ src/sendTransaction.ts
πΈ src/recoverAccounts.ts
πΈ src/index.ts
πΈ src/extractPrivateKey.ts
πΈ src/createAccount.ts
π [endowment:network-access]
π - endowment:network-access - snap can access internet
β οΈ - this method may leak information to external api
πΈ src/utils/starknetUtils.ts
π [snap_getBip44Entropy]
β¨ - snap_getBip44Entropy - Gets the BIP-44 coin_type key for the coin_type number specified by the method name. See SLIP-44 for the list of available protocols and their coin_type values.
β οΈ - If you call this method, you receive the user's parent key for the protocol they request. You're managing the user's keys and assets on their behalf. Their safety is your responsibility.
πΈ src/utils/keyPair.ts
π [snap_manageState]
πͺ€ - snap_manageState - snap can store up to 100mb (isolated)
πΈ src/index.ts
πΈ src/utils/snapUtils.ts
π [endowment:rpc]
β- endowment:rpc.dapps - snap can communicate with websites/dapps; check origin for internal api calls!
πΈ src/index.ts
3.2 Dependencies
π² - Package Depenencies:
- async-mutex:^0.3.2
- chai:^4.3.6
- ethereum-unit-converter:^0.0.17
- ethers:^5.5.1
- sinon:^13.0.2
- sinon-chai:^3.7.0
- starknet:^4.22.0
- starknet_v4.6.0:npm:[email protected]
4 Findings
Each issue has an assigned severity:
- Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
- Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
- Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
- Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.
4.1 RPC starkNet_sendTransaction
- The User Displayed Message Generated With getSigningTxnText()
Is Prone to Markdown/Control Chars Injection From contractCallData
Major ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by rendering untrusted user input with the copyable UI component, preventing markdown injection. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- restructure dialog ui by using MM copyable field, it can ignore any markdown or tag block
- validate send transaction calldata has to be able to convert to bigInt
In the code snippet below, contractCallData
is potentially untrusted and may contain Markdown renderable strings or strings containing Control Characters that break the context of the message displayed to the user. This can lead to misrepresenting the transaction data to be signed, which should be avoided.
export function getSigningTxnText(
state: SnapState,
contractAddress: string,
contractFuncName: string,
contractCallData: string[],
senderAddress: string,
maxFee: number.BigNumberish,
network: Network,
): string {
// Retrieve the ERC-20 token from snap state for confirmation display purpose
const token = getErc20Token(state, contractAddress, network.chainId);
let tokenTransferStr = '';
if (token && contractFuncName === 'transfer') {
try {
let amount = '';
if ([3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18].includes(token.decimals)) {
amount = convert(contractCallData[1], -1 * token.decimals, 'ether');
} else {
amount = (Number(contractCallData[1]) * Math.pow(10, -1 * token.decimals)).toFixed(token.decimals);
tokenTransferStr = `\n\nSender Address: ${senderAddress}\n\nRecipient Address: ${contractCallData[0]}\n\nAmount(${token.symbol}): ${amount}`;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`getSigningTxnText: error found in amount conversion: ${err}`);
return (
`Contract: ${contractAddress}\n\nCall Data: [${contractCallData.join(', ')}]\n\nEstimated Gas Fee(ETH): ${convert(
)}\n\nNetwork: ${network.name}` + tokenTransferStr
const signingTxnText = getSigningTxnText(
const response = await wallet.request({
method: 'snap_dialog',
params: {
type: DialogType.Confirmation,
content: panel([
heading('Do you want to sign this transaction ?'),
text(`It will be signed with address: ${senderAddress}`),
Please note that we have also reported to the MM Snaps team, that dialogues do not by default hint the origin of the action. We hope this will be addressed in a common way for all snaps in the future,
Validate inputs. Encode data in a safe way to be displayed to the user. Show the original data provided within a pre-text or code-block. Show derived or decoded information (token recipient) as additional information to the user.
4.2 Lax Validation Using@starknet::validateAndParseAddress
Allows Short Addresses and Does Not Verify Checksums Major ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by wrapping validateAndParseAddress()
with an implicit length check. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- Add validation on the snap side for address length
- Checksum will not implement as some users are going to call the Snap directly without going through the dApp
As per the client’s decision, checksummed addresses are not enforced.
Address inputs in RPC calls are validated using @starknet::validateAndParseAddress()
try {
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`The given token address is invalid: ${requestParamsObj.tokenAddress}`);
try {
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`The given user address is invalid: ${requestParamsObj.userAddress}`);
While the message validates the general structure for valid addresses, it does not strictly enforce address length and may silently add padding to the inputs before validation. This can be problematic as it may hide user input errors when a user provides an address that is too short and silently gets left-padded with zeroes. This may unintentionally cause a user to request action on the wrong address without them recognizing it.
export function validateAndParseAddress(address: BigNumberish): string {
assertInRange(address, ZERO, MASK_251, 'Starknet Address');
const result = addAddressPadding(address);
if (!result.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Address Format');
return result;
export function validateAndParseAddress(address: BigNumberish): string {
assertInRange(address, ZERO, MASK_251, 'Starknet Address');
const result = addAddressPadding(address);
if (!result.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Address Format');
return result;
The exposed Snap API should strictly validate inputs. User input must be provided in a safe canonical form (exact address length, checksum) by the dapp.
4.3 RPC starkNet_signMessage
- Fails to Display the User Account That Is Used for Signing the Message Major ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by displaying the signing accounts address with the dialog. All user-provided fields are copyable, preventing any markdown injection. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- add signer address add bottom of the dialog
We want to note that the origin of the RPC call is not visible in the dialog. However, we recommend addressing this with the MM Snap SDK by generically showing the origin of MM popups with the dialog.
The signing request dialogue does not display the user account that is being used to sign the message. A malicious dapp may pretend to sign a message with one account while issuing an RPC call for a different account.
Note that StarkNet signing requests should implement similar security measures to how MetaMask signing requests work. Being fully transparent on “who signs what”, also displaying the origin of the request. This is especially important on multi-dapp snaps to avoid users being tricked into signing transactions they did not intend to sign (wrong signer).
const response = await wallet.request({
method: 'snap_dialog',
params: {
type: DialogType.Confirmation,
content: panel([heading('Do you want to sign this message ?'), text(JSON.stringify(typedDataMessage))]),
if (!response) return false;
UI does not show the signing accounts address. Hence, the user cannot be sure what account is used to sign the message.
Show what account is requested to sign a message. Display the origin of the RPC call.
4.4 RPC starkNet_signMessage
- Inconsistency When Previewing the Signed Message (Markdown Injection) Major ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by rendering user-provided information with the copyable UI component. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- restructure dialog ui by using MM copyable field, it can ignore any markdown or tag block
The snap displays an dialogue to the user requesting them to confirm that they want to sign a message when a dapp performs a request to starkNet_signMessage
. However, the MetaMask Snaps UI text()
component will render Markdown. This means that the message-to-be-signed displayed to the user for approval will be inaccurate if it contains Markdown renderable text.
const response = await wallet.request({
method: 'snap_dialog',
params: {
type: DialogType.Confirmation,
content: panel([heading('Do you want to sign this message ?'), text(JSON.stringify(typedDataMessage))]),
{"a **mykey**":"this should not render **markdown** <pre>test</pre><b>bbb</b><strong>strongstrong</strong>[visit oststrom](https://oststrom.com) _ital_"}
Render signed message contents in a code block or preformatted text blocks.
Note: we’ve also reported this to the MetaMask Snaps team to provide further guidance.
4.5 UI/AlertView - Unnecessary Use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML
Medium ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by not using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- Remove dangerouslySetInnerHTML from UI
is populated by setting innerHTML
instead of the component’s value, which would be auto-escaped. This only makes sense if the component is supposed to render HTML. However, the component is never used with HTML as input, and the attribute name text
is misleading.
export function AlertView({ text, variant, ...otherProps }: Props) {
const paragraph = useRef<HTMLParagraphElement | null>(null);
const [isMultiline, setIsMultiline] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (paragraph.current) {
const height = paragraph.current.offsetHeight;
setIsMultiline(height > 20);
}, []);
return (
<Wrapper isMultiline={isMultiline} variant={variant} {...otherProps}>
{variant === VariantOptions.SUCCESS && <LeftIcon icon={['fas', 'check-circle']} />}
{variant === VariantOptions.INFO && <LeftIcon icon={['fas', 'info-circle']} color={theme.palette.info.dark} />}
{variant === VariantOptions.ERROR && (
<LeftIcon icon={['fas', 'exclamation-circle']} color={theme.palette.error.main} />
{variant === VariantOptions.WARNING && (
<LeftIcon icon={['fas', 'exclamation-triangle']} color={theme.palette.warning.main} />
<Parag ref={paragraph} color={variant} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: text }} />
export const NoFlaskModalView = () => {
return (
<StarknetLogo />
<Title>You don't have the MetaMask Flask extension</Title>
You need to install MetaMask Flask extension in order to use the StarkNet Snap.
<br />
<br />
text="Please make sure that the regular MetaMask extension is disabled or use a different browser profile"
<a href="https://metamask.io/flask" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<ConnectButton customIconLeft={<FlaskIcon />} onClick={() => {}}>
Download MetaMask Flask
Setting HTML from code is risky because itβs easy to inadvertently expose users to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
Do not use dangerouslySetInnerHTML
unless there is a specific requirement that passed in HTML be rendered. If so, rename the attribute name to html
instead of text
to set clear expectations regarding how the input is treated. Nevertheless, since the component is not used with HTML input, we recommend removing dangerouslySetInnerHTML
4.6 RPC starkNet_addErc20Token
- Should Ask for User Confirmation Medium ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by requesting user confirmation for adding new ERC20 Tokens. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- Adding confirm dialog with MM copyable field, it can ignore any markdown or tag block
- Disable loading frame when user reject the add ec220 token request on UI
The RPC method upserts ERC20 tokens received via RPC without asking the user for confirmation. This would allow a connected dapp to insert/change ERC20 token information anytime. This can even be more problematic when multiple dapps are connected to the StarkNet-Snap (race conditions).
validateAddErc20TokenParams(requestParamsObj, network);
const erc20Token: Erc20Token = {
address: tokenAddress,
name: tokenName,
symbol: tokenSymbol,
decimals: tokenDecimals,
chainId: network.chainId,
await upsertErc20Token(erc20Token, wallet, saveMutex);
console.log(`addErc20Token:\nerc20Token: ${JSON.stringify(erc20Token)}`);
return erc20Token;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Problem found: ${err}`);
throw err;
Ask the user for confirmation when changing the snaps state.
4.7 getKeysFromAddress
- Possible Unchecked Null Dereference When Looking Up Private Key Medium ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by throwing an exception on error. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- instead of return null, raise err in getKeysFromAddress, caller will catch the exception
may return null
if an invalid address was provided but most callers of the function do not check for the null
condition and blindly dereference or unpack the return value causing an exception.
return null;
const { privateKey: signerPrivateKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, signerAddress);
const signerKeyPair = getKeyPairFromPrivateKey(signerPrivateKey);
const typedDataSignature = getTypedDataMessageSignature(signerKeyPair, typedDataMessage, signerAddress);
const { privateKey: userPrivateKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, userAddress);
const { publicKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, userAddress);
userPublicKey = publicKey;
const {
privateKey: senderPrivateKey,
} = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, senderAddress);
const { privateKey: signerPrivateKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, signerAddress);
const signerKeyPair = getKeyPairFromPrivateKey(signerPrivateKey);
const { privateKey: signerPrivateKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(keyDeriver, network, state, verifySignerAddress);
const { privateKey: senderPrivateKey, publicKey } = await getKeysFromAddress(
Explicitly check for the null
or {}
case. Consider returning {}
to not allow unpacking followed by an explicit null check.
4.8 RPC starkNet_getStoredTransactions
- Lax or Missing Input Validation Minor Won't Fix
Won’t fix. The client provided the following statement:
not fix, minor impact
We want to note that strict input validation should be performed on all untrusted inputs for read/write and read-only methods. Just because the method is read-only now does not necessarily mean it will stay that way. Leaving untrusted inputs unchecked may lead to more severe security vulnerabilities with a growing codebase in the future.
Potentially untrusted inputs, e.g. addresses received via RPC calls, are not always checked to conform to the StarkNet address format. For example, requestParamsObj.senderAddress
is never checked to be a valid StarkNet address.
const transactions = getTransactions(
This method is read-only, and therefore, severity is estimated as Minor. However, it is always suggested to perform strict input validation on all user-provided inputs for read-only and read-write methods.
4.9 Disable Debug Log for Production Build Minor ✓ Fixed
Addressed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a by introducing a configurable logger. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
- add custom logger to replace console.log, and log message base on debug level, when debug level is off, it will not log anything
- update production CICD pipeline to build project with debug level = off/disabled
There’re still some instances of console.log()
. However, internal state or full requests are not logged anymore. We would still recommend replacing the remaining console.log
calls (e.g. the one in addERC20Token).
Throughout the codebase, there are various places where debug log output is being printed to the console. This should be avoided for production builds.
// Switch statement for methods not requiring state to speed things up a bit
console.log(origin, request);
console.log(`${request.method}:\nrequestParams: ${JSON.stringify(requestParams)}`);
console.log(`Snap State:\n${JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)}`);
Remove the debug output or create a custom log method that allows to enable/disable logging to console.
4.10 package.json - Dependecy Mixup Minor ✓ Fixed
Fixed with Consensys/starknet-snap@7231bb7fa4671283b2e7b4cbf5a519d56a57697a as per recommendation. Additionally, the client provided the following statement:
Move development dependencies to package.json::devDependencies
The following dependencies are only used for testing or development purposes and should therefore be listed as devDependencies
in package.json
, otherwise they may be installed for production builds, too.
"chai": "^4.3.6",
"sinon": "^13.0.2",
"sinon-chai": "^3.7.0",
Move development dependencies to package.json::devDependencies
4.11 package.json - Invalid License Minor ✓ Invalid
Invalid. Legal clarified that it is perfectly fine to allow MIT+Apache2. Additionally, client provided the following statement:
not fix, choose to stick with dual license
The license field in package.json
is invalid.
"license": "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT)",
Update the license field.
4.12 RPC starkNet_extractPrivateKey
- Should Be Renamed to starkNet_displayPrivateKey
Won't Fix
Won’t Fix. The client provided the following statement:
not fix, the extractPrivateKey is not for display purpose
We want to note that we still encourage changing the method name and return value to explicitly return null
in the RPC handler for the sake of good secure coding practices discouraging future devs to return implementing key extraction RPC endpoints that may expose wallet credentials to a linked dapp.
It is recommended to rename starkNet_extractPrivateKey
to starkNet_displayPrivateKey
as this more accurately describes what the RPC method is doing.
Also, the way the method handler is implemented makes it appear as if it returns the private key to the RPC origin while the submethod returns null
. Consider changing this to an explicit empty return
to clearly mark in the outer call that no private key is exposed to the caller. Not to confuse this with how starkNet_extractPublicKey
works which actually returns the pubkey to the RPC caller.
case 'starkNet_extractPrivateKey':
apiParams.keyDeriver = await getAddressKeyDeriver(snap);
return extractPrivateKey(apiParams);
4.13 UI/hooks - detectEthereumProvider()
Should Require mustBeMetaMask
Won't Fix
Won’t Fix. The client provided the following statement:
not fix, minor impact
MetaMask Snaps require a Metamask provider. However, detectEthereumProvider()
does not explicitly require a MetaMask provider and would continue if the alternative provider contains the substring flask
in their signature.
const detectMetamaskFlask = async () => {
try {
const provider = (await detectEthereumProvider({
mustBeMetaMask: false,
silent: true,
})) as any | undefined;
const isFlask = (await provider?.request({ method: 'web3_clientVersion' }))?.includes('flask');
if (provider && isFlask) {
return true;
Consider requiring mustBeMetaMask = true
to enforce that the injected provider is indeed MetaMask. This will also work with MetaMask Flask as shown here:
β window.ethereum.isMetaMask
β await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'web3_clientVersion' })
4.14 RPC starkNet_addNetwork
- Not Implemented, No User Confirmation Won't Fix
Won’t Fix. The client provided the following statement:
not fix, minor impact
It was observed that the RPC method starkNet_addNetwork
is not implemented.
In case this method is to be exposed to dapps, we recommended to follow the advise given in issue to ask for user confirmation when adjusting the snaps configuration state.
Appendix 1 - Files in Scope
# | Total | Code | Comment | ToDo | Name | Sha1 |
1 | 48 | 41 | src/addErc20Token.ts | aee1b126f61f99befc73974f6eb1568a44036679 | ||
2 | 28 | 24 | src/addNetwork.ts | 17cb8e1ecf264dadc8d011c25a92090e546166a8 | ||
3 | 163 | 149 | 1 | src/createAccount.ts | 6b0909c362674c349e6c6b9769ee6cdea5b01713 | |
4 | 54 | 48 | src/estimateAccountDeployFee.ts | 5f30f28d0490edab6a8382338d5fe2d339eaac6d | ||
5 | 127 | 111 | 3 | src/estimateFee.ts | 0cfdbfbef81cc5c6cce72151aecf34a803cfa795 | |
6 | 53 | 46 | src/extractPrivateKey.ts | 98c94715bc17cb4bbadd8c38e08bc08c719e27c3 | ||
7 | 44 | 37 | src/extractPublicKey.ts | 688c5c52bab89b0b22a69f6cfce89bfa59cbd5b3 | ||
8 | 46 | 37 | 1 | src/getErc20TokenBalance.ts | 37d3734bfbfd886db497f11e98c95359679cb4c3 | |
9 | 18 | 15 | src/getStoredErc20Tokens.ts | 8aa92a309746084f0185b6e476b5f38cd472e890 | ||
10 | 16 | 13 | src/getStoredNetworks.ts | b15c50d24a57b711c39977a11625c0e089c07783 | ||
11 | 34 | 30 | 1 | src/getStoredTransactions.ts | d8d7053e9b49cbc71e18658632a66cde4bb10706 | |
12 | 22 | 17 | 1 | src/getStoredUserAccounts.ts | 15b946222bee92227f89907f7794a13e02d9807d | |
13 | 21 | 17 | src/getTransactionStatus.ts | c29cdf498cf328f36f49ba50c73e0c471137963c | ||
14 | 141 | 118 | 10 | src/getTransactions.ts | ad6a70311ac385268de7aad69b46d5e86a72b33e | |
15 | 44 | 37 | src/getValue.ts | f3035b134c504fb0279ccd2ae8a7e70b5edb3aa4 | ||
16 | 186 | 154 | 3 | src/index.ts | c0da950dd27b239a93bc48ace593fbda06604085 | |
17 | 97 | 82 | src/recoverAccounts.ts | b213e16d99cdb178550c9deba28f523c792fac01 | ||
18 | 142 | 126 | 2 | src/sendTransaction.ts | 30439541fd07c87a76a1f254d2ddf4c430db1a3f | |
19 | 54 | 46 | src/signMessage.ts | 37fbf18730c4a7f93446ad0a0ea638f8f02ec836 | ||
20 | 143 | 118 | 3 | src/types/snapApi.ts | a94956047e420b64926df78c313031cbb9982e0c | |
21 | 71 | 63 | 15 | src/types/snapState.ts | 21eacb5fb3c257e1096f95f0b055a208614244cb | |
22 | 162 | 141 | 23 | src/utils/constants.ts | f4a91bc93aca2f33628efbd9cfb37567fe5bc034 | |
23 | 57 | 46 | 4 | src/utils/keyPair.ts | b204d7157b3f7ba10889901b6441b68fde4eba14 | |
24 | 531 | 473 | 2 | src/utils/snapUtils.ts | 6b371d0d7af027bcc9a83fcd42f1756d25f13853 | |
25 | 508 | 450 | 24 | src/utils/starknetUtils.ts | 78c9f02da21bd3137aa220290aeff4ddc6a80fb7 | |
26 | 54 | 46 | src/verifySignedMessage.ts | 7259f7b8d33b2e05acbbc23d9986d58d3e52a548 | ||
===== | ===== | ===== | ===== | ===== | ||
Ξ£ | 2864 | 2485 | 93 | 0 |
Appendix 2 - Disclosure
ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.
The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.
PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.
CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.
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TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.