Argent Account & Argent Multisig Starknet Transaction V3 Updates

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with Argent to review updates in Argent Account and Argent Multisig for Starknet Transaction v3.

The review was conducted from January 15–23, 2024, by George Kobakhidze and Heiko Fisch. A total of 14 person-days were spent. Due to Argent’s time constraints regarding the release, potential findings were reported informally during the first week of the engagement, with the client implementing fixes and improvements as discussed. At the end of the week, we reviewed these changes and finished the assessment. The report was compiled in the first half of the following week.

Argent is a provider of wallets in the Ethereum ecosystem, including its L2s. This audit focused on their smart contract wallet offering for Starknet, Argent Account (v0.3.1), and their multisig, Argent Multisig (v0.1.1), as well as the auxiliary libraries used for these. Starknet recently introduced the new transaction version 3, which Argent wanted to support. We had already reviewed an earlier version of the Argent Account and Multisig for Starknet, and it was our pleasure to work with Argent again to review the changes that were made to support the new Starknet transactions, along with a few smaller improvements that had become possible due to new releases of the Cairo language.

As last time, we found the code exceptionally well-written, -documented, and extensively tested. All our findings, as detailed in Section 4, have been fixed in the final version we considered in this audit with the commit hash 3b5e45cf28113f7389a716ef9faabfbd79ce45f9.

Users of Argent Account should be aware that the time window to react to a malicious Guardian’s takeover attempt is only one week and should take appropriate precautions.

2 Scope

We reviewed the client’s repository at the commit hash cb01c6a3c8f343ef195ebb7094361b674fe43a37. All findings that we identified have been fixed in the version with commit hash 3b5e45cf28113f7389a716ef9faabfbd79ce45f9. Only Cairo files – and most of them – have been in scope for this audit; a detailed list, together with their SHA-1 hashes in the initial and final version considered in this engagement, can be found in the Appendix. Naturally, we focused on the changes that have been introduced since our last review.

3 System Overview

Since the primary focus of this review was the changes introduced with new functionality available in Starknet and Cairo, they will be discussed first.

3.1 Transaction V3

The main anticipated change with this update is the support for v3 transactions. As can be found in Starknet documentation and the relevant SNIP-8, this new transaction type will allow users to utilize STRK as the gas token for transaction fees. As a result, some changes had to be made to Argent smart contracts, specifically in the functions validating invoking, deploying, and declaring transactions.

Additionally, since Argent accounts have Guardian addresses that can spend a limited amount of funds for transaction fees without approval of the owner during escapes, new logic had to be introduced to limit that for v3 transactions as well. Namely, v3 transactions introduce concepts such as max_price_per_unit and max_amount for L1 and L2 gas separately, as well as a tip for L2 gas, whereas v1 transactions just have a singular value max_fee. Therefore, new limits are needed to restrict the amount of gas a malicious Guardian can spend with a v3 transaction.

3.2 New Cairo Starknet Contract Functionalities

Along with new transaction types, Cairo Starknet contracts can now utilize new features that allow for a better developer experience. These include:

  • Usage of selector!. This allows for easier access to a starknet_keccak of a string where needed, such as when computing selectors of functions and hashes for signature data.
  • Usage of events. With this new version, events can now be emitted from a contract with a simple self.emit, as opposed to calling them like a function as in previous versions.
  • Usage of self. Now smart contracts may utilize a special keyword called self that allows for easier access for a contract to interact with its internal functions, state variables, events, and more.

3.3 General System Overview

The rest of the system functionality outside of the changes remains the same as in the last version; a description may be found in our previous audit report here.

4 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

4.1 Lack of Fee Limits for V3 Transactions Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR-266 by introducing limits on the v3 transaction fees through two separate maximums:

  • MAX_ESCAPE_TIP_STRK = 1 STRK which limits the result of multiplying tip * L2_GAS.max_amount.
  • MAX_ESCAPE_MAX_FEE_STRK = 50 STRK which limits the sum of all of the following:
    • L1_GAS.max_price_per_unit * L1_GAS.max_amount,
    • L2_GAS.max_price_per_unit * L2_GAS.max_amount,
    • tip * L2_GAS.max_amount, the tip described above.


Starknet transactions have fields to specify the maximum amount of fees the sequencer may take. For v1 transactions, this is just one field with the name max_fee and unit WEI (i.e., 10^{-18} ETH). For the newly introduced v3 transactions, the situation is a bit more complicated. First of all, there are two types of fees: L1_GAS and L2_GAS. The former is needed to cover the gas costs on L1 that the transaction produces, the second is supposed to cover the L2 costs and will be utilized in the upcoming fee market. For each of these two fee types, a transaction specifies the max_amount and the max_price_per_unit. In addition to that, there is also a tip field to help facilitate the market. It is noteworthy that the max_price_per_unit fields – even for L1_GAS – and the tip will be specified in 10^{-18} STRK/gas. Another point worth highlighting is that, as Starknet has built-in account abstraction, the fee for a transaction is paid by the account.

Currently, the only sequencer is operated by StarkWare and charges a fair price for the L1 costs. (And L2 fees are not being collected yet.) Hence, even if a transaction specifies a very high fee limit, the sequencer takes only what is really needed and not everything that the transaction limit(s) would allow. For the sake of brevity, let us call such a sequencer “nice”. In a more decentralized Starknet future, there will probably be more sequencers, and they may not necessarily be nice, meaning they may take more in fees than what the L1 costs demand of them. Also, it is not impossible that the rules for the StarkWare sequencer change at some point in the future (although it seems reasonable to assume that this would be properly announced). But – to summarize this discussion – currently there is only sequencer, and it is nice. The attack we describe below requires a “non-nice” sequencer – and, as we will explain shortly, a malicious Guardian – and is therefore, at the time of writing this report, not feasible, even assuming the Guardian acts with malice.

As explained in more detail in the System Overview of our previous report, there is an escape mechanism which (1) allows users to reclaim control of their account if the Guardian fails to cooperate and (2) allows Guardians to assign a new owner if the original owner lost access to their key. Crucially and unlike other account activities, escape-related actions require only a single signer. Hence, a general attack scenario that the account should implement protective measures against is a malicious Guardian trying to drain the account by signing an escape transaction with an excessive fee limit. A similar situation arises if, instead of the Guardian being malicious, a third party comes into possession of the owner’s private key, but to keep the discussion more concise, we’ll consider this subsumed under “malicious Guardian.” As mentioned above, such an attack is not possible with a nice sequencer, but – ideally – the account contract should not rely on that.

Examining the relevant code, we see that the fee restriction logic for v1 transactions – which is known from earlier versions of the contract – is still present:


/// Limits fee in escapes
const MAX_ESCAPE_MAX_FEE: u128 = 50000000000000000; // 0.05 ETH


} else if tx_info.version == TX_V1 || tx_info.version == TX_V1_ESTIMATE {
    // other fields not available on V1
    assert(tx_info.max_fee <= MAX_ESCAPE_MAX_FEE, 'argent/max-fee-too-high');

And there is a limit on the total tip, i.e., tip * L2_GAS.max_amount, for v3 transactions:


/// Limits tip in escapes
const MAX_ESCAPE_TIP: u128 = 1_000000000000000000; // 1 STRK


// Limit the maximum tip while escaping (max_fee returns 0 on TX_V3)
let max_l2_gas: u64 = loop {
    match tx_info.resource_bounds.pop_front() {
        Option::Some(r) => { if *r.resource == 'L2_GAS' {
            break *r.max_amount;
        } },
        Option::None => {
            // L2_GAS not found
            break 0;
let max_tip = tx_info.tip * max_l2_gas.into();
assert(max_tip <= MAX_ESCAPE_TIP, 'argent/tip-too-high');

However, no limit is imposed on the amount of STRK for L1_GAS or L2_GAS. Regarding L1_GAS, this means that a malicious Guardian could specify an excessive max_price_per_unit in an escape transaction and – with the help of a non-nice sequencer – drain the account’s entire STRK balance. Since the sequencer can pocket the difference between max_price_per_unit and what is really needed on L1, it is also conceivable that the two parties collude for an attack.

For L2_GAS, the situation is more difficult to assess because the fee market has not been implemented yet. It is very well possible that the “base fee” will be set by the network – similar to the base fee on Ethereum, see EIP-1559. In this case, constraining only the tip, as is currently the case, would be sufficient to prevent the L2_GAS part of this kind of attack, as long as one is comfortable with risking to pay any fee the market demands. Nevertheless, as the details of the L2 fee mechanism have not yet been specified, we advise caution.


For both L1_GAS and L2_GAS, the amount of STRK that can be spent on fees should be limited, similar to the limit on max_fee for v1 transactions. There are several different – and equally viable – ways to do this: separately for L1_GAS and L2_GAS or together; including the tip in a (higher) limit or handling it separately.

One aspect of the L2 fees that has, to the best of our knowledge, not been decided yet is whether the tip will be considered part of the max_price_per_unit (similar to EIP-1559) or if it can be on top of that. Hence, to be on the safe side, the latter should be considered possible, and the tip should not be left unconstrained.

4.2 Newer Cairo Version Available Minor ✓ Fixed


When we informed the client about this, we learned that they had already updated the Cairo version on the development branch to 2.4.3 (commit 72c14f0), so they were aware of this.


The Cairo version used in the commit hash specified for the audit is 2.4.0. Cairo receives updates in quick succession, and, at the time of conducting the review, newer versions are available. Version 2.4.1, in particular, comes with some bug fixes.


We recommend utilizing the latest available Cairo version or at least a version without known bugs.

4.3 Discrepancy Between Actual OUTSIDE_EXECUTION_TYPE_HASH and Comments Minor ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR-266 by adjusting the comments, removing the OutsideCall struct, and using selector!() to directly calculate the OUTSIDE_EXECUTION_TYPE_HASH instead of using a hardcoded constant.


In the outside_execution.cairo file, we have a hardcoded value const OUTSIDE_EXECUTION_TYPE_HASH: felt252 = 0x11ff76fe3f640fa6f3d60bbd94a3b9d47141a2c96f87fdcfbeb2af1d03f7050. The comment above it indicates that to derive it, we need to use the hash H('OutsideExecution(caller:felt,nonce:felt,execute_after:felt,execute_before:felt,calls_len:felt,calls:Call*)'), where “H” would be the starknet_keccak (which is confirmed with other values):


// H('OutsideExecution(caller:felt,nonce:felt,execute_after:felt,execute_before:felt,calls_len:felt,calls:Call*)')
const OUTSIDE_EXECUTION_TYPE_HASH: felt252 = 0x11ff76fe3f640fa6f3d60bbd94a3b9d47141a2c96f87fdcfbeb2af1d03f7050;

However, doing the above hash results in the value 0x28df6ab27eb241200f2ba2177e1ad2c81bd92b71bfd8b8fa40ced4d3b55d66d. If we add the Call struct to the string as well, we get 'OutsideExecution(caller:felt,nonce:felt,execute_after:felt,execute_before:felt,calls_len:felt,calls:Call*)Call(to:felt,selector:felt,calldata_len:felt,calldata:felt*)', which when hashed yields 0x2838a3633cc7cd97bbf5b9f800d77b6d891154b8abdf6f41132c40e5a9ace2c that also doesn’t match.

Finally, if we observe the function hash_outside_execution, we can see that it computes the selector with the string 'OutsideExecution(caller:felt,nonce:felt,execute_after:felt,execute_before:felt,calls_len:felt,calls:OutsideCall*)OutsideCall(to:felt,selector:felt,calldata_len:felt,calldata:felt*)':



If we take this string and hash it, we indeed get 0x11ff76fe3f640fa6f3d60bbd94a3b9d47141a2c96f87fdcfbeb2af1d03f7050. However, this does ask for OutsideCall in the OutsideExecution struct, whereas the code may suggest it should be just Call.


While there is no real impact as the hash constant is the correct one, it would be beneficial to get the comments and the code in sync with the intended values.

4.4 Self-Written Versions of get_execution_info and get_tx_info ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR-266 by using the get_execution_info and get_tx_info functions from the starknet package.


Functions that retrieve the execution and transaction information have been implemented in transaction_version.cairo:


fn get_execution_info() -> Box<starknet::info::v2::ExecutionInfo> {

fn get_tx_info() -> Box<starknet::info::v2::TxInfo> {

However, the same functionality is provided by the starknet package, which is used anyway.


Although there is no difference in behavior, we recommend utilizing the functions from Cairo’s starknet package. The self-written versions can then be removed from transaction_version.cairo.

4.5 __validate_deploy__ Function Doesn’t Have Its Own Transaction Version Check ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR-266 by decoupling the transaction checks through the introduction of assert_correct_deploy_account_version() check.


In the current version of Starknet, accounts have required functions that validate specific types of transactions, such as INVOKE, DECLARE, and DEPLOY_ACCOUNT, as seen here.

In argent_account.cairo there are indeed those functions, where it is also checked that the transaction going through those functions is compliant with specific transaction parameters:


fn __validate__(ref self: ContractState, calls: Array<Call>) -> felt252 {
    let tx_info = get_tx_info().unbox();


fn __validate_declare__(self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252) -> felt252 {
    let tx_info = get_tx_info().unbox();


fn __validate_deploy__(
    self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252, contract_address_salt: felt252, owner: felt252, guardian: felt252
) -> felt252 {
    let tx_info = get_tx_info().unbox();

The checks:


fn assert_correct_invoke_version(tx_version: felt252) {
        tx_version == TX_V3 || tx_version == TX_V1 || tx_version == TX_V3_ESTIMATE || tx_version == TX_V1_ESTIMATE,

fn assert_correct_declare_version(tx_version: felt252) {
        tx_version == TX_V3 || tx_version == TX_V2 || tx_version == TX_V3_ESTIMATE || tx_version == TX_V2_ESTIMATE,

However, while __validate__ and __validate_declare__ have their own transaction check, namely assert_correct_invoke_version and assert_correct_declare_version, __validate_deploy__ reuses the same check as the INVOKE transaction – assert_correct_invoke_version.


While that is technically fine (although the documentation isn’t consistent in all places about this) as it indeed does support v3 and v1 transactions, it would be beneficial to have a separate check just for the DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transactions for better maintainability of the codebase.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File SHA-1 hash in initial version (cb01c6a) SHA-1 hash in final version (3b5e45c)
src/account/argent_account.cairo 6a6ff6fcea1c8886bb7fea8bd5c86b9636dbbe27 d04bd21dbe98b492c8942e52c4a03270288599d9
src/account/escape.cairo 712bbc5ab869e52a0dd8a8fb12648b1c205b219a 712bbc5ab869e52a0dd8a8fb12648b1c205b219a
src/account/interface.cairo c99207364b2db53c102039e082ce6ea6b7680d71 c99207364b2db53c102039e082ce6ea6b7680d71
src/common/account.cairo b789ff06b8c72637bcd3a7564ab2c98a348f2a9d b789ff06b8c72637bcd3a7564ab2c98a348f2a9d
src/common/array_ext.cairo f89e6a0a3c2eb4f10f38581b27ee533206787499 f89e6a0a3c2eb4f10f38581b27ee533206787499
src/common/asserts.cairo a14088bab4704ac039234391c51f32fb3b22ceee a14088bab4704ac039234391c51f32fb3b22ceee
src/common/calls.cairo 9e87de8b777550a42597e670f09a1928c0fff663 9e87de8b777550a42597e670f09a1928c0fff663
src/common/erc165.cairo a16e4692ea9367b5b1ad768fd23518c144d227bd a16e4692ea9367b5b1ad768fd23518c144d227bd
src/common/outside_execution.cairo 8f2bca22d117b94ac53e5519b9615d320caa0965 666b40d3dd035d5e1df6515eb994ace9a5a822e6
src/common/transaction_version.cairo 104db449a6b4705d31f2ee94bef708cae14c56f0 8b0d320ed245d7b176d7e08b702f20d63e8605b1
src/common/upgrade.cairo 575f17add2ef5d9a1dd21bfc3d129bf15ecd5216 575f17add2ef5d9a1dd21bfc3d129bf15ecd5216
src/common/version.cairo 673665ed1a78a5f7f2508bf0b5dfbc1c739082b6 673665ed1a78a5f7f2508bf0b5dfbc1c739082b6
src/multisig/argent_multisig.cairo 9d0e563882c1668fea1e021f3e18d41f7a3e5740 a67b25a848f469aa9b76f4aa9fddb0daacc2fb13
src/multisig/interface.cairo 7ee3f16ed71bc264e3cc84a7baf05854ae049ded 7ee3f16ed71bc264e3cc84a7baf05854ae049ded
src/multisig/signer_signature.cairo e30651ba51289e1aeaed0ed8a6608a874ba7979d e30651ba51289e1aeaed0ed8a6608a874ba7979d

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.

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A.2.1 Purpose of Reports

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