Metamask Delegation Framework

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with MetaMask to review Metamask Delegation Framework.

The review was conducted over two weeks, from August 19, 2024 to August 30, 2024, by Rai Yang and François Legué. A total of 20 person-days were spent.

The review focused on the updates implemented since last audit (commit hash ee9f363e1128c7ef214f36e08dc0ce0b1069ef26).

The main updates include:

  • The refactor of the delegation manager to support delegation batching
  • The ERC 7579 execution support.
  • New caveat enforcers: ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer.sol, NativeBalanceGteEnforcer.sol, NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer.sol, NativeTokenTransferAmountEnforcer.sol, RedeemerEnforcer.sol.

2 Scope

Our review focused on the commit hash b68ce99e9a545e3899e1c3634a837f3460c32370. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix.

2.1 Objectives

Together with the MetaMask/delegation-framework team, we identified the following priorities for our review:

  1. Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
  2. Identify known vulnerabilities particular to smart contract systems, as outlined in our Smart Contract Best Practices, and the Smart Contract Weakness Classification Registry.

3 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

3.1 Open Delegations Combined With NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer Are Not Protected Against Front-Running Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR16.

ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer enforcer terms contain the delegation hash and the redeemer. This prevents an external actor from front-running the payment when executing a delegation.


The NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer is an enforcer that, combined with a delegation D1, ensures a delegate pays to redeem D1. The delegate that redeems the delegation D1 must include in the arguments of this enforcer a delegation D2 to the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer itself. It will give the right to the enforcer to pull the amount specified in the first place in the terms of the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer to exercise the delegation D1.

To prevent front-running and the use of the second delegation D2 by a malicious actor who inspects the mempool, the usage of the ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer enforcer is recommended with terms being the delegationHash of the first delegation D1. This will ensure that the delegation that is being paid for with the delegation D2 is the delegation D1. While this works well when the delegation D1 is restricted to a specific delegate, it is not sufficient in the case of open delegations.

The Delegator framework offers the possibility to create an open delegation. The purpose of an open delegation is that it can be redeemed by anyone.

The problem is that the computed delegationHash, is based on the fields of the delegation structure and the enforcers terms. However, in case of an open delegation, the delegate field will contain the same value (ANY_DELEGATE) regardless of who is currently redeeming the delegation.

The DelegationManager contract will accept the redeem from anyone when the delegation delegate field is ANY_DELEGATE.


if (delegations_[0].delegate != msg.sender && delegations_[0].delegate != ANY_DELEGATE) {

In such a scenario, anyone using D1 would share the same delegationHash in the arguments. Consequently, someone could watch the mempool and front-run a legitimate redeem by leveraging the delegation D2. The attacker would be able to execute his own action with the delegation D1 but use the delegation D2 (which was generated by someone else) to pay the right to exercise it.


Ensure that the consumer of the delegation D2 (also known as immediate delegator) is the current redeemer of the delegation D1. This could be done using the redeemer parameter of the afterHook function of the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer enforcer.

3.2 Front-Running in NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR16.

ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer is now enforced when using NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer. Its terms contain the delegation hash and the redeemer. This prevents an external actor from front-running the payment when executing a delegation.


In NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer, the redeemer must include a payment delegation to pay the delegator to execute an execution. The payment delegation can be created by the redeemer or some other contract or account in behave of the redeemer(e.g. redeemer’s smart account). However, this setup introduces a vulnerability where another redeemer can front-run the original redeemer by capturing and utilizing the same payment delegation specified in the _args parameter of the afterHook function in the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer. In such cases, the payment would still be covered by the original redeemer or its root delegator.

To prevent front-running, it is recommended to use the ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer to ensure that the redemption can only be executed by the original redeemer and the delegation is not open (delegate != ANY_DELEGATE), this is done by validating the delegation hash (_delegationHash), which is derived from the redeemed delegation. However the use of ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer is currently optional within the payment delegation, not mandatory. Furthermore, even it’s enforced, the vulnerability remains when the delegation is open (issue 3.1) . In this scenario, the _delegationHash would be identical for any redeemer, which fails to prevent front-running effectively.



Delegation[] memory delegations_ = abi.decode(_args, (Delegation[]));

// Assign the delegation hash as the args to the args equality enforcer.
for (uint256 x = 0; x < delegations_.length; ++x) {
    Delegation memory delegation_ = delegations_[x];
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < delegation_.caveats.length; ++i) {
        if (delegation_.caveats[i].enforcer == argsEqualityCheckEnforcer) {
            delegation_.caveats[i].args = abi.encodePacked(_delegationHash);

bytes[] memory permissionContexts_ = new bytes[](1);
permissionContexts_[0] = abi.encode(delegations_);

bytes[] memory executionCallDatas_ = new bytes[](1);
executionCallDatas_[0] = ExecutionLib.encodeSingle(recipient_, amount_, hex"");

ModeCode[] memory encodedModes_ = new ModeCode[](1);
encodedModes_[0] = ModeLib.encodeSimpleSingle();

uint256 balanceBefore_ = recipient_.balance;

// Attempt to redeem the delegation and make the payment
delegationManager.redeemDelegations(permissionContexts_, encodedModes_, executionCallDatas_);


In function afterHook add a require statement to check whether the immediate delegator (delegation_[0].delegator) of the payment delegation is equal to the redeemer (_redeemer ).

3.3 Discrepancies Between the ERC-7579 Draft Standard and Delegator’s Implementation Minor ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR16.

The documentation now mentions what parts of the standard have been implemented and what aspects were excluded.


The standard ERC-7579 outlines the minimal required interfaces and behavior for modular smart accounts to ensure interoperability across implementations. However, It should be noted that this ERC is currently in draft status and may be prone to changes until it reaches the final version.

The current Delegator implementation contains discrepancies with the ERC-7579 draft. Here is a list of identified discrepancies:

  • the account must implement the account config interface which is composed of the following functions:

    • accountId(): helps to identify the current account;
    • supportsExecutionMode(): helps to determine which execution mode is supported;
    • supportsModule(): helps to know which module is supported.
  • the account must implement the module config interface which is composed of the following functions:

    • installModule(): installs a new module;
    • uninstallModule(): uninstalls a module;
    • isModuleInstalled: helps to know if a module is installed.
  • Each component must implement the module interface which is composed of the following functions:

    • onInstall(): callback executed by the smart contract account on installation;
    • onUninstall(): callback executed by the smart contract account on uninstallation;
    • isModuleType(): helps to determine the type of the current module;
  • The standard separate modules into the different types:

    • Validation (type: 1): The signature validation function implemented in HybridDeleGator and MultiSigDelegator must be in modules of Validation type;
    • Execution (type: 2): DelegateManagercontract must be registered as a module of type Execution because it is the contract that can execute transactions on behalf of the smart account via a callback.
    • Fallback (type: 3);
    • Hooks (type: 4): Enforcers contracts must be registered as modules of type hooks.
  • The hooks in ERC-7579 standard are the equivalent of enforcers in the Delegator’s codebase. To comply with the naming convention of the standard, the functions must be respectively changed from beforeHook and afterHook to preCheck and postCheck


Modify the current architecture and/or implement the missing features to comply with the ERC-7579 standard. However, as the standard is in draft status, it may change until its final version.

3.4 The NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer Enforcer May Change the Final State in Contradiction With Other Enforcers Minor ✓ Fixed


Fixed in PR16.

The documentation now details how the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer works and warns about its potential side effects.


The NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer is an enforcer that, combined with a delegation, ensures a delegate pays to redeem it. This enforcer relies on a second delegation that gives the right (to the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer enforcer) to pull the necessary amount to pay to exercise the first delegation. This is done through another call to the redeemDelegation with a specifically crafted executionCallData that will call the recipient sending the funds.


executionCallDatas_[0] = ExecutionLib.encodeSingle(recipient_, amount_, hex"");

When this inner delegation is redeemed, a callback to the recipient is performed. During this callback, the recipient gains execution control flow and can perform arbitrary calls that can change the final state of the transaction.

It is to be kept in mind that this callback could contradict the restrictions put in place with the enforcers of the first delegation but after the executions of the afterHook of these ones.


A strong warning should be mentioned for the NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer enforcer that the payment gives potential code execution to the recipient and that it could completely change the final state of the transaction.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File SHA-1 hash
src/DeleGatorCore.sol 5aa88f81ecdf7584ca0934bc39809b2969fd3886
src/DelegationManager.sol b8b1c17ff7d3c2e1e47fd7e461e778d0ad17cf09
src/HybridDeleGator.sol 8f12327f9c8e41c2f160459095affbd647ffff86
src/MultiSigDeleGator.sol 19b677d316285c78cefb13dd2cd08c3b708dcccd
src/enforcers/AllowedCalldataEnforcer.sol 2f72c6914706ea0fa846a0a664dfe2da7b29bcb6
src/enforcers/AllowedMethodsEnforcer.sol cee4d9e021108918d6eb6ba436118f5d4e4f51ac
src/enforcers/AllowedTargetsEnforcer.sol 84c621ee778d0d66aa63952224f91a6a818367d2
src/enforcers/ArgsEqualityCheckEnforcer.sol f53222364165890ac0d540ef9fcf058f02aee3f9
src/enforcers/BlockNumberEnforcer.sol 0bce813009249b92502840dbc4b93e21cb5fe988
src/enforcers/CaveatEnforcer.sol 49b200dbbaaa14b34d6b0adced6f7183e23e1ef0
src/enforcers/DeployedEnforcer.sol d5c35230fe96ade72d0f7176c12759dc84f2edfa
src/enforcers/ERC20BalanceGteEnforcer.sol 581ef406e4dae732de3469b8b951599eac514578
src/enforcers/ERC20TransferAmountEnforcer.sol 31709de966f01b03eef00fcd23e013945a059ec3
src/enforcers/IdEnforcer.sol 8fc361f7dc8e60f4aeb94680e6baf297a062c78c
src/enforcers/LimitedCallsEnforcer.sol 157f32f206b5ef34abdb1ee8a54c15f3db8fefc9
src/enforcers/NativeBalanceGteEnforcer.sol e64513c8e2f11e57bc77f503d2fbd3d7bbe95568
src/enforcers/NativeTokenPaymentEnforcer.sol d1202ed7d87e70009edf82165d341e9ead629940
src/enforcers/NativeTokenTransferAmountEnforcer.sol 5e0fb9d00e71a3be917a09e60bf4c1cdd80a575b
src/enforcers/NonceEnforcer.sol 7deb2afd85df629cb02dcb7518d1eb05e61e080d
src/enforcers/RedeemerEnforcer.sol 6171a0434505cf50adb9912afd6a1503553b8c10
src/enforcers/TimestampEnforcer.sol c4884e1416d318bb9f8a6f21385e6fb87b821d8e
src/enforcers/ValueLteEnforcer.sol dcc1fa86b2d0d24cddee3b07daccf440f3e9512e
src/interfaces/ICaveatEnforcer.sol 6874e633d56fa166ec14eab87a656145c3c7dea4
src/interfaces/IDeleGatorCore.sol e308d7809f972e58251a3a9d2fb6789df714ee32
src/interfaces/IDelegationManager.sol 8947ef1d8099a0ac5bd21793eb8bcf470ee06a14
src/interfaces/IERC173.sol 98840c9d3b5f5d090fdd45707a42bb99f206bfe8
src/libraries/ERC1271Lib.sol 227e93f2944c118ec6af8c720d388117b557a704
src/libraries/EncoderLib.sol 445bb6ed8377e48e13b9d96043785ee3665a542f
src/libraries/P256FCLVerifierLib.sol 53cef8bc609642ce6af3802112b88a6317537374
src/libraries/P256VerifierLib.sol 08a58e2610c01054a30d48ee7c4c49b73c3f8454
src/libraries/WebAuthn.sol 00c200ce9094677eda4342ccc4429b9d8143a5ab
src/libraries/utils/Base64URL.sol 16a170f5ade38bc457c265d8804c27cb2865215c
src/utils/Constants.sol 593a1a250e824b5b322f0c259bcf9ca3a013aaec
src/utils/SimpleFactory.sol 8bbb90b2b4c778a6d244b867e13bc970a89c9717
src/utils/Types.sol c54fcebbbba459ae01dd87c1f9302bcede196988

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any third party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any third party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

A.2.1 Purpose of Reports

The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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